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Project #1: Pure Abstraction Mark Making

Artist Studied/Demonstrated: Wassily Kandinsky Demo

Measurement: 15 x 12
Medium: Rice Paper, news paper, newsprint, acrylic paint, black marker
Technique: Drawing, painting, tearing, gluing

1. What principle(balance, a, s, r, emphasis, movement,
gradation, rhythm/patterns, harmony, proportion, variety, and
unity) was used to organize the building block or
element(value-noncolor, color, line, texture, color, hue,
intensity, and value; space, shape, form), in order to create
unity in this work of art (how was the work composed and
designed)? Explain and be specific.
a. I used the principles harmony and movement to organize the picture. I
used harmony because it is combined elements to emphasize the
similarities. I used movement because it looks like there is action going
on in the picture. I also used line to make their look like there was
movement going on. And another thing I used was color, color makes
it look like that there is life in the picture and bring attention to it. And
all this creates unity.

2. What technique did you learn from completing this project?

I learned how to use acrylic paint by coating it over the teared pieces of news
paper and the previous assignments that I have done. And how to correctly use a
paint brush.

3. What ESLRs did you apply on this project?

a. Complex Thinker was the ESLR I applied to this project. I used various
techniques, methods, and media to my own work of art.
4. What one fact did you remember or learn about the Artist(s)/
culture, demo? Explain fully.
Some things I remembered about Wassily Kandinsky are that he was obviously
an abstract artist. And I also remember my teacher showing us a work of art done
by this artist and the work of art had a lot of movement going on and some color,
and it was mostly made up of lines and shapes.

Project #2: Linear perspective

Artist Studied/Demonstrated:
Joseph M.W. Turner and Fillipo Bruneleschi
Measurement: 9x12
Medium: Bristol smooth paper and
Technique: Drawing and mark making
What principle (balance, a, s, r, emphasis, movement,
gradation, rhythm/patterns, harmony, proportion, variety, and
unity) was used to organize the building block or element
(value-noncolor, color, line, texture, color, hue, intensity, and
value; space, shape, form), in order to create unity in this
work of art (how was the work composed and designed)?
Explain and be specific.
a. I used the element line to make up this work of art. The lines create
some shapes like squares, circles, etc. And In the shapes there is
space. With the space and line together it all creates unity.

2. What technique did you learn from completing this project?

a. I learned the technique of mark making to make their look like I have shadow.
I used short strokes with my thin side of the marker to create shadows and
textures. And I learned what perspective was and how to use it correctly. With
perspective I used it to make it look as if there is an actual hallway.

3. What ESLRs did you apply on this project?

a. Complex Thinker was the ESLR I applied to this project. I used various
techniques, methods, and media to my own work of art.

4. What one fact did you remember or learn about the Artist(s)/
culture, demo? Explain fully.
a. Some facts I remember are the painting my teacher showed us and how they
used point perspective to complete their works of arts.

Project #3: Still life

Artist Studied/Demonstrated: Demo

Measurement: 6x6
Medium: 8b, 6b, and 2b, and B pencils
Technique: Drawing, shading, blending with pencil, additive and subtractive.

What principle (balance, a, s, r, emphasis, movement, gradation,
rhythm/patterns, harmony, proportion, variety, and unity) was used to
organize the building block or element (value-noncolor, color, line,
texture, color, hue, intensity, and value; space, shape, form), in order
to create unity in this work of art (how was the work composed and
designed)? Explain and be specific.
a. The principles I used to organize the artwork are movement. I used movement
by organizing the objects to lead to the right hand bottom corner of the page. I
also used gradation when I shaded from light to dark with my pencils to make the
drawings look realistic. Then I also used texture to bring the drawings alive.

2. What technique did you learn from completing this project?

a. I learned how to shade objects correctly and learned which pencils to use for
the right kind of shading. I have definitely seen improvement since when I first
started to shade a few months ago.

3. What ESLRs did you apply on this project?

a. Complex Thinker was the ESLR I applied to this project. I used various
techniques, methods, and media to my own work of art.

4 .What one fact did you remember or learn about the Artist(s)/
culture, demo? Explain fully.
a. I remembered how to shade correctly by not pressing too hard with my
pencils and how to use an electric eraser. I also learned how to use a stump
the right way. I have definitely have seen progression since with my first
shading assignment and think I am a lot better now.

Project #2: Still Life Cubism

Artist Studied/Demonstrated: Pablo Picasso and George Braque
Measurement: 9x6
Medium: Charcoal, white charcoal, white pastel and grey charcoal paper.
Technique; Drawing and painting and blending, additive and subtractive.
What principle (balance, a, s, r, emphasis, movement,
gradation, rhythm/patterns, harmony, proportion, variety, and
unity) was used to organize the building block or element (valuenoncolor, color, line, texture, color, hue, intensity, and value;
space, shape, form), in order to create unity in this work of art
(how was the work composed and designed)? Explain and be
a. The principles I used to organize this work of art are movement because the
ways the shapes are formed create a look of action going on in the picture. I also
used gradation with the blending part, and rhythm in some areas. The
elements I used were texture in some shapes and shape to make the vase look

2. What technique did you learn from completing this project?

a. A technique I learned from completing this project is how to blend white
charcoal and black charcoal. I learned how to use a stump and charcoal pencil.
3. What ESLRs did you apply on this project?
a. Complex Thinker was the ESLR I applied to this project. I used various
techniques, methods, and media to my own work of art.
4 .What one fact did you remember or learn about the Artist(s)/
culture, demo? Explain fully.
a. I remember for some reason the most of Pablo Picasso was that his father
was an artist and taught him, and when he became better than his father, his
father completely gave up art. And I also remember that he became a very
good artist at a young age.

Tiffany Garcia
Block B
Drawing and Painting 1

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