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Occupation-Based Reflection

Occupation-based interventions reflect the creativity and unique role of occupational

therapy in practice. Focused efforts to further incorporate occupation-based interventions into
clinical treatment, research, and ongoing professional development are required to enhance
occupational therapy practice. My journey through the MSOT program at TUN helped expand
my knowledge and understanding of occupational therapy, and how occupation-based practice is
utilized to promote function and health. Occupation-based practice reflects the use of meaningful
or purposeful activities to support participation in life. When patients are motivated and
immersed in the activity or intervention, this facilitates faster achievement of goals. Throughout
the curriculum, our professors emphasized the importance of using occupations as a means, and
carefully selecting activities and interventions that are meaningful to the patient in order to
address client factors or impairments. This allows us to return to the roots of occupational
therapy, and to reconsider the value and power of using occupation as a means.
From the artifacts presented in my portfolio, the Occupational Analysis and Intervention
Plan from OCCT 506 best represents my growth in the area of occupation-based practice. This
experience allowed me to develop a better understanding of the process undertaken by OTs when
providing services to clients, which includes evaluation and intervention to achieve client
outcomes. This assignment allowed me to collaborate with my client to gather pertinent
information regarding his occupational history and experiences, analyze an activity that was
meaningful to him, and collaborate with him to develop an appropriate intervention plan.
Prior to starting the program, I did not fully understand the concept of occupation. My
journey through OT school taught me that occupations are central to a persons identity. I learned
the importance of helping clients gain the skills and abilities needed to take control of their lives

and develop independent lifestyles in which they are able to participate in meaningful and
purposeful activities.
As a future occupational therapy practitioner, I hope to implement occupation-based
interventions in practice to achieve client outcomes. Although following a rehabilitation and
medical model can often move us away from truly occupation-based practice, I hope to provide
my clients with meaningful and purposeful interventions that will facilitate achievement of goals.
I think I can continue to explore occupation-based interventions and further expand my creativity
to skillfully design interventions specific to each client. I hope to use my humor and personality
to build therapeutic rapport with clients and collaborate with them to tailor occupation-based
interventions that coincide with their needs, interests, and values.

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