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Three Phase Learning Guide

Grade Level: 6th - A Christmas Carol

Utah Core Curriculum Integration: Language Arts, Visual Arts
Utah State Core Objectives:

Reading: Literature Standard 7

Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or
viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they see

and hear when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.
Visual Arts:
Standard 1
(Making): The student will explore and refine the application of media, techniques, and

artistic processes.
Objective 1
Explore a variety of art materials while learning new techniques and processes.


A Christmas Carol - Graphic Novel

Ball Point Pens (red, black, blue)

Previous Lesson Information:

As a class we will have read the novel in text form of A Christmas Carol and discussed its
meaning and along with the vocabulary of the novel. We will have also discussed the time
period that it was written in and the other literary works of Charles Dickens.
Phase I
The first part of the lesson will be to review A Christmas Carol, and ask what they remember
from the novel. Then I will introduce the A Christmas Carol graphic novel. I will proceed to ask
if anyone has ever read a graphic novel before to assess who my helpers may be in class for the
two assignments that will follow in phase II and III.
Once the class has a basic review discussion on the novel, we then proceed with the introduction
of the assignments. I will explain that one assignment will be a group assignment and one will
be an individual assignment. I will then explain how we are going to use A Christmas Carol
graphic novel for the assignment.
I will, on a big sheet of paper or white board draw different types of speech bubbles (round and
rectangular) and explain that the round bubbles are speech bubbles and the rectangle bubbles are
used for narration or description of what is happening on the page. I will also explain that the
rectangle bubbles can be different colors to let the reader know if it is a description of the page or
the narrator telling the story.
After discussing bubbles we will then move to panels. I will explain to the class that there are
two different panels we will discuss at this time and they are moment-to-moment and scene-toscene.

Scene-to-scene- jumps between large amounts of time and/or space. The scene to scene
transition is a powerful tool that we can use to transport our audience to different times

and places, with little to no explanation as to what has happened in between.

Moment-to-moment- changes in panels only take seconds, they help to give a slow
motion feel of a comic, making each second an important one, and bringing each action
into complete relief. A great use of moment to moment transitions is to slow down the
pace of a comic, and allow the reader a moment to breathe.

It is here where we look a little deeper at what the page is telling us with its pictures, so I tell
them to pay careful attention to how characters are dressed, facial expressions. Does the picture
show weather if so what is the weather like? Is the picture bright or dark? What does the picture
make you feel? I will remind them that for the upcoming assignments this will help in their
predictions and reading into what the pictures are telling them.
Next I will do a book walk, and I will ask questions about what we just covered during this walk.
On the first page number seven I will read, and then I will ask what they notice about the page.

What are the panels trying to tell us?

What kind of bubble is used
Did they notice how in the corner there is a panel that stands out to let us know that
something is being said? What is important about this box for the story? (Narrator

Continue to page eight show students the change in panels, page nine another change in panels,
but I will cover the third panel and ask class to make predictions based on pictures before and
after on that page. I will then ask students what led them to their predictions and what they used

to make them. Did they analyze the pictures? Did they look at the narration text in panel one
and panel three?
Transition to Phase II
Review terminology about graphic novel. I will ask who remembers what is moment-to-moment
and what is a scene-to-scene. What speech bubbles did we discuss? What are the round bubbles
and rectangle bubbles used for? What is one difference in the rectangle bubbles that we
Look at page ten together and ask students for descriptive words that could help with writing the
prediction for the blank narrator bubble. Write just a few of these on the board for those who are
having difficulty coming up with other words on their own.
Begin group assignment by covering page ten. Read the one narrator bubble and leave the second
one blank. Tell them to use the picture to develop the narration. Put students into groups and try
to have a person who has knowledge of graphic novels with those who need either a little help,
or more help. Hand one student from each group papers that I have copied from the graphic
novel to hand out to those in their group. Once they are all working I will walk around the room
and observe to see participation levels in the groups, to see if a group is struggling. As I walk
around I will ask questions of the group if they used the pictures to come up with a description,
and for those that are struggling I will ask what they see in the picture. Do you they see snow,
people in coats, are they happy or sad, are they walking slowly or fast, what colors do you notice
are the light or dark? I will also check to see if they are able to put together the text for this
narration box and ask them to make sure it makes sense with the other narration box. Again for
those struggling I will provide guidance and suggestions to help them make connections with

descriptions of the picture, the uncovered dialogue box, and the words they have written to make
a narration to follow the previous narration.
At the end of the lesson I will gather students and randomly show their finished product and ask
them how they came up with their narration, for assessment of this group assignment.
Transition to Phase III
In transition to Phase III we will review the group assignment and how we used the picture for
help in figuring out what the scene is trying to convey to us. I will also give a refresher reminder
(my term) on skills that they used for the group assignment by showing what they accomplished
in assignment two again. I will show page eleven of the graphic novel that I have copied with
the narrative boxes blank. I will tell the class that they are to use analyzing techniques that we
used in looking at the book so far (looking at the pictures for details and information that tell the
story). After describing what need to be done with graphic page, I will tell the students that they
are to use the description word page that I will provide, but they need to be careful because there
may be some graphic novel terminology (For those ELL and ESL students I will have descriptive
words in English and other languages that may be needed. This is to help with language
connection.). Prior to handing out the graphic novel page and the word description page, I will
ask if there are any questions before the students begin.
Phase III
The assessment for Phase III: I will explain to the students that this is an individual assignment
and needs to be completed on their own. I will also tell them they are responsible for the flow of
the narration, and on the back of the paper they need to tell me the type of the bubbles used and
what panels were used. I will also explain that they need to look at the pictures for description

information that go with each panel for proper narration, and they will need to use the list of
words that are provided on a separate sheet. I am looking to see that the students understand the
basic graphic novel set up (panels), bubbles, and how the pictures can help provide text for each
panel narration.

DAP Principles

Guide has integrated curriculum

Guide begins with an assessment of prior knowledge
New understandings are built on prior knowledge (zad)
Instruction is scaffold from the zad to the zpd until the zpd becomes part of the zad.
Hands-on experiences are central to the design.
Students from a wide range of abilities are able to participate successfully throughout.


Pair students with disabilities with non-disabled students.

Provide technological assistance/devices to students.
Explain and reiterate expectations throughout.
Model how to complete the assignment.
Provide hands on guidance and interactive instruction.

ELL Accommodations

Clearly define objectives-(write on the board, state orally)

Use supplementary materials to make lessons clear and meaningful.
Emphasize key vocabulary
Group students to support language and content objectives.

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