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Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)


Intro to Poetry

de Level

English Grade 8




March 9, 2015
42 minutes
Miss Sullivan



General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and
respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
2.3.3 identify creative uses of language and visuals in popular culture, such as commercials, rock
videos and magazines; explain how imagery and figurative language, such as hyperbole, create tone
and mood
2.2.3c identify and discuss how word choice and order, figurative language, plot, setting and character
work together to create mood and tone

Students will discuss initial feelings and reaction to poetry and will be introduced to
the poetry unit and various examples/forms of poetry



Student reactions to poetry shown, as well as facial expressions, class

Student comments on KWL Chart
KWL Chart


Alberta Education Program of Studies



Assortment of poetry books: Eunioa,
Till This Day, Norton Anthology,
Dreaming in Indian, The Crazy Man

Prior to lesson

Print off KWL Chart X68 copies

Set up powerpoint
Ensure books, powerpoint, computer is all set up
1. Briefly introduce myself again- answer a few questions
from student inventory:
- If I could live anywhere: Italy or a BEACH!
- Why teach: Lots of reasons, I love students, I love
being busy, I love helping others, I want to do
something meaningful, I think that what students
have to say is important,
- I also love yoga
2. Thank you for filling out the questionnaires I had for
you! I learned a lot of important information about your
preferences and interests.
-Does anyone have any other questions for me?

5 minutes

3. Introduce Poetry Unit:

-We are going to be starting a poetry unit!! I have
grown to love poetry but I never use dot like it.
Especially at your age. I didnt know a lot about poetry
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

back then, and since I have realized it is all around us.
In this unit we are going to look at and explore poetry
in 3 major ways: by listening and reading it, by
analyzing it, and by creating our own
-I dont want anyone to be nervous or anxious about
writing poetry.. I will lead you through it and I will
always be here to help you. You all have important
things to say, and I know you all have lots of passions,
interests, and beliefs. The assignments we will do will
allow you to choose your own theme/topic and be as
creative as you wish! I am really looking forward to
what we are going to do together with poetry!
4. I will have many poetry books for you to read, etc.

Learning Activity

Teacher Notes:

Learning Activity

Initial feelings/reactions to Poetry
1. Write POETRY on the board
2. Before we get started, I would like everyone to think
about poetry. What words or feelings come to mind
right now?
-prompt for response
-lame? Boring? For old people? Stupid? You hate it?
-Write all answers on the board surrounding the word
3. What you would think if you heard someone say Whats
in a name? A rose by any other word would smell as
sweet? to someone else in the hall?
-Why does that sound absurd? What about that is
-poetry is not like every day language, thats why. We
dont speak like that to our friends, family, or
strangers.. so maybe that is why we all have
conceptions about poetry being lame and mush
Prompt for student input, redirect or refocus to get their gut
feelings out. Encourage all answers, even when most will be
Differentiation: write on board for all to see (visual learners),
discussion allows for auditory learners
KWL Chart
1. Ok, those initial feelings are great! Thank you for
2. I want you to remember all of the things you just said
and your initial reactions to poetry
3. *Show KWL Chart to class. Hold up.
4. This is a KWL Chart. K stands for what you already
KNOW. W stands for what you WANT to know, and L
stands for what you have LEARNED. I am going to
hand these out and I want you to fill in the K columnwhat you already KNOW about poetry. I want you to
write down what we just talked about and think for a
few minutes about anything else you might already
know about poetry. You are going to keep this sheet
for the rest of this class. As I show you some of my
favourite poems and give you an overview of what we
are going to be doing in this unit, I want you to fill in

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe



7 minutes


Teacher Notes:

Learning Activity

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

the W column- What you WANT to know about poetry.
At the end of the unit, we will fill in the L column, with
everything you have LEARNED about poetry.
This chart important for you and for me because it
informs me about what you already know so that I can
plan the rest of the unit accordingly, and it allows you
to think about what you already know and what you
want to learn more about. I am going to show you lots
of different kinds of poetry for the rest of class and
some might really excite you, or maybe some will
seem confusing. Write down anything youre
interested about in the W column!
Does anyone have any questions? At the end of the
class you will hand this back into me.
Please put your name on the top and your
*Hand out KWL Charts/row

Teacher observation of student reactions, discussions, and

how they fill out KWL. Teacher will walk around the room and
oversee what they are writing in the columns
Prompt for more information
Intro to Poetry Powerpoint and Class
Discussion/Guiding Questions
1. For the rest of the class I am going to introduce you to
our unit and to various forms of poetry. Some of these
are my favourite!
2. As you experience different kinds of poetry that I am
about to show-please ask any questions you have AND
fill in the W column of your KWL sheet. Maybe you
want to know how to write a concrete poem, or maybe
you want to know more about found poetry? Use this
time to get a feel of how many different kinds of poetry
there is!
3. How many of you sing at church or read your
favourite pslams? That is poetry. See? Poetry is all
around you?
4. How many of you listen to music? Or sing? Or look up
lyrics? Songs and lyrics are poetry too-they are called
lyrical poems. Lyrical poems accompany music and
are often about feelings or emotions
5. Start powerpoint
-Show Shane Koyczan poem
-after video: Raise your hand if you think that was
-Who thought of something like that when I asked you
about poetry at the very beginning of class?
6. Christian Boks Enoia-every chapter only uses one
-show poem & read aloud
-whenever I read you a poem, or whenever we analyze
one, we will always listen to it more than once because
we need to hear it more than once to fully grasp the
language and how it sounds, whether it has a rhythm
or not. And I will always try to show you the poem on
the screen or with a handout so you can follow along
and make notes.
7. Show concrete poem. Concrete poems take a shape on
the page, most often a shape that represents the

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe


Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

theme or main idea of the poem.
- Who has ever seen concrete poems before?
8. Found poetry: Found poetry is created from
words/stories/objects/things that already exist. We are
going to make our own found poems later in the unit!
9. Continue to go through powerpoint
10. Outline assignments:
-Found poetry, like I said before
-We are going to be working on a poetry booklet
throughout the unit where you will create numerous
different kinds of poems- I will help you through every
kind and some of you will find that you love writing
poetry! You will hand in two of your favourites, or two
that you feel most passionate about for marks. I will
mark you on how well you follow the format, and on
your creativity and originality
-There will be a poetry quiz
-We are going to start our first writing assignment
tomorrow! I am going to read to you one of my
favourite poems If Youre Not from the Prairie By
David Bouchard-Canadian Poet, and you will make your
own following a formula. You will be able to write about
something you are already an expert on-yourself!
-***I emailed this poet!!**
-We will also be writing journal entries very often in
response to poems I read to you, poems you find, or to
other writing prompts. I want you to write often in your
journals so that you have lots of opportunity to practice
your writing. I will not be looking at your journal
entries, unless I tell you, and they are an opportunity
for you to reflect on poems we go over in class or to
brainstorm for your own poetry.
-You will have inclass time for all of your assignments
and I expect you to use it well. I will conference/help
you with any of your poems
11. Does anyone have any questions so far?
12.Wrap up KWL writing & take in KWL Chart

Teacher Notes:

Consolidation of

Teacher observation/class discussion/teacher questioning.

Differentiation is present with the variety of poems and
sources shared with class-allows for a variety of student
learners and interests.
1. Does anyone have any questions?
2. It is clear that poetry is all around us and poetry takes
many forms and even shapes!
3. Some of you might feel uncomfortable or nervous to
write your own poetry.. or some of you might feel
uncomfortable with some of the poetry we will studybut that is OK. We will have lots of discussion and
time to talk about-so always feel comfortable to ask
4. Tomorrow we are starting our first writing assignment
and you will get a feel for how listening/responding to
poetry will go

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe


3 minutes

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)


If time remaining-could read David Bouchards If Youre Not from the


What went well:

What did not go well:

What to improve on for next time:

Self/TA Evaluation:
My TA said:

a) contextual variables affect
teaching and learning.
b) the structure of the Alberta
education system.
c) the purposes of the GtoE/ PoS
germane to subject disciplines
they are prepared to teach.
d) the subject disciplines they
e) all students can learn, albeit at
different rates and in different
f) the purposes of short, medium
and long term range planning.
g) students needs for physical,
social, cultural and psychological

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

h) the importance of respecting

students human dignity.
I) there are many approaches to
teaching and learning.
j) the functions of traditional and
electronic teaching/learning
k) the purposes of student
l) the importance of engaging

m) student learning is enhanced

through the use of home and
community resources.
n) the importance of contributing,
independently and collegially, to
the quality of their school.
o) the importance of career-long
p) the importance of guiding their
actions with a personal, overall
vision of the purpose of teaching.
q) they are expected to achieve
the Teaching Quality Standard.

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