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Lesson Plan Form

CSUDH - Teacher Education Department

Grade Level(s): 1st
Elizabeth Avveduto
Standard(s): Measurement and Data
Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

Date: TBD
Single/Multi-Day Lesson: Single

1. Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects

indirectly by using a third object.
2. Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units,
by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to
end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the
number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps.
Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a
whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps.
Writing Standards K 2
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from
experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a
Language Standards K-5
Conventions of Standard English
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
Students will measure the lengths of several items using a non-standard source of measurement (Ex:
paper clip/pencil) to measure items. (Concept)
II. LEARNING OUTCOME (Objective): The students will compare the lengths of several items
measured and use appropriate vocabulary (larger, smaller, taller, shorter). Students will understand
proper way to measure objects (without overlapping or gaps).
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence): In a previous lesson,
students discovered the difference between standard measurement and non-standard measurements.
After this lesson, students will practice measuring the length of items using standard measurement in
whole number units.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activities): The teacher will read to students Froglets Do the
Measuring by Anderson, Casey, and Kerrigan. (Or retell the story using felt board). The book will
serve as an introduction to non-standard measurement and teacher can explain the importance of
knowing how to measure.
The teacher will display vocabulary words in the classroom and discuss them before reading the
book. In addition, the teacher should make a list of items for students to measure ahead of time and
give students a sheet of paper where they can record their measurements/observations.
Before students begin ask for their predictions, record their answers and at the end compare their
predictions with their final measurements (using frogs).

B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):

C. Step #1 Introduction to measuring
a. Students will work in small groups; each group will receive a paper bag. The bag will have 3
or 4 items that they will arrange in order by length (smallest to largest). Each bag will
contain different items (pencil, paper clip, popsicle stick, eraser, crayons, plastic spoon,
straw, key, index card, a piece of yarn, glue stick etc.) Ask questions: Do you find the
smallest or largest item first? Why do you choose the _____ item first? Now arrange items
from tallest to shortest.
b. Teacher will walk around the classroom and observing students. Listen for vocabulary words
and assist students if needed.
B. Step #2 Measuring with frogs (non-standard source of measurement)
a. Working in pairs, students will measure objects around the classroom using non-standard
source of measurement (three frogs each student) and record their measurements on paper.
Ask students questions: What are some things we can measure in our classroom? How do
we keep track of our measurements?
b. Teacher will walk around the classroom while observing and/or assisting students if/when
needed and encouraging them to use vocabulary words when measuring.
Step #3 Collect data from students (using vocabulary words)
a. Ask students if their measurements are the same or different from others. Why do you think
your measurements are different? How did you measure that object? What could you do
different next time?
b. The teacher will listen to students responses and encourage them to use proper vocabulary
Step #4 Lets use our vocabulary words
a. Students will work alone and use play dough to make a snake/worm. Then using building
cubes will make a tower. Students will compare their snake with tower (or another students
work). Students will use proper vocabulary and write a concrete sentence(s) in their journal.
Students may also draw a picture next to their sentence. Ex: My snake is shorter than my
tower. My tower is taller than Sallys tower.
b. Teacher will walk around to ensure students are working and writing descriptive sentences
using appropriate vocabulary. Assist students if they are having trouble writing a sentence.
Step #5 Students will write in their math journals summarizing their findings
a. Students will write their observations of measuring with non-standard source of
measurement by using appropriate vocabulary and pictures to show their understanding.
b. The teacher will ask students to recall the correct way to measure objects using non-standard
source of measurement and the incorrect way of measuring an object using non-standard
source of measurement (frogs). Students will figure out that when measuring with the frogs
(non-standard units of measurement) they cannot overlap or leave gaps between the frogs
because the measurement will be incorrect/inaccurate.
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection):
Working alone students will measure two lines using paper clips. One line will be straight and the
other will be crooked. Ask children which line they think is longer and why. Allow students to
measure each line and write their answer next to the line in a sentence (The straight line is 2 paper
clips shorter than the crooked line.)
If time permits students can measure the lines using small paperclips and large paperclips. Students
can notice the differences and write their findings in their journals.


Book (Froglets Do the Measuring or felt board story)
Vocabulary chart
Frog cutouts {}
Paper bags
Items for measuring (For step 1)
Math journals
Play dough
Building cubes
Paper clips
Piece of paper with two lines (straight and crooked)
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):
Formative: Application activity
Summative: Students will conclude the lesson by writing and/or drawing in their journals. Students will
write the answers to follow up questions: Tell me about measuring with non-standard source of
measurement. Did you like measuring with frogs? What did your like best about the lesson?
The teacher will demonstrate how to measure without overlapping or gaps
Students will work in small groups/pairs
Use visuals
Tactile activity
Use repetition
Oral language
Vocabulary chart

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