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USD/DLT edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Name: Nicole Howard

Subject: Science
Grade Level: 5
1. STANDARDS (Next Generation Science Standards)
ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems
Earths major systems are the geosphere (solid and molten rock, soil, and sediments), the
hydrosphere (water and ice), the atmosphere (air), and the biosphere (living things, including
humans). These systems interact in multiple ways to affect Earths surface materials and
processes. The ocean supports a variety of ecosystems and organisms, shapes landforms, and
influences climate. Winds and clouds in the atmosphere interact with the landforms to determine
patterns of weather. (5-ESS2-1)
Content: Students predict weather by identifying low- and high-pressure centers and cold and
warm fronts on weather maps and interpreting weather patterns.
Key Vocabulary: weather forecasting, weather map, meteorologists, low-pressure, high-pressure,
weather variable, cold front, warm front
Informal or Formative: Assessment of student responses to discussion
questions after the video and student journal response questions upon
completion of the reading.
Formal or Summative: The summative assessment for this lesson is students
journal entries on their weather predictions.
Motivation: We are having really bad weather here this week! I bet a lot of you have seen
weather maps on TV lately. We are going to learn today how weather maps are made and
how we can use them to make predictions.
Activate Prior Knowledge: Review the three weather variables (amount of water in the air,
amount of wind, amount of heat) and the root cause of all of Earths weather (uneven
heating caused by the sun).
II. INSTRUCTION AND MODELING (Best Practice Strategies)
Students will be sitting with their science groups.
Students will have a copy of the weather map, their textbooks, and the notebook
sheet at their desks.
The video will be ready on the Promethean board.
We will watch this video describing the purpose of forecasting and how weather
maps are made:

Students will refer to page 237 for weather map symbols.

Ask students:
o What types of data do we need for weather maps?
o What types of measurements do we take/Where do we take measurements?
How do we take them?
The video covers the material on pages 236-239, so we will skip those pages.
We will read aloud pages 240-243. Students will take turns reading.
o Pause for discussion at the following times:
Cold front diagram (240)
Warm front diagram (240)
Diagram of warm and cold front symbols (241)
Diagram of stationary front (241) - describe stationary definition
Last paragraph on 241 discuss low and high pressure areas
o I will start reading on 242 until the end to facilitate discussion on the
weather maps on page 243.
We will complete with a video on fronts so students have a better visual than what is
in the textbook:
In science groups, students will discuss and answer questions on their Notebook
Sheet #23.
These questions are also on page 245 of their textbook.
Review answers to the questions as a class, addressing any misconceptions.
IV. CLOSURE (Student summary of learning)
Ask students: How does what we learned today relate to severe weather? What are
the similarities and differences? What is the cause of all the weather on earth?
Review global weather trends:
o Weather systems tend to move from west to east in North America.
o Wind tends to blow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.
o Air tends to be cool and dry in high-pressure areas; air tends to be warm and
moist in low-pressure areas.
V. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Summative assessment)
Using three days worth of weather maps, students will interpret the data and forecast
what the weather will be on Day 4. They will write their response in their journal.
To support learning differences, English Learners, IEPs, 504, GATE, etc.
Visually impaired: All materials for this lesson have been reproduced in Braille. The video has
audio for students to listen to. An aide will describe the features of the weather map and locations
in order for students to make predictions.
ELLs: Students will be working in groups. Students have the textbook for reference as well as
the videos.

Struggling students/IEPs: Students will be working in groups. Students have the textbook for
reference as well as the videos.
GATE/Fast finishers: Students who finish fast may use iPads to research temperatures around the
world and graph them.
Video 2:
Science textbooks page 236
Weather map copies
Notebook sheet copies (No. 23, Weather Maps Questions)

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