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SubTwo Assessment

Original Assessment
A Soldier for the Crown
Reading Guide


1. Who is the you in the story? What is yous relationship to Titus and
Alexander/Dorothy, the narrator
2. Why do Titus, Caesar, and the main character run away?
To join the army in hopes of attaining freedom
3. Alexander is described as a gambler in the story, in what ways did Alexander
gamble? What did he win/lose?
Gambled by joining the army. Lost family, won freedom
4. Why did the characters change their names? What is significant about the
names they chose?
To not be identified as slaves. They have to do with freedom and
5. Find instances of foreshadowing in the story. What is being foreshadowed
and how is it done?
The fact that Dorothy worked in the house foreshadowed that she
was a female
6. What plot twist occurs at the end of the story?
Dorothy/Alexander is a woman
7. What is the main theme or themes of this story?
Equality, courage, perseverance

8. Do you see any connections between themes from The Crucible and this
story? Explain.
Corruption, equality, strong female characters

The Most Dangerous Game Writing Assessment

Part 1
This is a creative writing assignment. To write creatively means to create new and/or unique
ideas. To use characters, scenes, and/or action is new and interesting ways. You create new
characters and new settings, you change the outcome of the story and/or the fate of the

Write a short story from the viewpoint Whitney or the crew members of the ship that Rainsford
fell off of in The Most Dangerous Game.

The lengths of your stories may vary, but you must follow the conventions of the short story
genre. (Fewer characters, shorter scenes) And it must complete the dramatic arc of a story.

Final draft must be typed, double spaced, size 12, Times New Roman

Think about a specific audience you would like to write this for.

You have the option of changing the outcome for Rainsford and Zaroff.

You will be graded on creativity, organization (a completed dramatic story arc), spelling and
grammar, and the justification of the choices you made.

A rough draft will be due 1 week from today. The final draft will be due 2 weeks from today.
There will be 2 days a week of class-time dedicated to working on your stories.
Part 2

You will need to defend the choices you made as the author regarding characters, setting,
scene, dialogue, and plot in a 1 page reflection accompanying your story.

This reflection will be due 2 days after the final draft of your story.

The Most Dangerous Game Creative Writing Rubric


Total Score:

Creativity (30 Points)

Did you create new and/or unique ideas for the story? Did you use characters, scenes, and/or
action is a new and interesting manner? Did you create new characters and new settings? Did
you change the outcome of the story or the fate of any of the characters?
0-10 Points
The student showed
little to no creativity.

11-20 Points
The student showed
some creativity.

21-30 Points
The student showed
exceptional creativity.

Organization (30 Points)

Did you structure the story in a manner that was organized and coherent? Did you complete the
dramatic story arc within your story? Did the you follow short story conventions of fewer
characters, shorter scenes, fewer settings?
0-10 Points
The student showed
little to no organization.

11-20 Points
The student showed
some organization.

21-30 Points
The student showed
exceptional organization.




Justification (30 Points)

In a 1 page paper defend the choices you made regarding your dramatic story arc. Including
characters, setting, action, climax, and conclusion.
0-10 Points
The student did not
defend their choices .

11-20 Points
The student was not clear
in the defense of their choices.



21-30 Points
The student clearly
explained all of their choices.

Spelling and Grammar (10 Points)

Did you write using proper grammar? Did you spell words correctly? There is room within
dialogue to disobey these conventions, but you need to justify those choices in your reflection.
0-3 Points

4-7 Points

8-10 Points

The student had

numerous errors.

The student had

several errors.

The student had

few or no errors.

The first assessment is a set of guided reading questions for the short
story A Solider for the Crown. It highlights characters and themes and
writing style that the students should be focusing on while they read. The
second is an assignment and a rubric for a writing project with the short
story The Most Dangerous Game. It outlines the expectations for the
students and the rubric explains how the assignment will be graded. These
assessments are clear and pertinent to the content.

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