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Gurr 1

Alexandra Gurr
Mrs Davenport
English 9 Honors
13 March 2016
Ambition Corrupts
Ambition. What comes to mind? Scholarships and a 4.0? Business success and Olympic
gold? Or do you consider the evils of ambition: selfishness and greed. It disregards morals; its
damaging to relationships, and it promotes a severe decline in self- worth. Ambitions very
nature is that of selfishness.
Ambition doesnt consider ethical values. When climbing the ladder of social success,
motivation is a poison. If we are not careful, we can hurt each other. Take Shakespeares words
into consideration. After hearing he is destined to be king, the general Macbeth reveals: The
Prince of Cumberland! That is a step? On which I must fall down or else oerleap? For in my
way it lies. Stars, hide your fires:? Let not light see my black and deep desires. (Shakespeare
1.4. 55-60). Macbeth admits to feeling temptations to murder his way to the crown. He
acknowledges that the current heir of Scotland is a step he must leap over. Letting these troubled
thoughts continue is giving way into your own dark ambition. Its this complete lack of humanity
and morals that causes Macbeth to kill King Duncan, along with Banquo and Macbeths entire
household, for selfishness and false security. Here is a comparison of Macbeths standing and
actions when he displays ambitious tendencies and when he does not. When Macbeth is content
with his position as a trusted and successful general, he is wealthy and rewarded, while enjoying
positive traits such as bravery and nobleness. However, when he is ambitious, he kills many
people, once trusted friends. Not only does he commit these villianous wrongdoings, but he loses
his wife and grows unhappy and suspicious. Poorly leading the kingdom, he eventually gets his

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head chopped off. Quite an unpleasant way to go, if you ask me. Ambition made him king, but
for the same reason he took to the throne, he couldnt live long enough to enjoy it. Take with you
the words of a Chinese proverb: he who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to
obtain the ashes. This truth is applicable in the modern world. There are no kings to covet in your
lives, no princes to overleap, but what title, what achievement do you desire more than kindness
and friendship? How far will you go in pursuit of your dreams?
Personal relationships are damaged when ambition and success become priorities. For
example, Existing research done by phycologist Tim Kassser can help address this issue.
Kasser, the author of The High Price of Materialism, has said that My colleagues and I have
foundthat when people believe materialistic values are important, they have poorer
interpersonal relationships {and} contribute less to the community. Such people are also more
likely to objectify others, using them as a means to achieve their own goals, (Smith). Personal
relationships are the fulfillment of life. Dont hold your achievements closer to your heart than
you hold your loved ones. Envy and greed, relatable byproducts of an overabundance of negative
ambition, can make us mistrust and hurt even our best friends. Take Finny and Gene from the
novel, A Separate Peace. Experiencing a boys boarding school that promotes rivalry has a
profound affect on Gene. Gene sees Finny as a charismatic, innocent, and superior athlete who is
beloved and revered by students and administration alike. Gene is more of a wallflower: his own
achievements are intellectual and different than Finnys. Gene was beginning to see that Phineas
could get away with anything I couldnt help envying him a little, which was perfectly normal.
There was no harm in envying even your best friend a little (Knowles 2.20). Its this takeoff of
ambition that causes Gene to develop feelings of hatred for his best friend and eventually act
upon them.

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Ambition can also lead to unhappiness and lowered self- esteem. According to Jim
Perskie, a former editor for The Press of Atlantic City, Ambition certainly doesnt seem to make
the ambitious particularly happy. By definition, they cannot be content with what they have
(Perskie 15). When you are constantly desiring more, you will never be satisfied with what you
have obtained. You live your life in the future, always aching for what comes next without ever
stopping to enjoy the present. Never stopping to smile. Why be unhappy? Why force that upon
yourself? In addition, when ones desires and ambition are out of ones control, ability, and
reach, satisfaction is not obtained, the effect on mental an emotional well-being is profound. This
is true with MMA fighter Ronda Rousey. She climbed to the top of womens UFC fighting with
zero defeats in her professional career and a burning desire to be the best in to world- to prove
she already was. Her streak ended when she fought Holly Holm, and she lost in the first round
with a savage kick to the face. After the loss, Ronda told the press, What am I anymore if Im
not this? Because she had not fully achieved her expectations, she had a severe inability to see
her own self- worth. Ronda Rousey failed to remember, in that dark moment, the achievements
she claimed, the benefits of being one to the best fighters in the world, over one lost match. She
considered suicide.
Ambition. What comes to mind now? The materialistic desire is an addiction, a fire
fueled with competition, envy, and corruption. Dont let it burn a hole through your heart. Now
dont assume that determination is evil, or that any ounce of an ambitious spirit is wrong. This is
far from true. A little motivation is healthy, even necessary, to secure your future. But heed my
words, when your old and grey, looking back on the many years of your life, you will
not remember that soccer game. Nor will you consider your college GPA. You will not recall that
porshe you drove or those gold earrings you held like precious children. Your salary wont faze
you. Your money wont matter. But you will remember your deeds. The kindness you were

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shown, and the returned affection and respect you enjoyed. The memories you reminisce will be
of your family and of your friends. For they come first, they always come first, before careers
and cars, before wealth and wins. A life in pursuit of gold leaves a void in your heart. Take a step
back. Look at life with a larger perspective, and a wiser mind. Slow down your burning need for
achievement and relax. Let love bring you the truest, realest happiness on this earth.
Its all the ambition you need.

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Works Cited
Shmoop Editorial Team. "Macbeth Ambition Quotes." Shmoop University, Inc.,
11 Nov. 2008. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "A Separate Peace Jealousy Quotes." Shmoop University,
Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
Smith, Emily E. "Relationships Are More Important Than Ambition." The Atlantic. Atlantic
Media Company, 16 Apr. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
Perskie, Jim. "Ambition? Who Needs It?" Washington Post. The Washington Post, 16 Oct. 2015.
Web. 27 Mar. 2016.

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