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Teacher(s) Name: Brittany Cleter, Andrew Muniz, Megan Trexler, Karolina Nieradka

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Federal Government/ Branches of Government/ Grade 3

Weebly address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Monday (Day 1)- Introduction to the Branches of Government
LearningGoals/Objectives Learning Goal:

Students will be able to identify and explain the Three Branches of Government that
make up the Federal Level of government.


NCSS theme(s):
Power, Authority and Governance

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:

SS.3.C.3.1- Identify the levels of government (local, state, federal).
Note: This lesson only satisfies part of this standard.
SS.3.C.1.3- Explain how government was established through a written
SS.3.C.3.4- Recognize that the Constitution of the United States is the
supreme law of the land.
Note: This lesson only satisfies part of the standard.
SS.3.C.1.1- Explain the purpose and need for government.
Note: This lesson only describes the need for government at the federal level.


Unit Pre-Assessment:
A Kahoot! Quiz will be given two weeks before the unit to assess what
the students know about the Three Branches of Government.






Learning Objectives:
1. The student will be able to understand that the constitution states the federal
government must have a separation of powers.
2. The student will be able to explain the purpose and need of the three branches of
3. The student will be able to identify and state why the three branches of government
were established.
4. Students will be able to analyze print and digital resources to gather knowledge
about the Three Branches of Government.

Florida Standard(s):
LAFS.3.W.3.8- Recall information from experiences or gather information
from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence
into provided categories.
Unit Post-Assessment:
The same Kahoot! Quiz from Pre-Assessment will be used as the postassessment. This quiz will be given on Friday, the last day of the unit.
On-going daily (progress-monitoring) Assessment:
Teacher will observe students to ensure they are participating and
understanding the material. (ESOL 6)
At the end of Day 1 the students will write down on a small sheet of

paper their name, something they learned, and circle where they are at
in regards to the information on a scale from 1-4. They will then fold
the paper and place it in the Special Learning Box where I will look at
them later in the day.
1- I do not understand the branches of government.
2- I understand a little bit of the information from the branches
of government.
3- I understand the material from the branches of government.

Design for Instruction

Student Activities & Procedures

What accommodations or modifications do
you make for ESOL
and ESE (Gifted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities, SLD etc.)

4- I can tell you everything we learned from the branches of

government today and can be your student helper for this topic.

1. To introduce I will hold up and artifake of the Constitution (Note: This

artifake is a visual tool for ELs, giving them a visual of the Constitution ESOL 8, ESE 1.1). I will then start a class discussion about the constitution and
will create questions that add on to the students answers. The goal of the
questions is to get the students to start thinking. I will ask these questions
during the discussion:
a. Does anyone know what I am holding?
b. What do you know about the Constitution?
c. Why do we follow the Constitution?
d. At the end of the discussion I will tell them how the Constitution
states that the federal government must have a separation of
powers in order to create balance in the federal government,
creating the three branches of government.
2. Then we will start a class KWL chart based of the three branches of
government. For Day 1 we will only fill out the What We Know and the
What We Want to Learn sections. The What We Learned will be completed
on Day 5. I will start the KWL (ESE 1.1, 2.5, 3.1; ESOL 8, 50) and show them
something I want to know and learn during the lesson. I will write, I know the
Constitution states we need to have a separation of powers. Then under the W
I will write, I want to know what the three branches of government are. After
I show the students what to do we will create another statement for the K and
W together. Then I will have the students pair up and have them discuss
something to place on the chart (Note: This helps my ELs and ESE students
because they are working with another student and are building on each
others thoughts- ESE 8.3; ESOL 2, 32). Once the chart is finished I will
inform the students that we will answer the questions under the W through out
the week and on the last day we will fill out the L portion of the chart.
3. After the chart we will continue the lesson by going through the 3 Branches
of Government presentation found from Promethian Planet (Note: Some
parts of the presentation will be skipped because they were already
discussed in the class discussions). During the presentation I will have pauses
where students will do Think, Pair, Share with partners in their group (Note:
This helps both ESE and ELs because they are engaged in the discussion by
telling each other what they are thinking and may give or receive answers to
questions ESE 8.3; ESOL 2, 32). Questions I will ask will be:
a. What jobs does this branch have?
b. Would you have any questions for the members if you were to
meet them?

c. Which branch would you like to be a member of? Why?

For the final activity of the day the students will take out their Social
Studies Notebook and start a tree representing the Three Branches of
Government. I will walk them through creating the trunk and the branches to
represent the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch. We will then label
the tree together.(ESE 1.1, 1.3; ESOL 8, 30) I will then have them put this
notebook away and will tell them we will continue adding to this tree
throughout the week.
5. At the very end of the lesson they will complete an exit slip that is solely to
know where they are at with this topic. The students will write down on a small
sheet of paper their name, something they learned, and circle where they are at
in regards to the information on a scale from 1-4. They will then fold the paper
and place it in the Special Learning Box where I will look at the later on in the
day to fix my future lessons. (Note: ELL students can draw a picture about
something they learned. ESE 9.3, 2.5; ESOL 30)

Promethian Planet- 3 Branches of Government

Sheet of Chart Paper
Students Social Studies Notebook
Interactive Whiteboard
Kahoot! (

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