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ISAAC ASIMOV ‘The Roving Mind @ Prometheus Books Sc, Rew to 1983 12 Scene Cos J. Theycan sel a sence cour TA imide phenomenon that wil elp the entire Pan Thay become a work march into the super the ank of the Science Comp further, anit cchnolopcl future of computers and space. — — 24 Science and Beauty (One of Walt Whitman's best-known poems i this one: When I had the ari etonomer, hen the proofs the res ere rong in colunns fore me, ‘hos shown te chars ond dros, ad die and este tem, "When sting heard the astronomer where he lected mith mack app “the leary How soon unccouriaie | ce ted and sik, Ti rng and ging cut I nando of by ose {the mystica mit hair, and from tne fo tine, Look pin perfecto a the or imagine that many people reading those lines ell themlves, extant 'y, "Pow tre! Scene jst sucks al the beauty ou of everything, reducing ‘tatto numbers and tables and measurements! Why bother learning ll that Junk when I can Just go out and look at the stare?” ‘That is avery conveaient point of ew since It makes it not only un secessary, but downright aesthetically wrong, tte vo follow al that hard sulin science. Instead, you can Just take lol a the night shy, get quick ‘eau fs, and g0 off to a nights, ‘The rouble is that Whitman is talcng chrough hs hat, but the poor soul iat know any beter. don’ deny that the night skys beautiful, and have in my time spread ‘out on a hile for hoar looking a the stars and being awed by thelr beau 'y (and receiving bugbites whose marks took weeks f0 g0 ava). us 114 Selene and Besuty ‘But what I see—those quit, evinling points of lght—is not all the ‘beauty theres. Should | tare lovingly ata singe laf and wilinly remain {fvorant ofthe forest? Should 1 be sated to watch the sun ging off = singe pebble and scom any knowledge ofa beach? “Thowe bright spots inthe sky that we call lanes are worlds, There are ‘words with tick atmospheres of earbon dionde and sulfur ai; works Dr rats quid with hurricanes that could gulp down the whole earth; (dad works with quiet pock-marks of craters; worlds with voleanoss pulT- {ng plumes of dust into aidesmness, worlds with pink and desolate ‘Geers eich witha weed and unearthly beauty that bois down to @ mere Speck of Hight If wo Just gaze atthe night sky “Those other bright spot, which are stars athe than planets, are actual Jy suns, Some of them are of incomparable grandeur, each slowing with the {ight of a thousand sune ike our; some of them are merely red-hot coals

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