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University Supervisor Observation 1

My lesson was focused on the Response To Intervention group that needs to improve
their comprehension. The goal of the lesson was teacher talk and vocabulary usage. I have
observed that as my instructors continue to use more advanced vocabulary, my peers and I begin
to incorporate that language into our speech. I want my students to be able to use the vocabulary
words in the correct context and for their language to become increasingly precise. I was able to
successfully refer back to our vocabulary word, conserve, and reference to the other vocabulary
in the article. Since the students were required to create questions based on excerpts from the
text, I was able to provide sample questions that emphasized the vocabulary. The students were
engaged during my lesson. I utilized specific strategies to scaffold such as turn and talk to
facilitate discussion and minimize distraction. Students also read the article in small chunks so
they could focus on summarizing the text and discussing the key points. This process facilitated
student questions. From 5-6:05 minutes into my lesson I was able to explore a students question,
Why are natural resources limited? Then we were able to connect to previous lessons such as
the water cycle and photosynthesis. These connections will help students cement the knowledge
they are currently creating. I was also able to assist in the questioning process, as students asked
questions I was able to reword them with more specific language. So when at 7:30 minutes a
student was unclear of the difference between reduce and reuse, the other instructors and I were
able to explore this concept with the entire group.
If I were able to teach this lesson again I would plan for the other instructors in the
classroom. My Collaborating Teacher and University Supervisor participated in this discussion,

which was a splendid addition. The students were given a variety of examples that I alone had
not thought of. In the future, I would type up a small index card guide for the lesson. This index
card would have all of my main topic points on it, vocabulary, and sample questions. As a
teacher I know that I will miss a word or point at sometime and if others have a mini-lesson plan
then this content will be covered. During my discussion my University Supervisor would have
had some on topic questions she could ask my students. This will provide enrichment to my
lesson and discussions with my students. In the future, many paraprofessionals may enter my
classroom and so this will ensure that they have an understanding of how they can specifically
further my students comprehension of the content. Perhaps if I had provided these cards then my
discussion, however wonderfully in-depth, may have ended sooner so that we could have moved
on to the activity. I wish I had come up with more examples of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling
that are a part of the students everyday lives. While I asked the students for examples, if I had
more of my own then they might have made more connections to their lives. Real life examples
can help students connect to a lesson and remember the content better. Also if I had brought in
props this might have expedited the process of students comprehending the concept of reducing
verses reusing objects. Since the discussion was rich, a group graphic organizer may have been
most helpful. This would save time and students would still be actively displaying their mastery
of the concept. Lastly I believe that if I asked students to write, draw, or tell me one thing that
they learned from the lesson would have been helpful. They would be actively summarizing our
discussion and reviewing the information presented.

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