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Grade Level Goals/ 2014-2015

Grade Level
Grade 9
John Cook
Andrew Woods
Guy Stewart

Grade 10
Jim Calhoun
Steve Burton
Katie Burkholder

Transition to high school
Understand and follow expectations
Earning all credits -Reduction of NCs
Low percentage of referrals- Suspensions
Increase percentage of students on honor
roll (2104-34.6%)
Service Learning/ RMS

Earning all credits- reduction of NCs

Reduction of behavior referrals/ suspensions
Increase percentage of students on honor
roll (2104-34.6%)
Increase number of students taking rigorous

Parent Meetings
Class Meeting quarterly
Learning Walks
Redos /Retakes 4,8,12,16
Grade monitoring 3,5,7,9
Effective grade level teaming
Student recognition
Hawks post cards
Student of the month
Honor roll pep-fest
Proactive Deans- student engagement
Student conferences
Parent engagement
Monitor PLTs
Parent Meetings
Redo/ Retakes 4,8,12, 16
Grade monitoring 3,5,7,9
Student recognition
Honor roll pep-fest
Learning walks
Effective teaming
Proactive Deans- student engagement
Student conferences
Parent engagement
Monitor PLTs


Grade 11
Jim Calhoun
Cedric Fuller
Susan Senger

Grade 12
John Cook
Steve Burton
Salinee Hough

Special Education
Resource and
Center Based
Michael Sullivan
Lawrence Coleman

Earning all credits- reducing NCs

Reduction of behavior referrals/ suspensions
Increase percentage of students on honor
roll (2104-33.5%)
Increase number of students taking students
taking rigorous courses.
PESO enrollment

On track for graduation

Post-secondary plan for each senior
Increase percentage of students on honor
roll (2104-39.8%)
Increase graduation rate
Earning all credits NCs reduction
PESO enrollment

Students held to high standards academic/

Students making academic progress toward
IEP goals
Parent engagement in student learning

Parent Meetings
Grade monitoring 3,5,7,9
Redos / retakes 4,8,12,16
Student recognition
Honor roll pep fest
Learning walks
Effective teaming
Proactive Deans- student engagement
Student conferences
Parent engagement
Monitor PLTs
Intervention plans for seniors developed
Guidance office monitor student plan
Parent Meetings
College visits
Grade monitoring 3,5,7,9
Redos / retakes 4,8,12,16
Student recognition
Learning walks
Effective teaming
Proactive Deans- student engagement
Student conferences
Parent engagement
Monitor PLTs
Post-secondary planning
Parent Meetings
Assessing progress on regularly scheduled basis
Redos/ Retakes 4,8,12,16


Yorrick Byers
Alicia Tracy

Reduction of referrals/ suspensions
Transition planning center based students
Communication/ planning among SPED
Increase rigor in curriculum areas

Student recognition
Student conferencing (Tracy- Coleman- case
Mainstreaming SPED students with support
Parent engagement
Monitor PLTs
Learning walks

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