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Metro RESA Gifted Endorsement Self Reflection Assessment for Identification & Assessment of the

Gifted Learner
The goal of this endorsement is to equip Candidates to identify and teach gifted students from a variety of
cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. We hope that you become advocates for gifted children, are
empowered to exert positive leadership in your school and come to be more effective teachers of ALL students.
This exercise is intended to provide an opportunity for you to reflect upon your growth towards those objectives.

I. Answer 1 of the following questions in a reflective written response with at least one paragraph per
B. What have you learned about yourself as a teacher as you have analyzed your implemented lessons and worked on your
performance task and rubric assignment? What have you learned your students as a result of their responses to your assessments
and lessons? What is working and is most effective? What do you plan to change?

Participation in the Gifted In-Field Endorsement Program has changed my approach toward curriculum
development in several ways. It introduced me to new instructional strategies, challenged me to think outside
the box when creating lessons and enabled me to effectively increase the rigor in my gifted classes.
Throughout my career, I have strived to keep up to date with current educational research and instructional
strategies that have proven successful. The Curriculum & Strategies course allowed me to create lessons that
were meaningful and fun for students.
At the start of creating many of the lessons, I was frustrated and could not see how various strategies could be
effectively implemented in a mathematics class. I was concerned that my students would not rise to the level of
higher-order thinking skills that were required. Fortunately, I worked beyond my cognitive dissonance to create
lessons that were well received. In addition, I realized that I was setting the bar too low for many of my students
in terms of academic rigor and teacher expectation.
The information on creating useful rubrics along with my subsequent refinement of the rubric for the
implemented lesson was beneficial. I found my gifted learners perform better when a rubric is provided. Several
students reported that having the detailed rubric alleviated the stress of not knowing what the teacher was
looking for.
Although not all lessons were successful the mystery and creative problem solving lessons proved too forced
in my mathematics classroom I continue to implement many of the other strategies throughout my classes.
The graduated difficulty lesson is a fantastic method for review and informal assessment of student knowledge.
The Circle of Knowledge lesson produced some amazing written responses and the students were engaged and
excited throughout the process. The Metaphorical expression lesson surprised me the most. Students loved
the analogy portion and even impressed themselves with their ability to apply the concept to math.
Through this course I have become a better teacher in the gifted classroom. My students reported that they
appreciated the new strategies and enjoyed learning right along with me. I have a clear understanding of the
rigor that gifted students are capable of and I might even attempt to re-build the mystery and cps lessons that

January 2014

Metro RESA Gifted Endorsement Self Reflection Assessment for Identification & Assessment of the
Gifted Learner

II. Of the selected essential questions listed below, what would you say are two strengths of your understanding
of the identification and assessment process for gifted/advanced learners and what is one area of weakness on
which you need more information Explain each choice in detail.

What is the process for referral and eligibility in my district?

How do we evaluate Mental Ability, Achievement, Motivation, and Creativity for eligibility?
What are the issues concerning appropriate development and use of assessment in my classroom?
What are appropriate formative assessments to use with high ability learners?
What are the unique aspects of some evaluation instruments for special populations?
How does one create analytic and holistic rubrics?
One strength of mine is understanding the process for referral and eligibility in my school district. I cant tell you how many
times I have had parents ask me why wasnt their child chosen for TAG. Prior to my course work, I would refer these
questions to our TAG department head. However, now I have the knowledge to answer the questions in a concise and
respectful manner. I understand the criteria needed to be referred for testing and I understand how to interpret and assess
those results for placement criteria. I have spoken at a parent meeting regarding concerns that TAG students are placed in
classes with NON-TAG (but advanced) students and I can explain why the model of continuous achievement works (at
least in a math classroom) for all students. I understand the two options for qualifications (Achievement vs. Multiple
Criteria) and can explain how the multiple criteria option provides a more level playing field for some students such as
English language learners and students with disabilities.
My second strength is understanding how we evaluate each section of the multiple criteria. Parents often do not
understand that only three of the four must be met and are quick to say Its always the creativity. To my knowledge that
is not an accurate statement, because if students met the requirements for mental ability and achievement they could also
get placed in TAG services based on motivation.
A weakness is appropriate formative assessments for high ability learners. I still find myself occasionally falling back in to
my on-level thinking that students need frequent formative assessments. I usually do not use a rubric in Math, but have
learned how higher level students would benefit from this practice. I intend to incorporate more rubric based formative
assessments next year in my classes.

January 2014

Metro RESA Gifted Endorsement Self Reflection Assessment for Identification & Assessment of the
Gifted Learner
III. As a concluding synthesis, please answer the crucial question below in one of four ways:

Write your response including anecdotal evidence

Chart or draw your response
Write a story or parable or poem or song in response
Design your own creative way to answer this question.

QUESTION: How is my new understanding of assessments, and lesson analysis impacting my


January 2014

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