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Yuexi Tang

Elizabeth Kent
ENGL 1020 PP
Journal 6
When I was getting started, I found a few difficulties in the writing process. First of
all, it was my first time to write a standard and formal essay. Before the class, I took
some English class or other here or in China, teachers didnt tell me that I should
write an essay formally; I just write it with my own knowledge. Because of culture
differences and diversity, in China teachers taught us knowledge in the classroom has
been well known, so I neednt surf the Internet to find relevant resources and
materials; but here I must to find all of the materials and resources that to use them in
an essay or it belongs to plagiarism. How to research the materials is the big challenge
for me, so I need to change a correct and better way of writing right now. However, I
have to take more time to write the writing project; so for time management and
project management, which is very simple, I only just finish assignments of other
course, then I can write the essay during the remaining time. I might have gotten lost
along in the may or not, I have learnt more in the writing process.

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