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Peer Mediation Script

Step 1: Agree to Mediate

1. Hello my name is ____ and this is ____ and we will be your mediators today.
What are your names? (wait for them to say their names)
2. I welcome you all to Peer Mediation. Mediation is a communication process
in which you will work together, with our assistance, to resolve your conflict.
For mediation to work, there are ground rules to follow. First, we remain
neutral we will not take sides. Mediation is private we will not talk about
your problems with other students. Each of you will take turns talking, and
when one talks, the others will listen. Last, you are expected to cooperate to
solve the problem. Do you agree to mediate and follow the rules? (everyone
must say yes to proceed)
Step 2: Gather Points of View
1. STUDENT 1 tell me your point of view
2. I hear you say that you are _____ (reflect feelings and statements here)
3. STUDENT 2 tell me your point of view
4. I hear you say that you are _____ (reflect feelings and statements here)
5. STUDENT 1/2 do you have anything else you would like to add?
6. (reflect feelings and statements here if necessary)
*Remember always clarify and reflect. DO NOT let interruptions happen and be
forceful if they keep happening.

Step 3: Focus on Interests

1. STUDENT 1, why do you think STUDENT 2 feels the way s/he does?
2. STUDENT 2, why do you think STUDENT 1 feels the way s/he does?
3. STUDENT 1, what do you want?
4. STUDENT 2, what do you want?
5. So it sounds like you both want ________. This is your common interest.
With this, we can move forward to the next step.
*Remember to clarify and reflect. DO NOT move on until you can state their
common interest. They must also agree that they have the same common interest.
Step 4: Create Win-Win Options
1. It sounds like you both want _______. Now I want you to think about what
you can do to help solve your problem. We will make a list of possible
solutions by brainstorming. The rules for brainstorming are:
a. Say anything that comes to mind even unusual ideas
b. Do not judge or discuss any idea
c. Look for as many ideas possible that might satisfy both of you
2. What can we do to solve this problem (each person suggests solutions one at a
time. Remember to help them follow the rules. Write down all suggestions on
the Brainstorming Worksheet).
3. STUDENT 1 can you think of anything else? STUDENT 2?

Step 5: Evaluate Options

1. Which of these ideas will probably work best? Tell me one at a time.
a. Can you do this? Is it realistic?
b. What else are you willing to do?
c. How would that work?
Step 6: Create an Agreement
1. You seem to have agreed to ____________. Now lets be very specific.
a. Who, what, when, where, why
2. STUDENT 1, what have you agreed to? (while s/he is stating it, write it on the
3. STUDENT 2, what have you agreed to? (while s/he is stating it, write it on the
4. Please look over this agreement to be sure it is correct. If it is, please sign it.
5. Thank you for participating in mediation. It takes courage to discuss your
problems and I hope that we have found a solution that works for all of you.


Please shake hands

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