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Conductor tiinific:
Prof. univ. dr. ec. Liliana DUGULEAN


Lucrarea i propune s formeze o imagine de ansamblu a situaiei actuale a pieei
automobilelor din Romnia i plecnd de la acest fapt s pun n eviden tendinele i direciile spre
care se ndreapt aceast important ramur a industriei constructoare.
Obiectivul final al lucrrii este acela de a identifica acele politici i strategii de care tiina
marketingului dispune pentru a fi aplicate pentru creterea vnzrilor de automobile Dacia.
Lucrarea este structurat pe ase capitole.
n primul capitol este analizat piaa automobilelor din Uniunea European sub efectele crizei
financiare. Analiza este detaliat n continuare pe piaa romneasc, att sub aspect structural ct i al
tendinelor ultimilor ani. Analiza este realizat i n plan teritorial la nivelul regiunilor de dezvoltare
pentru a evidenia specificul anumitor piee ca i preferinele cumprtorilor spre anumite modele sau
mrci de automobile.
Al doilea capitol este dedicat marketingului cu specificul i particularitile sale n industria de
automobile n general, dar i din Romnia, cu referiri la activitatea de marketing a S. C. Automobile
Dacia S.A. Sunt descrise activitile specifice desfurate n cadrul direciei de marketing ale firmei.
Al treilea capitol al politicilor mix-ului de marketing din industria auto, trateaz cele patru
componente de baz ale mix-ului de marketing cu specificul impus de acest tip de produse i continu
cu detalii referitoare la S.C. Automobile Dacia S.A.
Al patrulea capitol este dedicat strategiilor de pia utilizate n industria de automobile. Sunt
analizate variabilele de segmentare, segmentele de pia vizate, strategiile de poziionare i intirea
segmentelor de pia care prezint interes pentru productorii de automobile n general i pentru
Automobile Dacia n mod special.
Capitolul cinci aloc un spaiu amplu cercetrii att sub aspect calitativ ct i cantitativ.
Cercetarea calitativ s-a bazat pe dou focus-grupuri pentru a determina care este profilul
cumprtorului de automobile Dacia. Cercetarea a continuat sub aspect cantitativ la nivelul
municipiului Piteti, avnd ca scop identificarea opiniilor, atitudinilor i a comportamentelor
cumprtorilor de automobile Dacia.
Capitolul ase cuprinde o analiz temporal a vnzrilor de automobile Dacia, urmat de
analiza concurenei i previziunea vnzrilor n actualul context economic. Dup o segmentare a pieei,
sunt propuse politici i strategii de marketing pentru automobilul Dacia Duster.
n final sunt prezentate conluziile i contribuiile personale care sintetizeaz analizele pe
parcursul lucrrii. n ncheiere sunt formulate propuneri care pot stimula vnzrile de autoturisme
marca Dacia.

Cuvinte Cheie: piaa automobilelor, cumprtorii de automobile, cercetri calitative, cercetri

cantitative, profilul cumprtorului, segmentarea pieei automobilelor, harta percepiilor, analiza
vnzrilor, politici de marketing, strategii de marketing


Scientific coordinator:
Prof. PhD. ec. Liliana DUGULEAN


The present doctoral dissertation goal is to present an overview of the current car market in
Romania and based on this, to highlight the future trends and directions of this important industry
The ultimate objective of this paper is to identify those policies and marketing strategies that
can be applied in order to increase sales of Dacia cars.
The dissertation is divided into six chapters.
The first chapter presents the EU car market context taking into account the current financial
crisis. Detailed analysis is carried on the Romanian auto market, both in terms of structure and of
recent years trends. The analysis is conducted at development regions level in order to highlight the
individual characteristics of this markets and also the buyers' preferences for certain models or car
The second chapter is devoted to the marketing activity in the automobile industry with its
specifics and peculiarities and also in Romania, with reference to the specific marketing activities of
SC Automobile Dacia SA. This activities carried out by the marketing department of Automobile Dacia
are also discussed in this chapter.
The third chapter is dedicated to the marketing mix policies used in the auto industry
discussing the four basic components of marketing mix and continuing with details on SC Automobile
Dacia S.A.
The fourth chapter is devoted to marketing strategies used in the auto industry. Segmentation
variables, targeted market segments and positioning strategies are analyzed in general and for
Automobile Dacia in particular.
Chapter Five present an ample research, both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative part
was based on two focus groups in order to determine Dacias customer profile. The research continued
with a quantitative section, implemented in Pitesti and focused to identify opinions, attitudes and
behaviors of Dacia car buyers.
Chapter six includes a temporal analysis of Dacia car sales, followed by a competition analysis
and a sales forecast in the current economic context. After a market segmentation study is presented,
policies and marketing strategies for Dacia Duster car are proposed.
In the end, the conclusions and personal contributions are presented which summarize the paper
scientific effort. Also a set of proposals are stated that can boost sales of Dacia cars in the future.

Keywords: car market, car buyers, qualitative research, quantitative research, buyer profile, market
segmentation car, map of perceptions, sales analysis, marketing policies, marketing strategies.

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