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Bill Nowling 1 min Hi. I'm Bill and | am a Republican. (How this works is that you mumble, "Hi Bill"). | can't tell you how many times I've walked in to a voting booth and voted A. without even thinking. Is there such a thing as a Yellow Dog Republican? That's me. But | can't do that anymore. And, I didn't do that yesterday. | cannot sit by while the standard bearer for a political coalition is resurrecting the rhetoric and antics we haven't seen since Bismarck was chancellor of Germany -- and is thriving by doing so. | cannot wait for one of the other GOP candidates to rise up and mount a successful challenge to thwart the inevitability of Trump. Maybe if they at least tried, but they are too busy trying to be just like him as if he's found some secret sauce and now they, too, must have it. Pathetic, and sad, when we have dust off a twice also-ran like Romney to raise the alarm. | cannot wait for Republicans to get their shit together. | love America too much. That's why I felt the Bern yesterday and, for the first time in 25 years, voted for a Democrat for president. if there is anyone who can stop Trump -- and that is what this is about -- | believe that person who can do that is Sanders. This is an election where the narrative is as anti-establishmentarian as | have ever seen it. They only way to beat an anti-establishment candidate in an anti-establishment environment is with another anti-establishment candidate. HAC has no chance against the Donald. Sanders does. It's just that simple. Do | like lower taxes? Who doesn't. Am | skeptical of government's ability to achieve any good for people? Yes. Does HRC have more experience to be president? Surely. But to ensure the future of this Republic, | would gladly trade them all if it meant stopping Trump. @ Wow Comment Share

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