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Classroom Management Plan

Mr. Orejel

Detailed Procedure

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class while

students are responding to the days prompt in their
journal or Do now. Process should take approximately
5-7 minutes.
Distributing School Notices
All notices will be distributed at the end of class, unless
notice requires immediate action.
Student Movement Routines
Entering/Beginning period
Students will enter/exit the classroom in an orderly
fashion. Students use time to obtain materials (laid on
materials table) and prepare themselves for the hour,
however must be seated and ready to work once the
bell rings. No exceptions.
Getting materials and
Upon entering the classroom, students are to pick up
the materials from the materials table, located to the
immediate left of the doorway.
Sharpening pencils
Pencil sharpening allowed prior to beginning
instructions (passing period) or after activity
instructions and modeling is complete (when students
are released for independent practice). Additional
sharpened pencils are located in the supply area.
Going to trash can
Students can deposit trash into the bin at the end of
the period or when the class is transitioning into
another activity.
Leaving class at end of
Students must ensure their work area is clean and
orderly prior to leaving the classroom. Students must
also properly place materials and resources back in
their designated areas.
Leaving the classroom
Students must exit the classroom causing minimal
Lesson-running Routines
Collecting in-class
All in-class assignments will be passed up to the front
of the class. The teacher will select a student to collect
them or will collect the assignments himself.
Materials for the day will be picked up immediately
materials and equipment
upon entering the class. The materials area is located
to the immediate left of the doorway. Unused or
returned materials will be placed back in their
designated folder/bin located in the materials area.
Assignment Formatting
All assignments will include a title, student name,
period, and date. Students will utilize MLA formatting
for all assignments. No exception.
What to do when
When in-class assignment or task is complete, students
assignment done
will place their pencil down, indicating they are ready
for the next step or activity. Student will await further
Interactions; Teacher/student talk
Getting teachers attention
Students will raise their hand and wait to be called
upon by the teacher. If student is not called upon, they
should wait for an appropriate moment to ask the
teacher a question (when teacher asks if there are
questions, during activity transitions, at the beginning

Getting students attention

or end of class).
Teacher will use various methods to obtain students
attention, such as countdowns.

Student to student talk

Before bell rings

Students are allowed to speak to one another freely

(voice level: 0-3) until the bell rings. Once the bell
rings, student should be seated, quiet and ready for
further instruction.
During independent work
Students most not speak to one another during
independent work (voice level: 0). If student has a
question, they can raise their hand and wait to be
called upon by the teacher.
During lesson transitions
Students are allowed to speak to one another (voice
level: 0-2) during lesson transitions.
During cooperative learning Students are allowed (and highly encouraged) to speak
to one another during cooperative learning (voice level:
Use of iPads during collaborative learning
Conversation: Students are allowed to speak with one another while using
classroom technology for troubleshooting or to address elements of assignment,
unless otherwise indicated.
Help: Students must raise their hand and wait to be called upon. Students are
encouraged to ask one another questions (within their assigned group). If teacher
does not acknowledge student, then student must wait for appropriate time to ask
question (after instructions are given, during transitions, while teacher is nearby).
Activity: Students must always save their work on their drive. Once work is
completed, student must save file as, firstname lastname assignment title period
(mm-dd-yy) prior to submission.
Movement: Student can get out of seats to obtain additional supplies, move to
assigned areas, or to the standing table.
Participation: While utilizing classroom technology. Students must power up and log
in immediately, indicating to the teacher that students are on task.
Success: Students cannot leave class until laptops are properly stored and locked
0 = Silence; no talking
1 = Whisper
2 = Normal conversational voice
3 = Raised voice; teacher instructional voice
4 = Shouting; outdoors only, or emergency

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