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Revised Lesson Plan

Name: Savannah Baker

Topic: Idioms

Grade: 5

Duration: 45 minutes

Curriculum Standards
State Curriculum Standards
ELACC5L5: Demonstrate
understanding of figurative
language, word
relationships, and nuances
in word meanings.
a. Interpret figurative
language, including similes
and metaphors, in context.
b. Recognize and explain the
meaning of common idioms,
adages, and proverbs.

Central Focus/ Essential Question

What big ideas and/or goals will drive your instruction?
This lesson focuses on recognizing and understanding the
meaning of commonly used idioms through mobile learning.
Students will give the correct meaning of idiomatic expressions
and illustrate their meanings. By analyzing idioms with the use
of apps, students will be able to explain their origins in order to
uncover their meanings.
What is your essential/ focus question for this lesson? This
question should be open-ended, require critical thinking, and
be aligned with the standard.
Why is it important to understand the meanings of commonly
used idioms?

Lesson Objective/s
Students will know:
Students will be able to:
An idiom is a group of words that
Explore common idiomatic expressions
cannot be understood merely by
used in everyday speech and analyze
knowing the individual meanings of its
the history behind them through
various apps on mobile devices
Idioms can be silly because they dont
Recognize and understand the meaning
mean what they say
of idioms with the use of Longman
Idioms Dictionary app
An idioms origin may help determine
Give the correct meaning of idiomatic
the meaning that most people know and
expressions and illustrate
understanding of the meanings by
creating a puppet show using the
Puppet Pals app
Using their mobile devices, students will
work in groups to Guess The Idiom.
They will work with their group members
to figure out which common phrase or
saying is illustrated in the drawing.
Students will then explore other idioms
with the following apps: Idioms and
Longman Idioms Dictionary. Students
will only need one mobile device per
group, which they will share amongst all

Students will be shown puppet shows created by
their classmates that contain common idiomatic
expressions. I will use iResponse to assess
students on the idioms after each presentation.
Students will work with a partner to answer the
questions. They will use their mobile devices,
which should be connected to the wireless school
network. iResponse tracks student responses, but
does not display results for the whole class to see.
Only the student responder and the teacher can

Revised Lesson Plan

group members. I will walk around during
the group activity and ask students
questions to check for understanding.
(What did you learn about the idioms
origin? Does the origin of the idiom affect
the meaning?). Depending upon the student
responses, I will discuss their answers with
them, provide feedback, and guide them in
further understanding.

view whether the question was answered correctly.

They must either identify the idioms or provide
definitions for the idioms depending on the
question. This assessment will provide evidence
that students can recognize and understand idioms.
There will be a bonus question for higher-level
and gifted students, but all of the students will be
encouraged to attempt it. In order to show mastery,
the students must earn 80 out of 100 points.

Materials/ Resources/ Technology

Name cup
BM idiom pictures
Mobile devices: iPhones, iTouch, iPads, and tablets
Guess The Idiom app by Conversion, LLC
Idioms app by Kadam
Longman Idioms Dictionary app by Pearson
Puppet Pals by Polished Play
iResponse by TATE, Inc.
Group list
Describe the specific instructional technologies you will use (ex: websites, SMARTboard
Notebook, etc).
I will be using the Smartboard to show students how to use apps if they are confused. The
Smartboard will also be used to display the puppet shows students create and the iResponse
Classroom Management
Specific Plan for this Lesson
I will continue to use a conduct card to record student behavior. Depending on what the student
did, I will write the number corresponding to that infraction on the day that the behavior
occurred. The numbers are as follows:
1. gum/candy/toys
2. unprepared/no books, pencils, paper, etc.
3. no homework
4. off task/head on desk
5. excessive talking during class
6. disregarding directions by teacher
7. disruptive behavior in halls/classroom
8. poor peer relationships
9. disrespectful to adults
10. disrespectful of property
11. cheating
12. dress code violations

Revised Lesson Plan

13. lack of parent/guardian signature
14. contraband (cell phones, Ipods, games)
15. other (out of seat, etc.)
Zero marks- homework pass, candy, etc.
One mark- warning/still receives candy
Two marks- no candy
Three marks- writing assignment: parent must sign
Four marks- missed recess/parent call
Five marks- office referral or parent conference
Certain circumstances- teacher discretion
Lost conduct sheet- automatic mark on conduct card
I will go over a couple classroom rules at the beginning of the lesson. I will reinforce positive
behavior by acknowledging students who are following directions as well as recognize this kind
of behavior by placing idiom pictures on the board. The class will have the chance to earn three
of these throughout the lesson. If all of the students have shown good behavior, then they will
receive a reward at the end of the lesson. I will use the attention getter to gain the students
attention during the lesson. The teacher will say ready to rock and the students will respond
ready to roll when they are refocused. I will also review group and partner expectations and
give specific directions for the use of apps. Students may also complain about the groups they
are assigned, so I will be sure to address this up front and explain expectations for working
cooperatively. I will be placing students in groups of varying learning levels so that the higherlevel students can help the lower level students.
Time Management
Time Span:
Activator/Motivator: 5 minutes
Instructional Procedures: 35 minutes
Closure: 5 minutes
Activator/ Motivator:
1. Introduce behavior expectations: review the rules and discuss how the class can earn a
reward. I will introduce the students to the attention getter I will use throughout the
2. I will hook students by placing them into groups and giving them a few minutes to play
Guess The Idiom on their mobile devices. Students will only need one mobile device
per group. They will work with their group members to figure out which common phrase
or saying is illustrated in the drawing.
3. Introduce essential questions (on board): Why is it important to understand the meanings
of commonly used idioms? I will emphasize that idioms have hidden meanings and
should not be taken literally. I will explain that idioms can be silly because they dont
mean what they say. I will tell the class that we will be looking at the meanings of

Revised Lesson Plan

commonly used idioms.
Instructional Procedures/ Learning Tasks:
4. Using the same groups, students will explore the app Idioms on their mobile devices.
The app focuses on English idioms and their meanings. It provides users with detailed
descriptions of idioms accompanied by pictures for each one. Students will discuss the
literal and figurative meanings of the idioms with their group members.
5. Students will use the Longman Idioms Dictionary app to further explore the origins of
idioms and their meanings. Students will collaborate with their groups to choose their
favorite idiom. They will use their mobile devices to access the Puppet Pals app.
Groups will create their own puppet show including the origin of their chosen idiom and
an explanation of its meaning. The puppet show will be made into a video using the app
and then saved and exported and shared with the teacher to display for the whole class on
the Smartboard.
Questions for eliciting student thinking:
What did you learn about the idioms origin?
Does the origin of the idiom affect the meaning?
6. Once students have collaborated with their group members to create a puppet show with
their favorite idiom, I will display each puppet show on the Smartboard. Each group will
present the idiom they focused on and provide the class with reasons for why that idiom
was their favorite. The class will have the opportunity to watch each groups puppet
7. I will remind students that idioms are groups of words that dont exactly mean what they
say. I will reiterate that these expressions should not be taken literally. After each group
presents their puppet show, I will use iResponse to assess students on the idioms.
Students will work with a partner to answer the questions. They will use their mobile
devices, which should be connected to the wireless school network. iResponse tracks
student responses, but does not display results for the whole class to see. Only the student
responder and the teacher can view whether the question was answered correctly.
8. Once all groups have shared their puppet shows, we will review the essential question
and I will ask students to share their thoughts. Students will share with their neighbor
something that they learned about idioms. I will have several students share their ideas
and provide additional examples of idioms for the class. To connect to everyday
experience and future learning, I will ask students to close their eyes and envision an
idiom in their head. I will ask students to share what idiom they envisioned and discuss
the meaning of the idiom. I will ask students to consider the danger of not understanding
idioms in a comical way. Students will be given a reward depending upon their behavior.

Revised Lesson Plan

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