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Billy Hennessy

Dr. Ressler
EDN 322
First Day of School Routine
Day 1:

Introduction: Name, background, course background. 5 min.

After introduction has been made, place students into assigned seats so that
names can be learned more quickly (have this prepared before class). While
doing this, also take attendance. During attendance, make note of any
nicknames or pronunciations and preferred pronouns necessary so that this

information can be learned as quickly as possible. 5 min.

Begin an ice breaker activity, such as two truths and a lie. Demonstrate by
going first, then allow students a minute or so to prepare their responses.
This should be done as a whole class so that everyone can meet each other

and so that names can become more familiar. 8 min.

From here, distribute syllabus (general course guidelines, rules and
expectations, standard rules and procedures, any permission slips for movies,
etc. that are already known about should be attached) begin discussing
classroom rules. The syllabus should be displayed on an Elmo or as a Google
Doc so that students can follow along with their handouts and on the board.
For each of the five rules, students will be asked to provide examples of what
that would mean (For example: Respect Dont be texting while the teacher
is talking). These will be added to a large poster displaying the rules for the

class to reference. In addition to these, make sure students are aware of

school policies that they will need to keep in mind for the class, such as
tardies, late work, etc. Also discuss the other contents of the syllabus.
Discuss grading policies. Late work, expectations for daily assignments, bell
work, exit slips should all be covered, as well as breakdown of points. This will
include an explanation of the routines that the students will see each day and
an overview of the penalties for late work. It will also include a review of the
school handbook policies on these matters, as well as on the matters of other

important issues such as plagiarism/cheating. 30 min.

Closure: Reiterate excitement to get started, offer a preview of next day.
Inform students that there will generally be an exit slip on normal days to
check for student understanding of content taught that day. Allow students to
write any questions that they have on an exit slip to be turned in on their way
out. 3 min.

Day 2:

Bell ringer: As students walk in, a question will be displayed on the board,
asking students what they know about the course (any background with
content, any previous classes, particular interests?), and what they want to

learn about. 5 min.

Role call. Do this to practice names again, particularly difficult ones or

nicknames. 2 min.
Discuss bell ringer, brainstorm some topics that students are interested in.
Record these in a Google Doc so that they can be referenced throughout the

term. Utilize these for PAT. 15 min.

Distribute textbooks to students, have them fill out necessary paperwork. 8

Textbook scavenger hunt activity (Find major chapter titles, page numbers,
citation information, glossary, etc.) to allow students to become familiar with

their textbook and the concept of researching/reviewing sources. 15 min.

Closure: Exit Slip: After looking through the textbook, what else are you
excited to cover during our class? (Add anything new to the Google Doc).
Inform students that these are the types of things they will be writing about
in exit slips (Things learned during the period, questions). 3 min.

Day 3:

Bell ringer: What are three things I can do to work towards being successful

in this class? 5 min.

Discuss bell ringer. Also, during this time inform students that they will have
a bell ringer every day, and that they need to start working on it as soon as
they enter the classroom. This will give you time to complete attendance and
handle other administrative tasks. Also, inform them that administrative
announcements, as well as a preview of the day, will be discussed following
the bell ringer. Inform students that this was the last day that being late to
class would be accepted and that from here on out they will be marked tardy

if they are late without a pass. 5 min.

If necessary, familiarize students with areas of the school they may need to
access during the class period (department office work area, computer hubs,

library, etc.). 5-10 min.

Have students begin a web quest that will familiarize them with the themes
and concepts of the upcoming unit. Explain policies on class work and
working with partners again so that students are refreshed prior to starting
their first assignment. Allow them to work in partners. When they have

finished, distribute a calendar for the course agenda so that they have it as a

reference. 20 min.
Assign first homework assignment. Review homework policies and points.
Remind students that it needs to be turned in completed by the start of the
period the following day. Homework will be reading with notes taken, in
addition to finishing the web quest if they were unable to during class.
Provide students with an example of notes on an Elmo or Google Doc so that

students can see what is expected of them. 5 min.

Closure: Exit Slip: Ask students what they think the main concept or idea of
the upcoming unit is, and what they found in the web quest that makes them
think that.

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