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Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet (Re-Writing Part 1)

A coordinating conjunction joins parts of a sentence that are grammatically equal or similar.
Examples include; and, but, or nor, for, yet, so
Re-Write each sentence below. Place a comma before each coordinating
David likes milk but Stephen like water.
David likes milk, but Stephen prefers drinking water.
1. I want to be an interpreter so I went to graduate school.

2. We love hiking and we also love camping.

3. You need to finish your homework or else you will not pass the class.

4. Jeremy brought his car but he forgot to bring the remote control.

5. That is a very useful rule but it is difficult to remember.

6. We went fishing, camping and hiking in the woods.

7. We can broil the chicken or we can just eat leftovers.

8. Don plays basketball yet his favorite sport is soccer.

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