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Colton Chambless #3

Food Web, Fact or Fiction?

Undesirable Behavior Targeted: Students play on their cell phones. This
is a major problem that is impeding academic learning. During a lesson,
students playing on their cell phones: have their head facing down, do not
participate in class discussions, do not know the answer that was asked of
them regarding a topic that was just discussed, and distract other students
from learning.
Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted: Students will not be on their
cell phones at any time during the class period. Students will: participate in
class discussions, verbally answer questions when asked, be respectful and
maintain attention to whomever is speaking at a given time.
Types of positive reinforcements Reinforced
1. Immediate R+: (1 Per day: Class will receive food supply to move up
food web)
Every student places cell phone on teachers desk (on
silent/off) at the
beginning of the class period.
2. Delayed R+:
(Class will receive food supply to add to their food web
When no cell phone was out during an entire class
3. Overall R+:
Food Web, Fact or Fiction? When our class has
gained all 4 points on
the food web, the class will read about an interesting fact
or fictional
statement regarding the specific tertiary consumer. The
class will
then receive +5 extra points on their unit exam.
4. Food stickers ( food supply ) will be rewarded to our class at the end of
the period for them to put on their food web during the last 5 minutes of
class. I will give praise to compliant students.
Interactive Learning Activity: Food Web, Fact or Fiction? When
our class has gained all 4 points on the food web, the class will read about an
interesting fact or fictional statement regarding the specific tertiary
consumer chosen. The class will then receive +5 extra points on their unit
exam. (TEKS 8.B Categorize organisms using a hierarchical classification
system based on similarities and differences shared among groups).
Teach the Desired Behaviors: At the beginning of the unit lesson, I will
inform students about the Food web, Fact or Fiction activity. I will tell
students the expected behavior that will reward them with food stickers to
place on their food web. When students have not used their cell phone at all
during the period, they will receive praise and food stickers (1 per day).

Colton Chambless #3

Teach the Plan: I will have my own personal food web worksheet displayed
in the corner of the room. I will demonstrate to students by putting my
cellphone on the teachers desk (on silent/off). At the end of class, I will
reward myself with a food sticker. 8 food stickers will reward me with 5 extra
points on my test.
Possible Items: Every individual class will have their own food web
progression displayed in the corner of the class. Adjustments to food web
may include a class that has 8 food stickers, will be able to create their own
tertiary consumer and place it on the food web.
Necessary Items: Food stickers, tape, glue, food web worksheet, and NO

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