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1. M simt odihnit.
2. Simt c sunt asaltat de prea multe
3. M simt iritat sau nemulumit.
4. Am prea multe lucruri de fcut.
5. M simt izolat sau singur.
6. M aflu n situaii conflictuale.
7. Fac lucruri care mi plac cu adevrat.
8. M simt obosit.
9. Simt c nu m pot descurca pentru a-mi
atinge scopurile propuse.
10. M simt calm.
11. Am prea multe decizii de luat.
12. M simt frustrat.
13. M simt plin de energie.
14. M simt tensionat.
15. Problemele mi se adun cu grmada.
16. M simt deseori presat de timp.
17. M simt protejat i n siguran.
18. Am multe necazuri (probleme).
19. M simt presat de cerinele altor
20. M simt descurajat.
21. Sunt mulumit de mine nsumi.
22. Mi-e team de viitor.
23. Fac multe lucruri pentru c trebuie s le
fac i nu pentru c mi plac.
24. M simt criticat i judecat.
25. M simt fr griji.
26. M simt epuizat mental.
27. Nu pot s m relaxez.
28. M simt copleit de responsabiliti.
29. Am suficient timp pentru mine.
30. M simt sub presiunea termenelor

1. I feel rested.
2. I feel I am beset by too many
3. I feel irritated or dissatisfied.
4. I have too many things to do.
5. I feel isolated or alone.
6. I am in conflictual situations with others.
7. I am doing things that I really like.
8. I feel tired.
9. I feel I cannot manage to achieve my
proposed goals.
10. I feel calm.

t never



Almost every

11. I have too many decisions to take.

12. I feel frustrated.
13. I feel full of energy.
14. I feel tense.
15. I gather problems like a pile.
16. I often feel pressed by time.
17. I feel protected and safe.
18. I have a lot of troubles (problems).
19. I feel pressured by others requirements.
20. I feel discouraged.
21. I am satisfied with myself.
22. I fear for the future.
23. I do many things because I need to do
not because I like it.
24. I feel criticized and judged.
25. I feel carefree.
26. I feel mentally exhausted
27. I cannot relax.
28. I feel overwhelmed by responsibilities.
29. I have enough time for me.
30. I feel under pressure of "fixed

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