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Whiteheart 1

Name: _____________________________



Unit 3 Test (Grade 7)

I. Matching: Write the correct letter in the blank. Some letters may not be used.
1. ______ A well-developed character whom
the reader knows much about.

A. Dynamic

2. ______ A one-sided character that is not fully


B. Static Character

3. ______ A character who undergoes little or

no change throughout the story.

C. Flat Character

4. ______ The main character in a story.


D. Round

5. ______ A character who undergoes an

internal change throughout the story.

E. Antagonist
F. Protagonist

II. Multiple Choice: Circle the letter that best answers the question.
6. ____ is the author of The Outsiders.
A. Harper Lee
B. S.E. Hinton

C. Scott F. Fitzgerald
D. Dean Howells

7. Which of the following can be construed as a symbol (or symbols) that represent
A. Long, greasy hair
C. Switchblades
B. Mustangs
D. All of the above.
8. Which of the following can be construed as a symbol (or symbols) that represent
A. Madras shirts
C. Rings
B. Mustangs
D. All of the above.
9. Why does Johnny kill Bob?
A. He doesnt like him.

C. Bob tried to cut his hair.

Whiteheart 2
B. Bob beat him up.

D. Bob was drowning Ponyboy.

10. What are Johnnys last words to Ponyboy?

A. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold
C. Tell my parents goodbye for
B. Lookout for yourself, Ponyboy.
D. Have a good life, Pony.
III. True/False: Write true or false in the blank. Do not abbreviate T or F.
11. ___________ Ponyboy Curtis is the narrator of The Outsiders.
12. ___________ Cherry went to see Johnny in the hospital.
13. ___________ The fire at the abandoned church is started by a cigarette.
14. ___________ Dallas is killed while assaulting a police officer.
15. ___________ The Outsiders takes place in New York City.
IV. Short Answer: Write the correct answer in the blank.
16. How does Ponyboy get a concussion?
17. Several times throughout the text, Ponyboy mentions Darrys icy blue eyes.
What do
Darrys eyes suggest about his personality?
18. Why do the Greasers and the Socs fight each other?
19. How is Ponyboy different from the rest of the Greasers?
20. What book do Johnny and Ponyboy read while they are in the abandoned

Whiteheart 3

V. Essay: Choose one of the following essay questions to write about. Write your
answer in at
least three paragraphs.
1. Do you think that Johnny is a static or a dynamic character? Explain which you
think he is and why
using specific examples from the story.
2. How does Ponyboys perception of the Socs change throughout the story? What
events lead to the
change in his viewpoint?

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