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A Systematic Review of Therapeutic Interventions for Pressure

Ulcers After Spinal Cord Injury
Mary Ann Regan, RN, BScN, Robert W. Teasell, MD, FRCPC, Dalton L. Wolfe, PhD,
David Keast, MD, FCFP, William B. Mortenson, MSc, BScOT, Jo-Anne L. Aubut, BA, for the Spinal Cord
Injury Rehabilitation Evidence Research Team
ABSTRACT. Regan MA, Teasell RW, Wolfe DL, Keast D,
Mortenson WB, Aubut JL, for the Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence Research Team. A systematic review of therapeutic interventions for pressure ulcers after spinal cord injury.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009;90:213-31.
Objective: To systematically review evidence on the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in those with a spinal
cord injury (SCI).
Data Sources: For this evidence-based review, the following data sources were used: MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL,
Study Selection: To be selected for inclusion in the current
review, there had to have been an intervention, studies had to
have 3 or more subjects, and 50% or more of the participating
group had to have an SCI.
Data Extraction: Data extracted included study design,
subject demographics, inclusion and exclusion criteria, study
type, sample size, outcome measures used, and study results.
Data Synthesis: Articles selected for this review were organized into 1 of 2 categories: prevention or treatment. Within
each broad category, several smaller ones were created, and
articles were grouped according to the prevention (direct or
indirect) or treatment intervention discussed.
Conclusions: Of the 26 articles selected for inclusion in the
systematic review, 7 were randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
that dealt with treatment for pressure ulcers, and there was 1
RCT on prevention. Despite the cost-effectiveness of prevention, little research exists on preventative interventions, and
what does exist is mostly level 4 evidence. More research is
needed for both prevention and treatment, but especially the
Key Words: Paraplegia; Pressure ulcer; Quadriplegia; Rehabilitation.
2009 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation

RESSURE ULCERS ARE serious, secondary complicaP

tions of SCI. Although preventable in most situations,
pressure ulcers may disrupt rehabilitation, prevent persons with
SCI from working or attending school, interfere with community reintegration, and affect quality of life.1-4 When the pressure ulcer is severe, it can lead to further disability, decreases
in mobility, loss of independence, the need for surgical interventions, and fatal infections.3,5
Pressure ulcers have been defined as a lesion on any skin
surface that results from pressure or pressure in combination
with shear force and/or friction.5-8 The primary cause is felt to
be externally applied pressure for a prolonged period over bony
prominences, such as the sacrum and IT. This leads to ischemia
of overlying soft tissues, which ultimately can lead to necrosis.6,9,10 While the ulcer may appear confined to the skin, it may
take weeks before the true size and depth of the ulcer is
known.11 In addition, muscle is more sensitive than skin to
ischemia caused by pressure.1
Pressure ulcers are staged according to the degree of tissue
damage observed. The staging system developed by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel in 198912 and recently
revised in 20078 is widely used and supported.13,14 It consists
of 4 stages that range in severity from stage I (which involves
intact skin) to stage IV (full-thickness tissue loss; table 1). In
community-dwelling persons with SCI, 25% of pressure ulcers
are classified as severe (stage III or IV).2 Another type of
pressure ulcer is suspected deep tissue injury. This injury looks
like a bruise on intact skin but may rapidly progress to involve
deeper layers, despite treatment.8,15
Cost data on pressure ulcers in SCI populations are difficult to obtain.16 In a case study of a community-dwelling
person with paraplegia, Allen and Houghton16 demonstrated
that the cost of 3 months of accelerated wound treatment to
heal a stage III ulcer was $27,632 Canadian, with approximately half the cost paid for by the person. In the United

List of Abbreviations
From the St. Josephs Health Care-Parkwood Hospital, London, ON (Regan,
Teasell, Wolfe, Keast); Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
(Teasell, Wolfe, Keast); Occupation Therapy, Long-Term Care, Vancouver Coastal
Health, Vancouver, BC (Mortenson); and Aging, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Care
Program, Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON (Teasell, Wolfe, Keast,
Aubut), Canada.
Supported by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (grant no. 2007-SCI-SCIRE528) and the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation (International Collaboration on
Repair Discoveries (ICORD) grant no. Rick Hanson 2008-13).
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organization with which the authors are associated.
Reprint requests to Mary Ann Regan, RN, BScN, Room C401, Parkwood Hospital,
801 Commissioners Rd E, London, ON, Canada N6C 5J1, e-mail: maryann.regan@


hydrocolloid dressing
high-voltage pulsed current
high-voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation
ischial tuberosity
maggot debridement therapy
Needs Assessment Checklist
neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Physiotherapy Evidence Database Scale
Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing
randomized controlled trial
spinal cord injury
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence
transcutaneous oxygen tension
ultraviolet C radiation

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



Table 1: Stages of Pressure Ulcers


Suspected deep
tissue injury

Purple or maroon localized area of discolored

intact skin or blood-filled blister caused by
damage underlying soft tissue from
pressure and/or shear force. The area may
be preceded by tissue that is firm, mushy,
boggy, warmer, or cooler compared with
adjacent tissue.
Intact skin with nonblanchable redness of
localized area, usually over a bony
prominence. Darkly pigmented skin may
not have visible blanching; its color may
differ from the surrounding area.
Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as
a shallow open ulcer with a red/pink
wound bed, without slough. May also
present as an intact or open/ruptured
serum-filled blister.
Full-thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat
may be visible, but bone, tendon, or
muscles are not exposed. Slough may be
present but does not obscure the depth of
tissue loss. May include undermining and
Full-thickness tissue loss with exposed bone,
tendon, or muscle. Slough or eschar may
be present in some parts of the wound
bed. Often includes undermining and
Full-thickness tissue loss in which the base of
ulcer is covered by slough (yellow, tan,
gray, green, or brown) and/or eschar (tan,
brown, or black) in the wound bed.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4


NOTE. From the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel.8

States, for persons with SCI, it has been estimated that the
cost of care for pressure ulcers is about $1.2 to 1.3 billion
annually, whereas prevention would cost about one tenth of
this.4,17,18 Despite the attention given to preventative strategies by rehabilitation and public health professionals, pressure ulcers are common among persons with an SCI.19
Annual incidence rates range from 20% to 31% and prevalence rates from 10.2% to 30%.11,17
Prevention of pressure ulcers requires the recognition of
significant risk factors, which effect either the intensity and
duration of pressure or the tissue tolerance for pressure.20
Identified risk factors include limitations in activity and mobility, injury completeness, moisture from bowel and/or bladder incontinence, lack of sensation, muscle atrophy, nutritional
status, and being underweight.11,17,19
Prevention of pressure ulcers begins at the time of injury and
is a lifelong commitment for those living with SCI or their
caregivers.21 Typical prevention recommendations made during rehabilitation include examining skin daily to allow for
early detection; minimizing moisture and incontinence, and
keeping skin clean and dry; regular pressure relief every 15 to
30 minutes by performing a lateral bend, forward lean, or
vertical push-up1,9; having an individually prescribed wheelchair with a pressure redistribution cushion, and a power or
manual tilt/recline feature if manual pressure relief is not
possible1; ensuring that all equipment is functioning properly;
decreasing or stopping smoking, and limiting alcohol conArch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009

sumption; and eating a well balanced, nutritionally complete

diet, which includes monitoring of weight to detect undesirable
trends.1,22 Persons with SCI and their caregivers must learn the
importance of following a skin care regimen, recognize potential consequences of a pressure ulcer, and begin to take responsibility for maintaining healthy skin.9,23,24 To promote sustainable outcomes, health care professionals must assist persons
with SCI to determine which preventative strategies are realistic for them to implement, based on their life circumstances,
and must help them identify ways to integrate these preventative strategies into daily schedules.25
Given the significant personal and societal consequences of
pressure ulcers, it is prudent to understand the existing evidence for prevention and treatment interventions, and to identify future directions for research on pressure ulcer management. Prevention and treatment interventions for pressure
ulcers post-SCI will be examined in the following review
A systematic review of all relevant literature published
from 1980 to 2007 was conducted using multiple databases
our standardized SCIRE methodology.26 Search terms included
pressure ulcers (skin sores, decubitus ulcer, ischemic ulcer,
bed sores, or skin sores) paired with spinal cord injuries,
tetraplegia, paraplegia, or quadriplegia. Over 17,000 titles
were reviewed for version 1 of the SCIRE project (http:// For the current review, 26 articles met
inclusion criteria, consisting of English language interventional
studies with a sample size of 3 or greater, and with at least half
the study population having an SCI.
A quality assessment was conducted for each article, using
either the PEDro27 assessment tool (for RCTs) using questions
2 through 10, or the Downs and Black28 tool for nonrandomized studies. With the PEDro tool, the higher the score, the
better the quality of the study, with the following cutpoints
used: 9 to 10, excellent; 6 to 8, good; 4 to 5, fair; and less than
4, poor. The Downs and Black28 tool consists of 27 questions
that evaluate the level of (1) reporting, (2) external validity, and
(3) internal validity (both bias and confounding). It was modified slightly because of ambiguity in the last question; thus, the
highest score any reviewed article could receive was 28, with
a higher score indicating higher methodologic quality.28 Five
levels of evidence, based on a modified Sackett scale, were
used to summarize the data29 (table 2).
The results of the quality assessment and a brief study
summary were tabulated for each study as follows: PEDro or
Downs and Black28 score, study design, inclusion/exclusion
criteria (when stated), a brief summary of intervention outcomes, and study results.

Table 2: Levels of Evidence





RCTs with a PEDro score 6

RCTs with a PEDro score 6, cohort and non-RCTs
Case-control studies
Pre-post or postinterventions and case series
Case reports, clinical consensus, or observational

NOTE. From Straus et al.29



Direct Versus Indirect Indicators of Prevention

It should be noted that outcome assessment for pressure
ulcer prevention can be measured via either direct or indirect
means. That is, the effectiveness of preventative interventions
can be determined by direct indicators, like pressure ulcer
incidence, or by indirect indicators, like IT pressure mapping or
PTCO2 levels.
Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
Electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation has been
used since the 1960s to enhance the healing of various chronic
wounds, including pressure ulcers in both able-bodied people
and persons with an SCI.18,30,31 Given that the primary cause of
pressure ulcers is felt to be externally applied pressure over
bony prominences like the ischial tuberosities,9 investigators
have studied the role of electrical stimulation for reducing
ischial pressures and redistributing seating interface pressures,
both of which might assist with pressure ulcer prevention32
(table 3).
Bogie and Triolo33 studied changes in interface pressure
distribution at the support/surface interface after 8 weeks of
NMES delivered via an implanted neuroprosthesis for standing
and transfers. The neuroprothesis consisted of bilateral epimysial electrodes, a multichannel stimulator, and bilateral gluteal
electrodes. After healing associated with the implantation, subjects began 8 weeks of NMES exercise using 3 different
stimulation patterns. Duration and modes (eg, unresisted vs
resisted) of exercise changed from 15 to 30 minutes (week 1)
up to 120 minutes (week 7 or 8) as muscles became conditioned. After 8 weeks of NMES, mean ischial regional interface
pressure uniformly decreased postexercise assessment (P.01).
Research also has shown that, with increasing interface
pressures over bony prominences, regional blood flow is adversely affected.9,30 Electrical stimulation has been shown to
change blood flow to skin and muscle. It is believed that, by
increasing regional blood flow, tissue viability is enhanced,
thereby assisting with pressure ulcer prevention9,18,32-34 (table 4).
Mawson et al35 administered HVPGS to 29 subjects lying
supine. Baseline PTCO2 levels were compared with levels
reached at the end of 30 minutes of HVPGS. The authors found

that the PTCO2 level at the end of stimulation was 6618mmHg

or 35% higher (F39.42, P.001).
Bogie and Triolo33 administered 8 weeks of NMES to 8
subjects using implanted gluteal electrodes. They then assessed
unloaded gluteal tissue blood flow by measuring local PTCO2.
While the results did not achieve statistical significance, baseline mean unloaded PTCO2 levels increased by 1% to 36% in 5
of the 8 subjects.
There is limited level 4 evidence that electrical stimulation
decreases ischial pressures post-SCI. There is level 4 evidence
that electrical stimulation may increase blood flow at sacral and
gluteal areas post-SCI.
Pressure Relief Practices
Current clinical practice regarding pressure relief education
is based on the premise that the absence of regular pressure
relief places the person with SCI at a higher risk for pressure
ulcers.3 The techniques chosen for pressure relief depend on
the physical and cognitive status of the individual. When a
manual weight shift cannot be performed, 1 alternative is a
mechanical reclining or power tilt wheelchair. It has been
suggested that pressure relief optimally should be performed
every 15 to 30 minutes for 30 to 120 seconds, depending on the
technique1 (table 5).
A retrospective chart review of 46 subjects with an SCI seen
in a seating clinic noted that approximately 2 minutes of
pressure relief was required to raise transcutaneous oxygen
tension to unloaded levels for most subjects.36 The required
duration of pressure relief was more easily sustained by the
subjects leaning forward or side to side, or having the wheelchair tipped back by 65 or higher compared with a vertical lift
for pressure relief.
Henderson et al37 pressure-mapped 10 subjects with SCI at
the IT and over a circumscribed area around the IT. Subjects
were placed in 4 different positions: sitting upright at rest in a
neutral position, tipped back 35 from vertical, tipped back 65
from vertical, and leaning forward as far as was comfortable.
When the subjects were in a forward-leaning and 65 tipped-

Table 3: Electrical Stimulation

Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Bogie and Triolo,

2003, USA


Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Inclusion: low cervical or thoracic level

SCI (C6 T12); more than 6 months
postinjury; skeletal and cognitive
maturity; upper motor neuron injury;
ASIA impairment scale grade: for
low cervical/high thoracic injuries
(C6 T4): A, B, or C to mid to low
thoracic injuries (T4 T12): A or B.
Exclusion: cardiac arrhythmia or
pacemaker-fitted; acute orthopedic
problems; acute medical
complications; frequent urinary tract
infections; current open pressure
sores; immunodeficiency; acute
chronic psychologic problems or
chemical dependency; seizure
disorder; pregnancy.

Pre-post: recruited 7 men and

1 woman who ranged in
age from 27 to 47y and had
ASIA scores ranging from
56 to 113.4.
All 8 patients with SCI
participated in an exercise
regimen that included 3
different stimulation
patterns. The duration of
exercise was varied over
the 8-wk training period
(1530min [wk 1] up to 120
minutes [wk 7/8]) as the
muscles became



1. Overall, with NMES,

mean interface
pressure showed no
differences between
baseline and
postexercise levels.
2. Mean ischial region
interface pressure
had a uniform
tendency to
assessment (P.01).

Abbreviations: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association; D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



Table 4: Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Regional Blood Flow

Author, Year, Country

PEDro/D&B Score

Bogie and Triolo,

2003, USA

Mawson et al,35
1993, USA


Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods


Inclusion: low cervical or thoracic

level SCI (C6 T12); more than
6 months postinjury; skeletal
and cognitive maturity; upper
motor neuron injury; ASIA
impairment scale grade: low
cervical/high thoracic injuries
(C6 T4): A, B, or C to mid to
low thoracic injuries (T4 T12):
A or B.
Exclusion: cardiac arrhythmia or
pacemaker-fitted; acute
orthopedic problems; acute
medical complications;
frequent urinary tract
infections; current open
pressure sores;
immunodeficiency; acute
chronic psychologic problems
or chemical dependency;
seizure disorder; pregnancy.
Inclusion: inclusion criteria not
specified; however, those
selected ranged in age from 18
to 57y. Ulcer sites were as
follows: sacral (n7), heel
(n2), other (n1). Ulcer grade
ranged from 1 to 4.
Exclusion: not specified.

Pre-post: recruited 7 men and

1 woman who ranged in
age from 27 to 47y and had
ASIA scores ranging from
56 to 113.4.
All 8 patients with SCI were
included in the following
study. Electrical stimulation
was delivered via an
implanted neuroprosthesis,
which included gluteal
electrodes. Eight weeks of
conditioning exercises


1. Baseline mean unloaded tissue

oxygen levels increased by 1%
to 36% at postexercise
assessment for 5 of 8 subjects.
2. Differences between baseline
and postexercise tissue oxygen
levels were not statistically

Case series: 29 patients with

SCI lying on egg crate
mattresses were included
in the study. Sensor was
applied to the skin at
approximately the second
sacral segment along the
midline, using a 2-sided
airtight seal. 2 electrodes
and conductive sponges,
measuring 4 cm in
diameter, were used to
administer electrical


1. Experiment 1: subsequent
experiments were performed
using 75V, because no
additional effect on PTCO2 was
seen when 100V were used.
2. Experiment 2: compared to
final baseline PTCO2 reading
(mean SD) of 492mmHg,
the level reached at the 30-min
period of HVPGS was
6618mmHg35% higher
3. The level fell slightly after the
first 15 minutes
poststimulation (P.001).
4. Experiment 3: no change in
PTCO2 with simulated HVPGS.
5. Experiment 4: no significant
differences were observed
(P.66 in all comparisons)
when experiment 2 and 4
results were compared.

Abbreviations: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association; D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score.

back position, there was a statistically significant pressure

reduction at the IT and over the circumscribed area (forward
lean: 78% reduction at IT, 70% reduction over circumscribed
area [P.05]; 65 tipped back: 47% reduction at IT, 36%
reduction over circumscribed area [P.05]); this compared
with a 27% reduction at the IT, and to a 17% reduction over the
circumscribed area (P.05) in the 35 tipped-back position.
While the pressure reduction for the 65 tipped-back position
was statistically significant, it was not felt by the authors to be
optimal to prevent pressure ulcer development.
These findings suggest that a forward-leaning position is the
most effective pressure relief technique, if sustained for an
appropriate period. Leaning side to side, having the wheelchair
tipped back by 65 or more, or doing a pressure relief lift for an
appropriate length of time (ie, 2min) also was effective. The
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009

traditional pressure relief lift (1530s) was ineffective at reducing tissue oxygen levels to unloaded levels.
There is level 4 evidence to support the forward-leaning
position as the most effective method of pressure relief. There
is level 4 evidence that a 15-second to 30-second vertical lift is
not effective.
Wheelchair Cushion Selection
Wheelchair cushion selection is important when an individual with an SCI is prescribed a wheelchair. Bogie et al9 noted
that 47% of pressure ulcers occurred over the IT and sacrum
and were therefore more likely to have been initiated while the



Table 5: Pressure Relief Practices
Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Coggrave and Rose,

2003, United
Kingdom D&B14

Henderson et al,37
1994, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Case series: 46 patients Effect of pressure 1. Mean duration of pressure relief

Inclusion: no specific
relief on TCPO2.
with SCI in a
inclusion criteria were
required to raise tissue oxygen to
retrospective chart
documented; however,
unloaded levels was 1min 51s (range,
patients selected were 13
women and 33 men who
2. Leaning forward with elbows, or chest
ranged in age from 20 to
on knees, leaning from side to side or
83y. No other details
tilting back in wheelchair to 65 or
higher all were effective for pressure
Exclusion: not specified.
relief (raising TCPO2 to unloaded
levels) and were more easily
sustained for most patients than a
pressure lift.
3. Resulted in a change in practice at the
seating clinic.
1. Average pressure in the resting seated
Inclusion: specific inclusion Case series: 10 subjects Pressure levels.
with SCI sat upright
position was 189mmHg for point
criteria not provided;
in a wheelchair in
pressure area and 114mmHg for the
however, subjects were
the neutral position;
circumscribed area.
from 22 to 67 years old,
tipped backward at
9 were men and 1 was a
subjects were in the 65
35o and 65o; assisted
woman. No further
backward tipped position, there was a
details provided.
to lean forward
47% reduction in maximum point
Exclusion: not specified.
(45o from
pressure and a 36% reduction in
wheelchair backrest).
circumscribed area pressure (P.05).
Pressures were
3. In the leaning forward position, there
measured at IT (point
was a 78% reduction in maximum
pressure) and over a
point pressure and a 70% reduction in
circumscribed area
circumscribed area (P.05).
around the IT.

Abbreviation: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score; TCPO2, transcutaneous oxygen tension.

patient was seated. When optimizing wheelchair cushion selection for a person with SCI, the degree of pressure reduction
and redistribution38 and temperature effects39,40 along with
individual characteristics such as level of SCI (paraplegia or
tetraplegia), pressure relief abilities, transfer techniques, and
lifestyle must be considered.38,41 Seat cushioning can be made
from various materials; it may be static or dynamic (typically
accomplished with air bladders)38,41; and it may be incorporated
into upright, powered tilt, or reclined wheelchairs (table 6).
In the study conducted by Burns and Betz,42 3 wheelchair
cushions were tested: dry flotation (ROHO High Profile),a gel
(Jay 2),b and dynamic (ErgoDynamic),c the last consisting of 2
air-filled bladders, the H-bladder (shaped like the letter H) and
the IT-bladder. These were compared under high pressure
conditions (upright sitting or IT-bladder inflated) and low pressure conditions (seat tilted back 45 or H-bladder inflated).
When the pressure placed on the ischial tuberosities was analyzed, the pressure was higher during upright sitting than in the
tilted back position for both the dry flotation and the gel
cushion (P.001), with the dry flotation cushion providing
more pressure relief than the gel cushion during upright sitting
(112 vs 128mmHg, P.01). Mean pressure with the IT-bladder
inflated cushion (157mmHg) was greater than upright pressures
for either the dry flotation or gel cushions (111 and 128mmHg,
respectively; P.01). Most importantly, ischial tuberosity
pressure for the dynamic cushion during H-bladder inflation in
an upright position was comparable to the pressure for the dry
flotation cushion in a tilted back position (71 vs 74mmHg,
P.91) and significantly less than the pressure obtained with the
gel cushion (71 vs 86mmHg, P.05).

Brienza and Karg43 had 12 subjects with SCI sit on 3

different surfaces (flat foam, initial contour, and final contour)
while measuring interface pressures using a pressure-sensing
pad. Subjects with SCI had greater depth values than elderly
subjects without SCI (N30), and the mean maximum depth of
the final contour was deeper for the group with SCI, suggesting
that pressure distributions for the subjects with SCI were more
sensitive to support surface characteristics than for the elderly
subjects without SCI.
Seymour and Lacefield39 evaluated 8 cushions (gel: Jobst
pad,d Spencoe; water: Jobst cushiond; air-filled: Bye Bye Decubiti,f Alternating Pressureg; foam: Luxaire,h Durafoam,g TriPadg) for pressure, temperature effects, and subjective factors
influencing cushion purchase. While data indicated a wide
variability in pressure measurements in individual subjects
seated on the 8 cushions, the air-filled cushion (Bye Bye
Decubiti) had the best pressure readings. The alternating pressure and foam cushions had consistently higher temperature
readings across both groups, which could increase tissue susceptibility to pressure ulcer formation.39,40
Garber38 evaluated 7 cushions (air-filled: Bye Bye Decubiti,
Roho; flotation: Aqua Seat, Stryker Gel; foam: Stainless Comfy
Hard Foam, Temper Foam; foam/flotation combination: Jay)
based on the amount of pressure reduction achieved, and noted
how frequently each cushion was prescribed to subjects with
quadriplegia and paraplegia. The Roho cushion produced the
greatest pressure reduction in most subjects (51%) and was
prescribed more often for subjects with quadriplegia than with
paraplegia (55% vs 45%).
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



Table 6: Wheelchair Cushion Selection

Author, Year,
PEDro/D&B Score

Burns and Betz,

1999, USA

Brienza and
Karg,43 1998,

Seymour and
1985, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods


Inclusion: ASIA grade Non-RCT: 3 wheelchair cushions Interface

pressure at IT
were tested: dry flotation, gel,
A or B tetraplegia;
was assessed
and dynamic (ErgoDynamic).
use of power tilt-inwith Clinseat
The dynamic cushion was
space wheelchair;
composed of 2 air bladders,
18 or older. Those
which alternated between
selected ranged in
inflation and deflation.
age from 24 to 65
sensor placed
One bladder was shaped like
years. All injuries
on the test
the letter H (H-bladder) with
were cervical
the longer portions under the
(C4 C6) and all
femurs. The other bladder
were 0.5 to 31y
(IT-bladder) filled the
remainder of the cushion and
Exclusion: current
supported the ITs.
skin breakdown;
Subjects (n16) had their
history of surgical
regular cushions removed and
resection to any
replaced with one of the test
portion of the
femur; hip flexion
passive range of
motion less than
Tissue stiffness,
Inclusion: inclusion
Case series: 12 participants
criteria not
assessed on 3 different
specified; however,
surfaces (flat foam, or initial
all subjects were
contour and a final optimized
between the ages
foam contour) with the force
of 21 and 52y and
sensing array pad between
had a BMI
the cushion and buttocks.
Compared subjects with SCI
to a seniors group.
Exclusion: not

Inclusion: specific
inclusion criteria
not stated;
however, the age
range of the group
was 16 to 35y; the
weight of the
group ranged from
40.6 to 72.5kg. No
other details
Exclusion: not

Case-control: 20 subjects (10

subjects with SCI and 10
able-bodied controls)
participated in the study.
Seven commercially available
cushions and 1 experimental
cushion were evaluated for
each subject.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009

and pressure
pad) were
assessed for
each cushion.
were asked to
rate each
cushion for
handling, and
suitability for


1. IT pressure for the dry flotation cushion

in a tilted position was similar to that
for the IT pressure during H-bladder
inflation in an upright position (74 vs
71mmHg, P.91), whereas the gel
cushion had significantly higher IT
pressure in the tilted position (71 vs
86mmHg, P.05).
2. Pressure was significantly higher in the
upright position than in the tilted
position for both the dry flotation and
the gel cushion (P.001) and for
IT-bladder (15745) versus H-bladder
inflation (7130, P.001) with the
dynamic cushion.
3. In upright sitting position, the dry
flotation cushion showed lower
pressures than the gel cushion (111 vs
128mmHg, P.01), whereas the IT
bladder (157mmHg) had greater
pressure than both (P.001).
1. Depth values for the SCI group were
greater for the final vs the initial
contour from 37.96.5mm to
52.511.5mm (P.001), as was the case
for the elderly group (P.001).
2. The mean max depth of the final
contour was deeper for the SCI group
than for seniors (P.016).
3. Mean pressure values for initial and
final cushions were significantly less
than for flat cushions (P.006, P.003,
respectively), but not for the initial
versus final cushions (P.80).
4. In general, mean and peak pressures
were greater for the subjects with SCI
than for elderly subjects.
5. BMI was significantly related to peak
and mean pressure values.
1. Greatest pressure was seen under the
soft tissue areas of most subjects, with
no significant differences between
cases and controls.
2. Temperatures were lowest for gel,
water, and air cushions and highest for
alternating pressure and foam cushions.
3. SCI group: GP under a bony area
occurred most often with the Spenco
cushion (90.108.75); controls:
corresponding GP occurred most often
with the Tri-Pad (89.2011.40),
indicating that these cushions did not
compare favorably to others.
4. While there was wide variability in
pressure measurements in individual
subjects (SD12.21mmHg), the air-filled
(Bye Bye Decubiti) had the best
pressure readings.
5. Appearance (83%) and handling (73%)
were related to purchase decisions.



Table 6 (Contd): Wheelchair Cushion Selection
Author, Year,
PEDro/D&B Score

Garber, 1985,

Makhsous et al,41
2007, USA

Eligibility Criteria


Study Design and Methods


Seated pressure 1. The air-filled cushion (Roho, which was

1 of 2 used) produced the greatest
pressure reduction in 51% of the
using a
2. A foam cushion (the stainless comfy
hard cushion) was effective for only
18% of the subjects, even though it was
the second most frequently prescribed
3. More subjects with quadriplegia
received the Rohos than subjects with
paraplegia (55% vs 45%), while more
subjects with paraplegia were
prescribed the Jay cushiona
combination of foam and flotation
materials (19% vs 7%).
Case-control: 60 subjects (40
1. Normal posture: the anterior portion of
Inclusion: for those
cases: 20 subjects with
the seat cushion had a larger contact
with paraplegia (T4
pressure at
paraplegia, 20 subjects with
area for those with tetraplegia
or lower): able
the back rest
tetraplegia, 20 controls) were
compared with those in the other 2
independently to
and seat,
exposed to two 1-hour
groups. Those with an SCI had a larger
do pushups for
protocols: alternate (sitting
contact area in the middle portion of
pressure relief. For
using a
posture was dynamically
the seat cushion.
the able-bodied: no
alternated every 10min
2. At the posterior portion of the seat
history of
between normal and partially
where ischial tuberosities are usually
removed ischial support
positioned, average pressure was
disorders. Overall,
[WO-BPS] postures), normal
highest for subjects with paraplegia
45 men and 15
(normal posture plus
pushups), performed by
3. When looking at the total contact area
subjects themselves or using
on the seat cushion in the WO-BPS
a Hoyer lifti every 20 minutes.
posture position, average pressure for
those with tetraplegia was higher than
disorder of the
it was for the other 2 groups (P.001).
spine; history of
4. Overall, the total contact area on the
injury of or surgery
posterior portion of the cushion was
to the pelvis, hip
less for the WO-BPS posture for all
joint, or thigh; hip
groups, as was peak interface pressure
and average pressure, with the greatest
severe pain,
decrease seen in the group of subjects
spasms; or
with tetraplegia (P.001).
5. Average push-up time SE (ie, time of
pressure relief) was 49.02.8s for those
preventing proper
with paraplegia.

Inclusion: inclusion
criteria: (1) a
history of pressure
ulcers, (2) an
existing ulcer, or
(3) the need to
correct a pressure
ulcer after surgery.
A total of 207 men
and 44 women
were included in
the study.
Exclusion: not

Case series: 251 subjects with

SCI were selected for
inclusion. An assessment of
pressure distribution for 7
cushions was undertaken.

Abbreviations: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association; BMI, body mass index; D&B, Downs and Black quality assessment scale score28; GP,
greatest pressure; WO-BPS, sitting upright with partially removed ischial support and enhanced lumbar support posture.

Makhsous et al,41 in a case-control study, exposed subjects

to two 1-hour protocols: alternate, where sitting posture was
alternated dynamically every 10 minutes between normal (sitting upright with ischial support) and sitting upright with
partially removed ischial support and lumbar support, and
normal (normal posture plus pushups performed every 20 minutes). These investigators found that the anterior portion of the
seat cushion had a larger contact area among those with tetraplegia compared with those in the other groups. It also was
determined that those with an SCI had a larger contact area in
the midportion of the seat cushion. There were significant
differences between the groups when looking at the average
pressure over the whole seat (P.001) and the total contact
area on the seat cushion. Sitting upright with partially removed

ischial support and lumbar support posture, the average pressure for the tetraplegia group was higher than it was for the
other groups (P.001). Most importantly, the total contact area
on the posterior portion of the cushion was less for sitting
upright with partially removed ischial support and lumbar
support posture for all groups. As well, peak interface pressure
was lower for all groups, with the greatest decrease from
normal posture seen in the tetraplegia group. The average
pressure increased on the anterior and middle portion of the
cushion in all groups.
The results of these studies and the apparent interindividual
variation inherent in those with an SCI (eg, paraplegia vs
tetraplegia) support the practice of specialized pressure-mapping assessments to assist with individualized wheelchair cushArch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



ion prescriptions. None of these studies included direct evidence of pressure ulcer prevention associated with a particular
practice or cushion type. Objective findings, such as pressure
mapping together with the clinical knowledge of the prescriber
and the clients subjective reports, need to be considered when
prescribing a wheelchair seat cushion for an individual with an
SCI, so as to minimize pressure ulcer risk factors.
There is level 3 evidence that various cushions or seating
systems (eg, dynamic vs static) are associated with potentially
beneficial reductions in seating interface pressure or pressure
ulcer risk factors, like skin temperature.
Thickness of Lumbar Support
Shields and Cook44 discussed the role that spinal deformities, like kyphosis, may play a role in the formation of pressure
ulcers in persons with chronic SCI. In previous research on
nondisabled subjects, they had demonstrated that the addition
of lumbar support reduced highest seated buttock pressure
(.915kg/cm2) and was associated with a change in pelvic tilt.
If those findings were to hold true in the SCI population, the
authors noted that this could lead to ways to assess postures
while seated for appropriate pressure distribution44 and augment electric wheelchair backrests by adding an automated
lumbar support system, potentially providing a mechanism for
continuous pressure shifts.
In the Shields and Cook44 study, 18 SCI and 18 able-bodied
subjects were studied to test the effects of varying lumbar
support thickness (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5cm) on seated buttock pressures at the ischial tuberosities. Within the SCI group, a 2%
decrease in mean highest seated buttock pressure (.915kg/
cm2) was seen with the 7.5-cm lumbar support compared with
a 90% reduction within the able-bodied group. With the 5-cm
and the 2.5-cm lumbar support, there was an increase in mean
high pressure of 13% and 12%, respectively, compared with
reductions in the able-bodied group of 80% and 25%, respectively. Surprisingly, the findings showed that the addition of
lumbar support to wheelchairs had a minimal effect on reducing highest seated buttock pressure at the ischial tuberosities of
subjects with chronic SCI of 3 years or more (table 7).

There is level 3 evidence that adding lumbar support to the
wheelchair of those with a chronic SCI has a negligible effect on
reducing seated buttock pressures at the IT. As a consequence, it
is unlikely to have a role in pressure ulcer prevention post-SCI.
Specialized Seating Clinics
Education regarding the prevention of pressure ulcers postSCI includes an emphasis on taking personal responsibility for
maintaining healthy skin through personal care, inspection of
skin, pressure relief, and the correct use of prescribed equipment.9 The incorporation of seating clinics into both inpatient
and outpatient rehabilitation programs has been shown to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers and readmission rates as
a result of pressure ulcers.45 Seating clinics not only provide
education but also make recommendations for appropriate seating systems based on interface pressures, thermography, and
assessments of tissue viability. Verbal and visual feedback are
provided to the individual with an SCI, and active participation
is encouraged36,45,46 (table 8).
Kennedy et al46 studied 50 patients with an SCI participating
in a comprehensive rehabilitation program. The participants
were divided into 3 groups group 1 (attendance at seating assessment clinic prior to NAC administered within 1 month of
mobilization), group 2 (attended seating assessment clinic between their first and second NAC), and group 3 (no attendance at
seating assessment clinic)to determine whether attendance at a
seating assessment clinic would improve skin management ability,
as evidenced by lower to be achieved scores on the skin subscale
of the NAC. The NAC was administered within 1 month of
mobilization and on admission to the predischarge ward.46 Optimal timing of attendance at the seating assessment clinic also was
studied. Results indicated significant differences between group 1
and group 3 both at 1 month of mobilization (P.05) and on
admission to the predischarge ward (P.01) assessments. Skin
management to be achieved scores were significantly lower
among participants who attended a seating assessment clinic before their first NAC at both time points. Significant differences
also were observed between to be achieved scores at first and
second NAC within all groups: group 1 (P.001), group 2
(P.01), and group 3 (P.01).46

Table 7: Thickness of Lumbar Support

Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Shields and Cook,

1992, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion: 3 years or more

post-SCI injury;
complete motor deficit
below the lesion level;
controls included 7 men
and 11 women, ranging
in age from 21 to 52y.
Cases ranged in age
from 21 to 38y, with 13
men and 5 women.
Exclusion: no pressure
ulcers; no spinal
stabilization of the
lumbar spine; no severe
spinal scoliosis.

Study Design and



Case-control: all 36
subjects with an
SCI were seated
onto a
incorporated into
an adjustable
The output was
calibrated so
that 8 pressure
intervals were


Abbreviation: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009


1. Significantly reduced pressures

were seen with greater thickness of
lumbar supports (2.57.5cm) for
controls, but not for those with SCI
2. The highest-pressure areas were
greater for SCI group (P.05) than
controls for all lumbar support
3. The mean area of lowest pressure
for all support conditions was
significantly less for SCI than
4. SCI group had significantly lower
pelvifemoral angles than controls
in all lumbar support conditions



Table 8: Specialized Seating Clinics
Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Kennedy et al,
2003, United

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Inclusion: all who participated

had 1 or more pressure
ulcers. Those who
participated ranged in age
from 16 to 74y; 37 were
men and 13 women.
Participants had either
paraplegia or tetraplegia.
Participants were divided
into 3 groups: group 1 to 30
who attended a seating
assessment before their
first NAC assessment,
group 2 to 11 who attended
SSA between their first and
second NACs, and group 3
to 9 who did not receive
SSA because of their
Staphylococcus aureus
Exclusion: not specified.

Cohort: 50 subjects with

an SCI participated.
Postural assessment
took place while the
individual adopted their
usual posture in the
wheelchair. Physical
alignment was
documented and
correct positioning of
adjustable parts of the
chair was checked. Any
abnormal posture then
was checked for correct
alignment; set-up of the
seating was adjusted,
as required.

Outcome Measures


Skin management
subscale of the
NAC to assess

1. Significant differences
were identified between
groups 1 and 3 for both
NAC 1 (P.05) and NAC 2
2. Skin management to be
achieved scores were
significantly lower for
patients who had attended
specialized SSA before
their first NAC at both time
3. Significant differences also
were observed between
the skin management to be
achieved scores at the first
and second NAC within all
groups: group 1 (P.001),
group 2 (P.01), and group
3 (P.01).

Abbreviations: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score; NAC 1, NAC administered within 1 month of mobilization; NAC 2, NAC
administered on admission to the predischarge ward; SSA, seating assessment clinic.

There is level 2 evidence showing that early attendance at
specialized seating assessment clinics increases the skin management abilities of persons post-SCI. Attendance at a seating assessment clinic is an adjunct to the skin management abilities learned
during a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

Education programs for pressure ulcer prevention designed
for persons with SCI provide knowledge and emphasize specific behaviors, which, when adhered to on a regular basis, are
intended to reduce the risk of pressure ulcer occurrence.9,47,48
Most education is delivered as part of an inpatient rehabilita-

Table 9: Education
Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Garber et al,23
2002, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Inclusion: those with

an SCI, regardless
of age, ethnicity,
level of function, or
independence. The
average age of
subjects was 53y,
and the average
time since injury
was 17y. Injuries
ranged from cervical
to lumbar level.
Exclusion: cognitive
impairment (not
able to understand
the consent form or
the educational

RCT: 41 subjects
participated in the
study; 39 had an SCI
and 2 had MS. Those
in the treatment
group received four
1-hour sessions of
structured education
on the prevention
and management of
PU. After discharge,
subjects were
followed for 2 years.
The control group
also was followed,
but no information
(other than standard
education) was given

Demographic and
Health Information
Pressure Ulcer
Knowledge Test;
Health Locus of
Control Scale;
Health Beliefs

1. An improvement in the pressure

ulcer knowledge test was noted
for both groups on discharge
from hospital, but it was
significantly different between
the groups (P.03). Those in the
treatment group gained more
knowledge about preventing PU.
2. No significant intergroup
differences were noted on the
Multidimensional Health Locus of
Control scale or the Health
Beliefs Questionnaire at
3. At 2 years posttreatment,
although both groups retained
the knowledge, the level of
knowledge retained in the
control group was substantially
below that of the treatment
group, 60.8% vs 68% on the
Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test.

Abbreviations: MS, multiple sclerosis; PU, pressure ulcer.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



tion program when patients and families are adjusting to a

diagnosis of SCI and also during a time of potential information overload that may compromise an appreciation of knowledge and behaviors they will need to prevent pressure ulcers
over the course of their lifetimes.24,48 With shorter lengths of
stay, the time available for education is also reduced, and
persons with SCI are being discharged with potentially less
information and fewer opportunities for reinforcement of acquired knowledge.24 While pressure ulcer prevention education
is a key part of rehabilitation, there are few data available on
the specific educational needs required by persons with SCI at
risk for pressure ulcer development48 (table 9).
In an RCT conducted by Garber et al23 while still in the
hospital, those in the treatment group (n20) were provided
with four 1-hour sessions of structured education on the prevention and management of pressure ulcers. Education presented at the sessions included information regarding nutrition,
pressure redistribution surfaces for the bed and wheelchair, and
pressure ulcer etiology. The control group (n21) received
only standard education regarding preventative practices. After
discharge, the groups were followed for 2 years.
Improvement on the pressure ulcer knowledge test was noted
in both groups on discharge from the hospital; however, it
differed significantly between the groups (P.03), with those
in the treatment group gaining more knowledge about preventing pressure ulcers. No significant differences were noted on
the multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale and the
Health Beliefs Questionnaire between the 2 groups at discharge. Two years posttreatment, it was noted that both groups
had retained most of the knowledge they had been given during
their hospitalization, but the level of knowledge retained by the
control group was substantially below that of the treatment
group: 60.8% versus 68% on the pressure ulcer knowledge

There is level 2 evidence that providing enhanced pressure
ulcer prevention education is effective at helping persons with
SCI gain and retain this knowledge. However, no evidence
exists regarding whether this enhanced education results in a
reduction in pressure ulcer formation.
Behavioral Contingencies
Despite the knowledge available on pressure ulcers and
prevention strategies, pressure ulcers continue to occur in persons with SCI.19 Little information exists about why certain
individuals do not practice the health-sustaining behaviors that
they are taught and that are required to optimize skin care and
prevent pressure ulcers.4,24 There is a subset of patients who
experience recurrent pressure ulcers because of nonadherence
to recommended prevention strategies. Patients with recurrent
pressure ulcers may lack incentives to follow prevention behaviors.4 What is not known is whether rewarding positive
preventative strategies reduces the severity or likelihood of a
patient developing pressure ulcers.
Jones et al4 conducted 2 separate small studies. The behavioral intervention in the first study (n6) consisted of a health
plan, clinic visits, and financial rewards ($50 a visit as long as
ulcer-free), all of which were implemented at the same time. In
the second study (n3), a health plan and visits were implemented in phase 1 of the study; payments were added if a
patient experienced new skin problems. Results from the first
study revealed that average PUSH scores were lower by 10.5
points from baseline at the end of the intervention phase. No
hospitalizations were required and, ultimately, costs during the
intervention phase went from $6263 (United States) to $235
(United States). In the postintervention phase, 3 subjects were
able to maintain lower PUSH scores and 3 were not. In the

Table 10: Behavioral Contingencies

Author, Year,
PEDro/D&B Score

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures

Jones et al,4 2003, Inclusion: traumatic SCI; Pre-post: 2 studies were Severity of pressure
ulcers was
conducted. In study 1,
adults; history of
recorded at each
6 SCI patients
repeated episodes of
phase; ulcer
participated; in study
treatment for severe
severity was
2, 3 participated.
pressure ulcers;
classified using
Study 1 behavioral
paraplegia. Those
PUSH tool.
intervention: 3
included had 1 or
primary components:
more pressure ulcer.
health plan, clinic
Exclusion: not specified.
visits, and financial
rewards. Study 2
intervention: 2
components were
implemented (health
plan and visits)
during the initial
phase. Phase 2 began
after the patient
began to experience
skin problems
(included visits plus
Abbreviation: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009


Study 1:
1. Average PUSH decreased from baseline
by an average of 10.5 points per
participant (range, 5.419.2).
2. Six patients were hospitalized (not
during the intervention) a total of 16
times during baseline for treatment of
pressure ulcers.
3. No hospitalizations were noted during
the intervention phase. Compared with
the baseline phase, the average
monthly cost of care decreased from
$6262/participant to $235 (United
Study 2:
1. Mean PUSH scores decreased from
baseline by 8.3 points (visits only) and
a further 3.1 points (visits plus
payments phase).
2. Mean number of hospitalizations
decreased from 1.67 (baseline) to 0.33
(intervention and postintervention



second study, mean PUSH scores decreased from baseline by

8.3 points (visits only) and a further 3.1 points when payments
were added. PUSH scores rose again in 2 out of 3 participants
during the postintervention phase. The mean number of hospitalizations dropped from 1.67 (baseline) to 0.33 (intervention
and postintervention; table 10).
There is very limited level 4 evidence to suggest that the
introduction of behavioral contingencies is associated with a
reduction in pressure ulcer severity and decreased health care
Telerehabilitation and Pressure Ulcer Management
Impaired mobility and distance to specialized SCI centers
often make follow-up care difficult for persons with SCI.49,50
Telerehabilitation has the potential to deliver medical rehabilitation, nutritional, and psychosocial elements of health
care at a distance using telecommunication technology,
thereby facilitating continuity of care.49 Pressure ulcer management is 1 area in which telerehabilitation currently is
being used51 (table 11).

Vesmarovich et al51 described the use of telerehabilitation

delivered via a videophone system that transmitted still images
and audio to treat stage III/IV ulcers. While no statistical
results were reported, 7 of 12 ulcer sites healed. Phillips et al,52
using the same videophone system, divided SCI participants
into 3 groups: information delivered by telephone, information
delivered by video, and standard care. The video group had the
highest number of identified and/or reported ulcers during the
study. The annualized data for emergency department visits,
hospitalizations, and health care visits were similar for the
video and telephone groups, and were tracked weekly. Hospitalizations and health care visits, tracked every 8 to 12 weeks,
were less in the standard care group. Fifty-five percent of each
of the 3 groups had no hospitalizations. Repeat emergency
department visits and hospitalizations appeared to be driven by
a small number of people; no significant differences were noted
between the 3 study groups.52
There is level 4 evidence that telerehabilitation does not
make a significant difference in the prevention and treatment of
pressure ulcers post-SCI.

Table 11: Telerehabilitation and Pressure Ulcer Management

Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Phillips et al, 1999,


Inclusion: all who

participated had 1 or
more pressure ulcers.
Patients ranged in
age from 18 to 58y.
There were 9 men
and 2 women. Level
of injury ranged from
C5 to L12.
Exclusion: not specified.

Case-control: 37 patients with

SCI were asked to
participate. Video
conferencing was used to
assist patients in treating
and monitoring pressure
ulcers. Patients were
divided into 3 groups
(telephone, video, and
standard care).

Number of
pressure ulcers,
ED visits,
and doctor
visits annually;

Vesmarovich et al,51
1999, USA

Inclusion: specific
inclusion criteria not
recorded. Subjects
were men between
the ages 38 and 78y
and had either a
cervical or thoracic
spine injury.
Exclusion: not specified.

Case series: 8 subjects

participated. The outpatient
nurse, using the Picasso
Still Image Videophone,
conducted weekly
telerehabilitation visits.
Subjects and family
members received 30min
education; equipment was
sent home with subjects.
Interviews were conducted
to determine level of

Development of
pressure ulcers.

1. Overall, it was found that

the video group reported
the largest number of
ulcers, followed by the
standard care group and
the telephone group.
2. The standard care group
reported the lowest
number of ED visits,
hospitalizations, and
health care provider
3. The numbers of visits
were similar for the other
2 groups.
4. Of each group, 55% had
no hospitalizations
during the study period.
It also was noted that
26% of the subjects had
returned to work by 6
months after injury.
1. Subjects were seen
approximately 7 times
(range, 118 visits).
2. Seven of 12 wound sites
healed completely; 2
needed surgery.
3. Subjects and family were
highly satisfied.


Abbreviations: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score; ED, emergency department.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



Table 12: Electrical Stimulation for Pressure Ulcer Healing

Author, Year,

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods




Pressure ulcer 1. Percentage reduction in the wound

Inclusion: patients were men; had RCT: 20 patients with SCI with
surface area exhibited by the
pelvic (sacral/coccygeal or
complete or incomplete SCI,
HVPC group was greater than
gluteal/ischial) ulcers received
with a pelvic pressure ulcer;
sham treatment group at day 5
HVPC or sham HVPC for 1
classified between grades II
(P.03), day 15 (P.05), and day
hour daily for 20 consecutive
and IV.
20 (P.05).
days. All patients received
Exclusion: severe cardiac disease,
equivalent dressing changes.
cardiac arrhythmia or
Wounds were mechanically
uncontrolled autonomic
debrided as necessary. Efforts
dysreflexia, or used a
were made to relieve pressure,
but this was not described.
Adegoke and Inclusion: all ulcers were grade
Surface area 1. Surface area of grade IV pelvic
RCT: 7 patients with SCI
pressure ulcers of DC group
of pressure
underwent stimulation with
IV, and located in the pelvic
decreased by 22.2% vs 2.6% in
interrupted DC and nursing
region; age from 21 to 60y;
sham DC group.
care or sham DC and nursing
either quadriplegia or
2. Most of the decrease in surface
care; three 45-min treatments
paraplegia; ulcers located in the
area occurred during the first 2
once weekly for 4wk.
greater trochanter or sacral
weeks of the study (DC group,
13.314.1, % change, 15.8; sham
Exclusion: nonsmokers; otherwise
DC group 15.13.6, % change,
not specified.
Baker et al,31 Inclusion: 1 or more pressure
RCT: stimulation of A vs B vs MC Pressure ulcer 1. No statistical differences were noted
between the initial or discharge
group originally thought to
ulcers. Age 17 to 76y. SCI, 66
1996, USA
ulcer areas or in the mean healing
incorporate stimulation below
men and 14 women. Injuries
rates among the 4 treatment
effective level became the third
either cervical, thoracic, or
groupsA, B, MC, controls.
treatment group when some
2. Comparing the descriptive data by
early therapeutic effect was
Exclusion: not specified.
classifying them as good or poor
noted. All remained on their
healing responses failed to identify
stimulation protocols until
any statistically significant
their ulcers healed, the
differences between these 2 groups.
physician intervened, or
3. When looking at the good
subject withdrew from study.
response group, the group A
Controls received sham for 4
protocol was more effective than
weeks, then were entered into
either the MC or control protocols
either A or B stimulation
(P.05). No significant differences
protocol. Electrical stimulation
were found between protocol B
treatment for all subjects
and the other treatments.
consisted of 1.5 hours of
4. Those in the control group who
stimulation 5d/wk.
had wounds healed by either
protocol A or B experienced a
healing rate greater (43.3%12.5%
change/wk) than during the control
period (9.7%3.4% change/wk).
Stefanovska Inclusion: no specific inclusion
Pressure ulcer 1. The healing rate for the AC group
Prospective controlled trial: 150
et al,55
(n42) was significantly better
patients with SCI participated.
criteria cited; however, all who
than the other 2 groups: DC
Currents were applied across
participated had SCI and 1 or
(n12), control (n34) (P.003),
wounds by a pair of selfmore pressure ulcers.
after excluding those with very
adhesive skin electrodes. Low
Exclusion: not specified.
deep, superficial, or long-term
density (DC) group (N18)
treated with low-density DCs
(600A) for 2 hours daily. AC
group (n82) treated with lowfrequency pulsed currents for 2
hours daily. Control group
(n50) received conventional
treatment (not described) for
the first month.

Griffin et al,
1991, USA

Abbreviations: A, asymmetric biphasic; AC, low-frequency pulsed current; B, symmetric biphasic; D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment
scale score; DC, direct current; MC, microcurrent.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

Electrical stimulation for pressure ulcer healing. The
therapeutic effect of electrical stimulation for wound healing
has been well documented since the 1960s, especially for
wounds not responding to standard forms of treatment.18,30,31
Despite the use of electrical stimulation to promote wound
healing, there remains a lack of clear understanding about how
it works to facilitate tissue repair, although a variety of cellular
actions (eg, migration and activation of key cells) have been
purported as a mechanism of action.53
Some of the effects of electrical stimulation on wound healing include decreased healing time, increased collagen synthesis, increased wound tensile strength, increased rate of wound
epithelialization, and enhanced bactericidal effects.30 Electrical

stimulation also has been shown to improve tissue perfusion

and reduce edema formation, indirectly stimulating healing by
improving oxygen delivery to tissue.53 The literature shows
high variability about which type of electric current and application protocol is effective for a specific patient or ulcer type18
(table 12).
Griffin et al54 showed the efficacy of direct HVCP for the
healing of pelvic pressure ulcers in subjects with SCI. Compared with a placebo group, the subjects treated with HVPC
experienced a greater percentage reduction in wound surface
area at day 5 (P.03), day 15 (P.05), and day 20 (P.05).
Stefanovska et al55 showed that the healing rate for wounds
treated with low-frequency pulsed current was significantly
better than for groups treated with direct current or conven-

Table 13: Laser Treatment for Pressure Ulcer Healing

Author, Year, Country
PEDro/D&B Score

Taly et al,57 2004,

India PEDro10

Nussbaum et al,58
1994, Canada

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Inclusion: patients with

spinal cord disorders
admitted to the
rehabilitation ward with
pressure ulcers or who
developed ulcers during
their stay in the ward.
Pressure ulcers at stage
2, 3, or 4 were included.
Ages from 8 to 65y; 27
men, 8 women.
Exclusion: stage 1 ulcer:
nonblanching erythema
of intact skin;
photosensitivity; ulcers
from other causes;
necrotic tissue in ulcers
that would interfere with
the application of laser;
flask-shaped ulcers that
cannot be exposed to
laser; pressure ulcers
with underlying
osteomyelitis; pressure
ulcers requiring surgical
intervention at first
Inclusion: SCI with 1 or
more skin ulcer. Ages:
15 to 61y. A total of 16
men and 2 women.
Pressure ulcers were
located in the cervical,
thoracic, or lumbar
regions of the body.
Exclusion: not specified.

RCT: 35 patients with SCI

with 64 ulcers.
Experimental group
multiwavelength light
therapy (galliumaluminum arsenide
laser source) in
addition to
For controls, the light
therapy source was
held over the ulcer
after switching off the
beam. A total of 14
treatments were given,
1 every other day, 3
times a week.
Treatments ended once
the ulcer had healed or
after the 14 treatment

Number of ulcers
that healed.

1. Overall, no significant differences

were found between the control
and treatment groups. In
controls, 14 ulcers healed
completely compared with 18 in
the treatment group (P.80).
2. The mean time taken to heal was
2.52.1wk in the treatment group
and 1.82.1wk in controls
3. Multiwavelength light therapy
reduced the time taken by a
small subgroup (n4) of stage 3
and 4 ulcers to reach stage 2,
2.30.5wk; control group (n5)
4.31.5wk (t2.62, P.047).

RCT: originally 20
subjects began the
study, but only 16
completed it.

Pressure ulcer

1. US/UVC and laser treatment with

US/UVC showing greater effect
on wound healing than laser or
control. Mean percentage of
change per week in ulcer size (1
SD) from day 0 to complete
healing for controls (32.4%),
US/UVC (53.5%), and laser
2. Several subjects experienced
deterioration, with ulcers
increasing in size (laser3,
62%167% change; control1,
58% change; US/UVC1, 1%
change). All ulcers healed by the
end of the study; the last ulcer to
heal in laser group healed by
week 20 vs week 6 with US/UVC.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



tional treatment alone (P.003). Baker et al31 demonstrated

that, for ulcers that responded to any form of electrical simulation (good responses), asymmetric biphasic stimulation
(group A) was most effective for enhanced wound healing.
Wounds that already were exhibiting signs of healing in the
control group, with the subsequent addition of either protocol
A or B (symmetric biphasic), experienced a greater healing rate
(43.3%12.5% change/wk) versus the control period (9.7%
3.4% change/wk). Adegoke and Badmos56 found that the surface area of grade IV pelvic pressure ulcers treated with interrupted direct current and nursing care decreased by 22.2%
versus 2.6% with sham treatment. While there were differences
in the type and duration of electric current applied in the 4
studies, all the studies demonstrated that, when used in conjunction with standard wound management, electrical stimulation can accelerate the healing rate of pressure ulcers in patients
with SCI.
There is level 1 evidence from 2 RCTs to support the use of
electrical stimulation to accelerate the healing rate of stage
III/IV pressure ulcers when combined with standard wound
Laser Treatment for Pressure Ulcer Healing
Lasers have been used as a therapeutic modality for
wound healing since the 1970s. Laser treatments are felt to
act during the proliferative phase of wound healing to promote fibroblast activity and increase granulation tissue formation in nonhealing, chronic wounds. Currently the use of
lasers to promote wound closure in chronic wounds is not
supported by evidence.53 The Consortium for Spinal Cord
Medicine1 reviewed the literature on adjunct wound therapies, including laser treatments, and did not identify enough
supporting evidence to recommend lasers for the treatment
of pressure ulcers in persons with SCI. The 2 studies presented in this article support the conclusion of the consortium (table 13).
Taly et al57 studied 35 subjects with an SCI (64 ulcers) using
multiwavelength light therapy compared with standard wound
care alone. Overall, no significant differences were found between the 2 groups with regard to the number of ulcers healed
or the time required for ulcers to heal.

Nussbaum et al58 studied 16 patients with an SCI and compared standard wound care alone with standard care combined
with either laser or US/UVC. In this study, laser treatment
combined with standard wound care had the least effect on
wound healing compared with either standard care or US/UVC.
A significant difference was found between the US/UVC and
the laser groups, with the US/UVC treatment producing the
greater effect on wound healing.
There is level 1 evidence (from 2 RCTs) to suggest that laser
treatment has no added benefit in pressure ulcer healing postSCI over standard wound care alone.
US/UVC for Pressure Ulcer Healing
Houghton and Campbell53 note that both US and UVC have
been used in the treatment of chronic wounds. US acts mainly
during the inflammatory stage of wound healing to activate the
release of chemical messengers from cells, resulting in changes
to the amount and strength of scar tissue.53 The bactericidal
effects of UVC suggest that it is best used for the treatment of
chronic, infected wounds in which there is an excess of surface
bacteria or bacteria have become resistant to antibiotic therapy.
There is research to support consideration of UVC in the
treatment of chronic infected wounds, but therapeutic US has
no added benefits when used to treat pressure ulcers.53 The
Consortium of Spinal Cord Medicine1 found minimal data
specific to the use of US or UVC to treat pressure ulcers in
In 1 small RCT (N16), Nussbaum et al58 demonstrated that,
compared with standard wound care alone or laser combined with
standard wound care, US/UVC plus standard wound care generated a greater effect on wound healing over a shorter period of
time. However, as US and UVC were alternated over 5 days and
provided in combination to a single treatment group, conclusions
cannot be drawn as to the individual effects of either US or UVC
(table 14).
There is level 1 evidence, from 1 small RCT, to suggest that
combining US/UVC with standard wound care decreases the
wound healing time of pressure ulcers post-SCI, but no evi-

Table 14: US/UVC for Pressure Ulcer Healing

Author, Year,
PEDro/D&B Score

Nussbaum et al,
1994, Canada

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion: SCI with 1 or

more skin ulcer.
Ages: 15 to 61y. A
total of 16 men and
2 women. Pressure
ulcers were located
in the cervical,
thoracic, or lumbar
regions of the body.
Exclusion: not

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009

Study Design and



RCT: Originally 20
subjects with
SCI began the
study, but only
16 completed it.

Pressure ulcer


1. US/UVC and laser treatment with US/UVC

exerted greater effect on wound healing
than laser or control. Mean percentage of
change per week in ulcer size (1 SD)
from day 0 to complete healing for
controls (32.4%), US/UVC (53.5%), and
laser (23.7%).
2. Several subjects experienced deterioration,
with ulcers increasing in size (laser3,
62% to 167% change; control1, 58%
change; US/UVC1, 1% change). All ulcers
healed by the end of the study; the last
ulcer to heal in laser group healed by
week 20 vs week 6 with US/UVC.



Table 15: Nonthermal Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy
Author, Year,
PEDro/D&B Score

Salzberg et al,
1995, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Inclusion: all who

participated had 1
or more pressure
ulcers. Ages
24 69y.
Exclusion: more than
1 ulcer; recent
ulcer surgery;
fitted with a
cardiac pacemaker;
comorbid disease;
active cellulitis;
sepsis; terminally
ill or end stage
disease; total joint
replacement; stage
I or IV ulcers.

RCT: 30 patients with SCI were

selected to participate and
subclassified into stage II vs
stage III ulcers.
Active treatment consisted of
nonthermal pulsed high
frequency, high peak power,
electromagnetic energy
delivered through a
treatment head placed in
light contact with the wound
site and tuned to resonance
in the area of the wound.
Treatment was noninvasive
and delivered through
wound dressings for 30min,
twice daily for 12wk or until
The control group received 12
wk of sham treatment.

Pressure ulcer status.

1. Stage II group: active treatment

(n10), sham n10). After 1
week, active treatment healed a
greater percentage of ulcers
(84%) than sham (40%, P.01)
and the median size of ulcer
also was smaller at 1 week (2.7
vs 16.5cm2, P.015).
2. Complete healing with active
treatment occurred in a median
of 13d vs 31.5d with sham
3. Given that there were more
large ulcers (60cm2) in the
sham group, data were
reanalyzed for 15 patients with
ulcers less than 60cm2, with
similar results.
4. Stage III group: with active
treatment, 3 of 5 healed over
an average of 43d. 0 of 5
healed with sham. Ulcer area
decreased by an average of
70.6% vs 20.7%, respectively.

dence exists to clarify whether UVC or US, used alone, exerts

any beneficial effect.
Effects of Nonthermal Pulsed Electromagnetic
Energy Treatment
Electromagnetic energy acts during the proliferative stage
of wound healing to increase production of granulation
tissue formation. Other beneficial effects include increased
blood and oxygen availability to tissues and decreased tissue
edema.53 Keast et al,22 while updating best practice recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pressure
ulcers, recommend considering electromagnetic fields as 1
adjunct modality for stimulating closure of chronic nonhealing pressure ulcers (table 15).

Salzberg et al59 evaluated the effects of nonthermal pulsed

electromagnetic energy for the healing of stage II/III ulcers in
patients with SCI, assessing effects in stage II ulcers and stage
III ulcers separately. In those with stage II ulcers (n10), a
greater proportion of ulcers healed (84%) after 1 week of active
treatment versus a sham treatment (40%; P.01). For complete
healing, the treatment group healed in a median of 13 days
versus 31.5 days among controls (P.001). Given that there
were a larger number of ulcers with size greater than 60cm2 in
the sham group, the data were reanalyzed, and the results
obtained were consistent with the initial findings: again, treated
patients with stage II ulcers experienced a greater proportion of
lesions healed at 1 week (P.002), and the number of days to
being fully healed was fewer (P.007). In those with stage III

Table 16: Anabolic Steroid Agents

Author, Year,
PEDro/D&B Score

Spungen et al,
2001, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion: 1 of the following:

a self-reported or
documented healing PU
that had existed for more
than 2mo; or a
full-thickness PU that
extended through fascia
into muscle, tendon, or
Exclusion: not specified.

Study Design and



Case series: 9 patients

with SCI with stage
III/IV PU were
treated with 20mg
oxandrolone daily
and 20g glutamine
dissolved in orange
juice. PU care and
support services

Not specified.


1. With oxandrolone and glutamine

treatment, 8 of 9 patients
completely healed, the majority
within 3 to 6mo. Two subjects
required 12mo of treatment for
complete healing.

Abbreviations: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score; PU, pressure ulcer.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



ulcers, healing was also associated with pulsed electromagnetic

energy treatment: 3 of 5 healed within an average of 43 days,
while 0 of 5 healed in the sham group. Ulcer area decreased
70.6% with active treatment versus 20.7% with the sham
There is level 1 evidence from 1 RCT to support the efficacy
of pulsed electromagnetic energy to accelerate the healing of
stage II and III pressure ulcers post-SCI.
Anabolic Steroid Agents
Impaired nutritional status and decreased nutritional intake
are significantly associated with the development and healing
of pressure ulcers.1 The use of anabolic steroids and increased
protein intake have been associated with promoting anabolism,
weight gain and, in turn, wound closure in burn patients.1 An
anabolic steroid agent may also promote closure of nonhealing

pressure ulcers in the SCI population because pressure ulcers are

associated with an increased metabolic rate and catabolism.60
In a case series of 9 subjects with stage III or IV pressure
ulcers, Spungen et al60 demonstrated complete healing in 8 of
9 subjects 3 to 12 months after daily administration of 20mg
oxandrolone. Given the small size of this case series, further
research is needed to determine the role of anabolic steroid
agents (oxandrolone) for the promotion of healing of stage III
and IV pressure ulcers post-SCI (table 16).
There is very limited level 4 evidence to support the use of
anabolic steroid agents (oxandrolone) to promote the healing of
stage III and IV pressure ulcers post-SCI.
Effectiveness of Dressings
Because of the estimated costs associated with pressure
ulcers and their treatment, various dressing types used with the

Table 17: Effectiveness of Dressings Post-SCI

Author, Year,

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Hollisaz et al,62
2004, Iran

Inclusion: paraplegia caused

by an SCI; all past
soldiers in the Iran/Iraq
war; stage I or II pressure
ulcers, smooth ulcer area
so an adhesive dressing
could be used.
Exclusion: addiction; heavy
smoking (20 cigarettes/d
or 10 packs/y);
concomitant chronic

RCT: 83 patients (with 91 PU,

33 stage 1 and 58 stage 2)
with an SCI were randomly
assigned to 1 of 3 groups:
(1) SD, (2) HD, or (3)
adhesive with PC.
Dressings were changed
twice daily for SD, daily for
PC, and twice weekly
for HD.

Healing status of
the ulcer.

Kaya et al,61
2005, Turkey

Inclusion: SCI; otherwise, no

specific inclusion criteria
cited. A total of 24 men
and 3 women; ages
16 56y. PU stages I to III.
No further details
Exclusion: not specified.

RCT: In total, 27 subjects

with 49 PUs were
randomly allocated to
either of the following:
Active treatment group
(n15 with 25 ulcers):
received an occlusive
hydrogeltype dressing,
changed every 4 days
unless the area became
Control group (n12 with 24
ulcers): received
gauze applied to the area,
with dressing changed
daily to avoid

Rate of healing

1. Overall, completion of healing

(regardless of location or stage)
was better with HD (74% vs 40%
with PC and 27% with SD; P.01
and .005, respectively).
2. Complete healing of stage I ulcers
also was significantly greater in
the HD group than in the other 2
3. For stage II ulcers, those in the
HD-treated ulcers healed better
than SD-treated ulcers (67% vs
16%, respectively; P.005), but no
better than PC-treated ulcers.
4. Gluteal ulcers also healed more
completely with HD than with
either of the other 2 dressings
5. Complete healing of sacral ulcers
did not differ among the 3 groups.
1. There was no difference in the
healing rates between the 2
2. Those in the treatment group had
more wounds (n21) heal than
those in the control group (n13)

Abbreviations: PC, phenytoin cream; PU, pressure ulcer; SD, simple dressing.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



SCI population have been investigated, including hydrogel61

and hydrocolloid dressings.62 When HDs are placed over the
wound, fluids are absorbed, causing the dressing to swell and
form a gel.53,63 The outer surface of the dressing allows for
exchange of water vapor and protects the wound from outside
contamination. HDs also create a moist wound environment
and are believed to act by accelerating wound debridement.
They are cost effective because patients can wear the dressing
for 3 to 5 days, and they are available in a sheet form as well
as a paste or granules that are used to fill deeper wounds such
as stage II and III pressure ulcers.1,53,64
A hydrogel dressing creates a healing environment by
retaining moisture and rehydrating tissue; autolytic debridement and filling of any dead space in the wound.64,65 It is
believed that hydrogel dressings promote faster healing,
provide protection against wound contamination, are acceptable to patients, decrease pain, and have been found to be
cost effective65 (table 17).
Hollisaz et al,62 in an RCT involving 83 subjects, found that
those in the HD group (n28) seemed to have the greatest
completion of healing regardless of the location and stage,
compared with those in the phenytoin cream group (n28) or
simple dressing group (n27; P.005). When considering
stage I ulcers, those in the HD group healed faster than those in
the other 2 groups (P.005). For stage II ulcers, HD-treated
ulcers healed better than simple dressingtreated ulcers
(P.005) but no better than phenytoin creamtreated ulcers.
When looking at the area of injury, gluteal ulcers healed more
completely in the HD group than in the other 2, whereas the
healing of sacral ulcers did not differ between the 3 groups.
Kaya et al61 compared the effectiveness of applying an
occlusive hydrogeltype dressing to a povidone-iodinesoaked
gauze dressing. Although those using the hydrogel dressing
experienced a somewhat higher rate of healing, no statistically
significant differences were noted between the 2 groups. The
21 subjects in the treatment group did have significantly more
wounds heal than the 13 controls (P.04).

There is level 1 evidence from a single RCT that completion
of healing for stage I and II pressure ulcers is greater with an
occlusive HD compared with phenytoin cream or simple dressing. There is level 2 evidence from another single, small RCT
that occlusive hydrogeltype dressings heal more pressure ulcers than conservative treatment.
Maggot Therapy
Maggot therapy, also called MDT, is a treatment for wound
healing that has been practiced for several centuries; however,
with the development of various antibiotics, this therapy began
to lose its popularity after World War II. More fashionably
called myasis or biosurgery, MDT uses specially bred larvae of
the Lucilia sericata species. L sericata larvae do not damage
healthy dermis or subcutaneous tissue, but can destroy healthy
epithelium; thus, epithelium protection is mandatory with
MDT. Maggots assist with the debridement of wounds by
secreting digestive enzymes that dissolve necrotic tissue; these
enzymes also contain antibacterial substances that assist with
disinfecting wounds.66,67 Maggot therapy is associated with an
increase in wound granulation tissue debridement and disinfection, and is felt to accelerate wound healing (table 18).66,67
In 1 non-RCT conducted by Sherman et al,68 8 of 20 patients
diagnosed with pressure ulcers (stage III or IV) were treated
with maggot therapy. All 8 patients underwent 3 weeks of
conventional treatment, followed by maggot therapy. All necrotic wounds were debrided within 1 week of maggot treatment, and wound healing was faster among the 8 who had
received maggot therapy than in the 12 who had not.
There is level 2 evidence from 1 study to support the use of
maggot therapy as an adjunctive therapy for nonhealing pressure ulcers post-SCI.

Table 18: Effectiveness of Maggot Therapy

Author, Year,
D&B Score

Sherman et al,68
1995, USA

Eligibility Criteria

Study Design and Methods

Outcome Measures


Inclusion: SCI; quadriplegia or

paraplegia; pressure ulcer
stage III or IV. Ages ranged
from 44 to 68y. Both men
and women, and 7 were
patients with paraplegia.
Exclusion: not specified.

Non-RCT: overall, 20 patients

with SCI were recruited,
but only 8 patients were
allocated to the treatment
Treatment group underwent
conventional therapy for 3
to 4wk followed by the
placing of maggots
(covered with porous
sterile dressings), which
were left in place for 48-h
to 72-h cycles. Between
cycles of maggot therapy,
the group received sodium
hypochlorite, normal saline
or wet-to-dry gauze
dressings every 8 hours.
Controls received traditional

Healing of the pressure

ulcer; size of wound

1. Noted change in surface

area during maggot
therapy (ulcer surface
area decreased by
approximately 22% per
week P.001 during
2. No complications or
infection were noted as a
result of treatment.

Abbreviation: D&B, Downs and Black28 quality assessment scale score.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009



Numerous authors cited in this article have noted that pressure ulcers, though largely preventable, remain a common,
potentially serious lifelong secondary complication of SCI.
Pressure ulcers have the potential to affect overall quality of
life and to disrupt rehabilitation, vocational and educational
pursuits, and community reintegration.1-4 Pressure ulcers lead to
increased hospital readmission rates with longer lengths of stay.69
While pressure ulcer prevention is more cost effective than treatment, pressure ulcers continue to be a major issue.4,17,19
Many of the 15 prevention studies reviewed had very small
sample sizes. There was level 2 evidence to support early
attendance at seating assessment clinics and provision of enhanced pressure ulcer prevention education; level 3 evidence
that various cushions and seating systems have potentially
beneficial effects; and level 4 evidence to support use of
electrical stimulation, forward-leaning position for pressure
relief, and behavioral contingencies. There was evidence to
show that telerehabilitation, the addition of lumbar support to
wheelchairs, and the 15-second to 30-second vertical lift for
pressure relief were not effective. More rigorous research is
needed in all areas of pressure ulcer prevention post-SCI to
determine effective interventions so evidence-based conclusions may guide education and practice.
Eleven articles were found that studied treatment interventions post-SCI. While there were a small number of articles and
generally small sample sizes, there was level 1 evidence to
support electrical stimulation, US/UVC, and pulsed electromagnetic energy as adjunctive therapies to standard wound
management. There also was level 1 evidence to support the
use of an occlusive HD for healing of stage I and II pressure
ulcers. Interventions that are well supported by evidence need
to be incorporated into treatment plans for persons with SCI
who have nonhealing pressure ulcers. Nonetheless, more research needs to be done to assess treatment interventions in the
SCI population.
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a. ROHO Inc, PO Box 658, Belleville, IL 62222.
b. Jay Medical, Ltd, PO Box 18665, Boulder, CO 80308.
c. ErgoAir, Inc, 131 DW Highway, #326, Nashua, NH 03060.
d. Jobst, Box 653, Toledo, OH 43694.
e. Spenco Medical Corp, PO Box 8113, Waco, TX 76710.
f. Ken McRight Suppliers, 7456 South Oswego, Tulsa, OK 74136.
g. Everest & Jennings, 1803 Pontius Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
h. Sci Medics Inc, 700 N Valley St, Bldg A, Anaheim, CA 92801.
i. Sunrise Medical, 7477 East Dry Creek Parkway, Longmont, CO
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, February 2009

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