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my paper Executive Look 2011 Rules & Regulations ‘my paper Executive Look 2011 is a competiton organised by Singapore Press Holdings Limited (he *Organiser’) and open to all: ‘8. aged botweon 25 to 39 years ot at ime of appticatin; . males and fomales presently working in Singapore with at ast 2 years of working experince in Singapore; ©. who had not previously taken pat in my paper Executive Look contst; and 4, not previously convicted ina court of aw of @ crime, [Employees and family members of employees of SPH Group are not allowed to paricipata inthis contest. Further to the shove pre-equistos, every contestant in my paper Executive Look 2011 shal: 18, be judged on cispastion, personality and corporate savy sks; b. conduct hinselthiorsif propery end not commit any act of an legal oF immoral nature or any set calculated to bring dseredt to himealihareot or the Organiser of my paper Executive Look 201", . abide by the contest; directives gWen to ivher bythe Organiser during the course of 4, not represent oF purport to represent the Organiser nor speak on is behalf ‘except wi its pr writen approval ©. appearparicipate in special prometions and sponsors’ activites and any ‘thar evens for publety purpases including grooming and mako-up classes, Tehesreal, costume fitngs end. cutdoorindoor phologrenhy shoots and {ming in relation tomy paper Executive Look 2011 {be responsible for hishar own transportation to and from the venue of the classes, photo-shoots, costume. fttngs, outdoor fing, rehearsals, competion and promional events, ele, ight up ta the Grand Finals (the “Evert 9. amve promtly at the venue ofall Events ‘Assman 2 pe Esti, Look 201 Contac 10211) ' fh, be responsible for hisher ow belongings and valuables at all times and all ‘sponsored clothing and feotwear wom for and during tho Evens. All ‘contestants will have to pay any laurdry charges In full for slaved ‘lothesiootwear, and fll compensation for damagediest clthes/otwear |. retur aclthes and footwear immediatly to the Organiser in gcod conden atthe end ofeach usage, fer wear and lear excuse |. commit himsetihersef to and be present for the Grand Finals on 28 Apel 2017 and all rehearsals and events leading up to k. not promote or appeer in publicly materaisisesionsiovents except wth prior \wilten approval or at the request of the Organiser. This stipulaion i= ‘applicable from the petod the contastan’s parteipaton is confirmed untl the winner of my paper Executive Look 2011 has been ehasen (the “Const Period |. be avaiable for tho Organisers publety and promational events curing the Contest Period; 1m. regulary blog about the contest in the mico-ste created by the Organiser. All biog eniies shall belong tothe Organiser and the contestant agrees 16 ‘grant the Organsera perpetual, royalyifee Icance to use as the Oreanser dooms ft all photographs and oiher matorals submited by the contestant to the Organiser whether on the biog or ofhonge. The contestark undertakes that all content reated and upioaded bythe contestant onthe mlero-ste shal ‘ot () infénge the intelectual propery righis of ary hid ary, (i) be elamatory oF ofersive; (i) volato any law, rub oF regulation: (W) be ‘socially, pollcally, racally or morally eeneiine or reprehensiia. The Organiser reserves al righis to romave any contant wich ins sole opiion breaches any ofthe above sub-lauses or not suitable for the meso; 1. allow all photographs, videos and interview quotes taken of himiher by my oper Execulve Look and all personal information inching the contestants Sesignaton and company nave i be used atthe Organsors sole diseretion ‘ith or without the asaoctaton af he contests sponsors: and ©. not take part in any similar contests, pageants or events not organised by the (Organiser during te Contest Perio, ‘Atocvmert 27 pap: Exec Loo 201 Contec 12021 Ssoiaanrott ‘mene 2 10, 1". During hister reign, each ofthe lop three winners of my paper Executive Look 2011 shal 8, abide by al rules applicable tothe contestants ofthe contest not take pat in a simlar contest whether organised bythe Organiser or a third party and b. not soit fr work or allow a thid party to employ, engage or intervion her in the capacty of my paper Executive Look 2011, of to use his hor tile as such, whether gratuitously or otherwise, without abalning th por \wltn approval af he Organiser. ‘All the finalists of my paper Executive Look 2014 shall undertake all assignments dispatches by the Organiser or my paper, without any remuneration oF reimbursement of expenses which the fnalss| may incur, for a ful year (wth fect from 28 April 2011), subject toa maximum of 5 assignments swell as be valabe forthe photoshoot of he launch of my paper Executve Look 2012, ‘The Organiser reserves the right to aconpt or reject al applications receives. ‘The Organiser sat sol Hberty to replace any selected contestant wth any other contestant offs choice, ‘Any misroprosentation 0° untrus or nzomplete statement given by the contestant or any fare to comply with or broach of any ofthe relevant tems, provision oF obligations, inctuding those set ou herein or subsequently informed to the Contestant shall result inthe. disqualification and the foretare of all rights to pafticipats in my paper Executive Look 2011 n de event thal ary contestant In breach ofthis Clase fs one ofthe top three winners ofthe contest, he/she wil be stripped of hisiher tte and replaced by tho next unnar-up. All hist pris wil be foroted by the Organiser Fronds and relatves are not allowed to fer inside or atthe immediate vicinity ‘ofthe changing rooms during Events, lua the rehearsals and Grand Finals “The contostanis shal indomnilythe Organiser against any claim, Habit, loss, damages, costs and expenses suffered by the Organiser and arsing fom the cortestaris' (a) breach of any rule or regulation related to tis corsest ard (0) participation by the contestants ofthis contest. “The Organiser shall rot be Hable for any loss, damage, iu, death or estes _uffered bythe contestants arising from or during the course a har participation in my paper Executive Look 2011 ‘Acta ay pop Execute Look 201 Contact 52021) 3 feoraeosort 12. Any contestart who wiharaus trom the contest afer signing un or ie ‘subsequently disqualifed shal compensate the Organiser and ts partners or ‘any costs an expenses inured by them in relation to that contestant, 18. The Organisors and judges’ decisions in all mater are fra No corespondence wil be entotainad befor, durng or ater the contest. The Organiser reserves the right 0 replace th prizes wih oars of sir vale, \fitsniee Gronoroey wale NoSBSEITIIC of APT BLM OS BUEET BATOR WEST AVE7, 4403-26, SevAAPORS. —_fadaress) hereby agree and accepts the rls and regulations as spa out above Chords Pree

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