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Lev Vygotsky 1

Lev Vygotsky
Abigail J. Griffith
Ivy Tech Community College

Lev Vygotsky 2

This paper is written to better explain the life and theory of Lev Vygotsky. Topics covered in this
paper are his biography and sociocultural theory. It also talks about how his theory is used in
schools today and for what ages. Finally it ends with an opinion of Vygotskys sociocultural
Lev Vygotsky
Lev Vygotsky is the father of the sociocultural theory. He is remembered for his work as an
educator and in the field of psychology. Not much is known about his personal life because of his
own country. Knowing he was under scrutiny by the KGB, Vygotsky left little personal
information. Guillermo Blanck was allowed by Vygotskys daughter, Gita, to investigate what
personal information her father left behind. It was contained in one shoebox in her closet, and no
new biographical data emerged (Pass).
We do know some facts though. He was born in western Russia in 1896. He started his life by
graduating from Moscow University with a degree in law. Later even though he didnt have any
training or a degree in that field he pursued a career in Psychology. Vygotsky got a job working
in the field of psychology and produced what became known as the Vygotskian approach to
Vygotsky also contributed in many other areas of educational psychology. He is credited with
making contributions to the fields of pedagogy, special education, aesthetics, linguistics, history,
neuropathology and neuropsychology (McQueen).

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A person who he communicated with about his works was a man named Jean Piaget. Piaget
like Vygotsky had developed his own theory, the Cognitive Developmental Theory. The two
would write each other and discuss their ideas. Vygotsky wrote Piaget that learning was a
socioculturalhistorical event and sent him a copy of his 1923 book. This exchange began a
series of personal communications that lasted until Stalin erected an Iron Curtain between East
and West (Pass).
In 1934 at the young age of thirty eight Vygotsky died of tuberculosis. Even after such a short
career his work is remembered today. Vygotsky is best known for being an educational
psychologist with a sociocultural theory (Gallagher). This wasnt the case while he was still
alive; even after his early death his ideas were rejected by the Russian government. Even though
his ideas were rejected his students still remembered and kept his ideas alive. It wasnt until the
year 1962 though that his ideas were published for the people to see.
Lev Vygotskys sociocultural theory is a theory that says a childs growth is greatly influenced
by their social interactions. Sociocultural theory is, Theoretical perspective that focuses on
childrens learning of tools, thinking processes, and communication systems through practice in
meaningful tasks with other people (McDevitt & Ormrod).
Vygotsky believed that there were three main ways that children develop. He believed they
developed through imitative learning, instructional learning and collaborative learning. With
imitative learning the child learns new things by seeing what others around them are doing.
When they are later in a situation they do what they have seen others do. When a child learns
through instructional learning they are learning new things by hearing what people tell them and
then putting it into effect. Finally with collaborative learning the child is not learning by

Lev Vygotsky 4

themselves they are learning new things as a group or with one another. They work together and
learn from each other.
These three ways of development are useful for all ages; from preschool ages to adolescent
ages; even to the adults of the world. All these areas are ones used in classrooms and education
today. For example Preschoolers start to develop by using imitative and collaborative learning.
At that age they are learning new things and imitating what people say and do. They are also
starting to learn how to work in groups with others. Older children learn through instructional
and collaborative learning. They learn by listening and learning what their teachers are saying.
They also work as a group with other students on projects and work. This helps them to learn
from each other and learn how to work as a team.
These three ways of learning also tie in with the three domains of child development. Those
three domains are cognitive, social-emotional, and physical. When they are using imitative,
instructional and collaborative learning the child uses their mind (cognitive) to better understand
what they are seeing. They also use the social-emotional domain which means their feelings and
how they respond what they learn to people. Finally they are being physical because they take
what they learn and put it into action.
I dont see any limitations about this theory regarding child development. I truly believe that
people are important in the life of a growing child. I guess the major problem comes in when the
wrong people are the ones that are influencing and teaching the children. Then the children arent
learning the right ways they need to grow and develop.
I find that when Im learning I study and think better when Im alone and its quiet. At the same
time I dont dislike being around people. When I dont get out of the house enough I miss being

Lev Vygotsky 5

around others. This is what I find interesting about the sociocultural theory. Its interesting how
we learn from others and we learn as a society. We need one another to grow and learn.
Growing up I was homeschooled. While this may be an idea thats changing Ive heard many
people say that when youre homeschooled then youre not as social. This is something I dont
agree with. Even though I didnt go to a school building every day and spend the day in a class
with ten to twenty children I still was social and grew and developed. I believe that Vygotskys
three ways of learning are important and I learned using each of those ways.
I learned through imitative learning. I saw how my family and friends dealt with different
situations and followed them. I learned along the way which were good characteristics to imitate
and which werent.
I learned through instructional learning. I didnt just learn from my parents. I was taught by
different teachers who taught me different subjects. By learning from a variety of people and
hearing different types of instruction it helped me to see how different people teach and their
methods of teaching their students.
Finally I learned through collaborative learning. I wasnt stuck at home twenty four seven. I
went out and went different places and met with people. I had activities I participated in and
friends I hung out with. There were places I went to learn a subject where we would be joined up
with other students and we had to work together.
As Vygotsky said I think that society and people play an important role in the growth of a
child. Still while I think that society plays an important role I believe that children act
independently as Jean Piaget says. Children learn from others but ultimately they decide what
they want to do and how they do it. They learn from others but they are the ones who make the

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choice to listen or imitate what those people are doing or which groups of people they join. I
think both of these ideas, Vygotskys and Jeans, play an important part in the growth and
development of children.

Lev Vygotsky 7

Works Cited
Gallagher, C. (1999, May). Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky. Retrieved from HISTORY OF
McDevitt, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2013). Child Development and Education. Pearson.
McQueen, K. (2010). Chasing Vygotskys Dogs: Retrieving Lev Vygotskys Philosophy for a
Workers Paradise. Studies in Philosophy & Education., 14.
Pass, S. (2007). When Constructivists Jean Piaget And Lev Vygotsky Were Pedagogical
Collaborators: A Viewpoint From A Study Of Their Communications. Journal of
Constructivist Psychology., 6.

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