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Betsy Trainer

Individualized Education Plan Case Study Rationale

The Individualized Education Plan IEP Case Study is the compilation and documentation
of the IEP process for one of our 8th grade students at HCMS. The project demonstrated the
importance of each task that leads up to an annual IEP meeting and the critical components of a
successful meeting. As part of the process I completed a thorough record review of the student.
In with my mentor teacher we gathered information on the student from her current teacher, both
general education and special education. We worked in collaboration with the school
psychologist to write the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
(PLAAFP) and to develop the proposed goals and objectives for the upcoming year. We also
talked with the student regarding her interest to begin the transition part of the IEP due to her
age. A successful annual meeting was held with the IEP team, which included the IEP
chairperson, her case manager (my mentor teacher), the school psychologist, her parents and
myself. Through completion of the IEP Case Study, I demonstrated mastery in the Council for
Exceptional Children (CEC) professional standard 1, 3, 6, and 7.
CEC Standard 1 addresses the learner development and individual learning differences.
The completion of many aspects of IEP Case Study demonstrated my mastery of this CEC. In
addition to my experiences with this student in my classroom, the extensive record review I
completed gave me a thorough picture of the student and the progression of her 504s and IEPs.
It also shed a light on the growth the student had made over the years and the areas she may
struggle with even if I dont see them in my classroom. Her Progress Toward Goal reported
quarterly on her last IEP also highlighted her learner development. The input we gathered from
her other teachers in order to state her PLAAFP also gave me a more complete picture of the
student. All of this information was used to develop IEP goals and objectives that were specific

Betsy Trainer
to her development and learning differences.
The IEP Case Study also demonstrates the mastery of CEC Standard 3. This standard
emphasizes the knowledge of curricular content. The IEP for this student has objectives in the
area of Written Language and Math Reasoning and Application in addition to her more social or
organizational goals. It was important that all the goals and objectives were specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant to the needs of the student and time-bound. The goals we
developed needed to be designed to be in line with the Maryland College and Career Ready
Standards for both Math and English for eighth grade students while also factoring in the
standards for the practices in both areas .
CEC Standard 6 addresses the professional learning and ethical practices and through the
completion of the IEP Case Study the mastery of this standard was I demonstrated. This
standard was addressed several different ways. Throughout the preparation for the annual review
it was necessary to have knowledge of and to follow all the IDEA requirements and timelines
surrounding the IEP process. The rights of the parents and the student must clearly be adhered
to. In addition, as part of preparing the IEP Case Study and the IEP annual review for this
student, all of the documents and the information gathered must be treated as confidential
The last standard CEC Standard 7 that focuses on collaboration was also mastered by
completing the IEP Case Study. All aspects of the IEP annual review are collaborative effort. In
preparation for her annual review input was gathered from all of the current teachers, both
general education and special education teachers. The actual development of the updated IEP
with the PLAAFP, goals and objectives, accommodations and supports was result of the
collaborative efforts of the school psychologist, several special educators, a general educator, the

Betsy Trainer
parents and the child. The IEP team meeting requires open and professional communication and
collaboration so the best plan is put forth that is in the best interest of the student. Finally, after
the IEP is updated effective communication is necessary to share the updated plan with the
teachers highlighting the new components.
The importance of an effective IEP is paramount to the academic success of a student
with a disability. Setting a plan in place that is monitored on a regular basis and updated annually
to reflect the students growth or new areas of need has a positive impact on the students
learning both academically and behaviorally. A cohesive IEP team is also critical to the success
of the process. I felt an integral part of the team both learning a lot through being involved in the
whole the process and also adding to the outcomes with my knowledge and perspective. The
knowledge I have gained through the process I can apply to a better understanding the IEPs of
other students and the implementation of their IEPs in the classroom. I also believe more
thoroughly understanding the difficulties students with disabilities encounter in the classroom
makes me a stronger teacher with all students since most student encounter similar difficulties at
some time.

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