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Henal Sutaria

ENC 2135
Jonathan Mundell
24 April 2016
Word Count: 510
Artistic Statement

The topic I wrote about was Indian dance. To display this, I chose three genres: a
narrative, an artistic drawing, and a video. The reason for this is because the best way to
understand the art of the dance is to read about it, see it, and witness it.
The first genre was a narrative. I composed a short story about the art of dancing. I
included a personal experience to really make the story alive. I explained how to the art of
dancing is in the fact that dance brings people together. The entire narrative centers around the
experience and how the people in the story come together after being distant. How one day and a
few dance practices brought people together to the closest friends that they are now. The reason
why I chose to write a narrative was because it was the best way to explain the emotions and
notions behind the dance in words. The way the effects of Indian dance can penetrate through a
group to bring them together. When composing this piece, I have abided to the conventions of
the genre by keeping the story as it needs to be, a short story. The audience for this composition
is everyone, everyone interested in the art of the dance. It is centered towards those who are
looking for a group or a way to connect with others.
The second genre is an artistic drawing. This genre was chosen because it is a good visual
representation of the complexity of the dance steps that go into creating the full composition that

is a beautiful Indian dance. This drawing obeyed the conventions of an artistic drawing by
keeping the simplicity of the drawing to the photograph. The drawing shows the beauty of the
step as the girls legs and arms make a shape that is pleasurable to the eye. The expression on the
girls face also radiates the beauty of the dance as facial expressions are honestly 60% of the
importance of Indian dance. The audience for this genre is for everyone as everyone would love
this beautiful drawing because of how the beauty of the drawing releases the perfection of the
dance form.
The third genre is a YouTube video. This is a video of a dance performance (that I am
in!!). The video shows a four-and-a-half-minute dance bringing together different types of Indian
dance and songs to create a picturesque performance. The reason why this type of genre was
chosen because Indian dance should be witnessed. Although the complexity of this particular
dance is nothing compared to what hardcore classical dances are like, this dance shows how
different types of people came together to perform a kickass Indian dance emitting their culture.
The genre obeys its conventions because it is a basic, filmed video that has been posted onto
YouTube. The pieces audience is centered toward everyone because everyone uses the internet
so everyone will see the video. It is made for everyones entertainment.

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