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4 __ ifyou can say anything, brutally honest, to anyone without worrying that things will go awkward or will ruin your relationship with the person, who would be the person and what would you say? tceitzexeca sume 1 daygo ty damasisn Scomments edit share save hide delete refw all 6 comments sorted by: Dest | DISABLEINBOX REPLIES | (2) DO NOT POST PERSONAL INFORMATION, PHONE NUMBERS, EMAIL ADDRESSES, NAMES, ETC, REAL OR FAKE, OR YOU WILL BE BANNED WITHOUT WARNING. Ea ‘content policy | fomnating hep 4 Hlatenighnerd 4 pants ‘Sorry mom. You are too simple and racist for me. I've been thinking lately that the blight of our age is the inability for people to admit they are wrong. We all have opinions about things. Some are justified through truth, like facts. Some are ‘completey unjustified though misunderstanding. We have all been raised to know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, honesty and deceit. Opinions are not self justifiable. Just because you have an opinion, that in no way makes it right. Just because you believed it, doesn't mean its the truth. Everybody deserves to feel safe. Everybody deserves to be equal. We are all born with the potertial for greatness and mediocrity. We can all potentially be good or bad, We canall be right and wrong. Contrarians are neither, because they don't really have an opinion. They just need to be different, even if it means being wrong. Being hateful against another race is being racist. Believing that everything in the news is honest and newsworthy is worse than being stupid. I's the difference between being educated and being miseducated. Between being informed and misinformed. Between having a real opinion and being manipulated. Between being actually right and absolutely wrong. This goes for everything. You probably think that I'm talking about poitics or religion. Or maybe about movies or music. I's about everything, You are the person who taught me right from wrong and you dont even know the difference. Having me at 16 was a stupid thing for a stupid person to do. I've come to realize that you are a hateful idiot who doesn't deserve to have me in your life anymore. Call me when you realize how far on the wrong side of everything that you are. permalink save report glvegold reply HohMegi + point | would like to tell my aide that she is terrible with children, her attendance sucks and | do not want her in my classroom next year. ermaink save report givegold reply 111002008 Oponts23 hours ago To my coworkers during lunch: youve got lettuce/cheeseferumbs on your face | wouldnt mind telling them, i guess. Sometimes i just wonder how long it can stay on there before they notice pemaink save resort aivegokt reply H DumbBulDoor 1 point 23 hours ago | work with this woman wiho gets way too anxious and puts everyone on edge. She will also question everyone about how healthy their lunch is. | just want to tell her to cool the fuck down and shut the fuck up pemaink save report gvegotd repy H Trees_For_Life 0 point 23 hoursago would say... Hillary my dear. 96% of Americans think you are untrustworthy and the only people that support you wear ‘adult diapers. Please drop out of the race for the good of the country. permalink save report givegold reply Hkeetlady 2 points 20 hoursago Amen....You are a corrupt sack of shit, Hillary! permalink save parent report gve gdd reply

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