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Content Description

Knowledge and skills

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The Arts Visual Arts (Years 3 & 4)

Explore ideas and artworks from different

Research artworks of
different styles from
different times and cultures
to inspire their own

Consider viewpoints,
meanings and

Exploring different ways to

represent ideas using visual
conventions from different
historical, social or cultural

identifying and explaining

choices in art making,
including forms, styles and
visual conventions in their
Experimenting with various
elements and techniques in
order to create patterns
such as line, space, form,
and colour

cultures and times, including artwork by

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to
use as inspiration for their own
representations (ACAVAM110)

Use materials, techniques and processes to

explore visual conventions when making

artworks (ACAVAM111)

Experimenting with
alternative styles of

Present artworks and describe how they have

used visual conventions to represent their

ideas (ACAVAM112)
Identify intended purposes and meanings of

artworks using visual arts terminology to

compare artworks, starting with visual artworks
in Australia including visual artworks of

representation from
different cultures and times
in their artworks. For
example, incorporating
symbolism into their work
making decisions about how
their artwork could be
Comparing own artworks
with a partner in order to
discuss the meaning and
decisions behind their works

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Peoples (ACAVAR113)

Considering viewpoints:
evaluations. For example
Did you enjoy looking at the
artwork? Why?

experimenting with the

camera and framing the
subject, using basic shot
types, angles and lighting to
control picture space

experimenting with
recording sound or adding
music to a picture story

The Arts Media Arts (Years 3 & 4)

Use media technologies to
create time and space through the manipulation
of images, sounds and text to tell
stories (ACAMAM059)

experimenting with ways of

formatting images to create
a picture story

Plan, create and present media artworks for

Natural and processed materials have a range of

storyboarding and filming a

specific purposes with awareness of responsible
short picture story,
media practice (ACAMAM060)
selecting camera angles in
order to convey meaning
without dialogue
Science Science Understanding - Chemical Sciences
physical properties that can influence their

Experimenting with pigment

mixing ochre with water to
create preferred texture to
use as paint

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