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Moral Uprisings

By Krisan Welch
English Composition 1020
Elizabeth Kent
12 April 2016

Table Of Contents

Diary Entries
Diary Explanation
Letter Explanation
Magazine Article
Magazine Explanation
Timeline Explanation
Word Poster
Word Poster Explanation
Collage Explanation
Picture Explanation

page 3
pages 4-7
page 8
pages 9-10
page 11
page 12
page 13

There have been multiple moral rebellions and revolutions that cause history to
change forever showing that the word rebellion does not have a negative
definition. In the Harry Potter series, specifically in part five, Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix, events are acted upon students trying to stand up and fight
for what they believe is right through rebelling against authority which cause an
uproar. These events become extreme in effort for rebelling against authority,
though that is not the base of the event. The students act to protect their school for
the benefit of the school, not to just make a scene. We see these type of events in
our own international history as we go through spells of laws changing, bills
being made, and societies taking a toll on the communities by spreading through
media and art. Though these events are displayed as an act of resistance, these
students and even just civilians confront what is unsubstantial and face the
consequences emotionally, mentally, and physically in defending their beliefs.
This increases the importance of rebellions and revolutions because people risk so
much just to make a difference in their community, society, and even their entire
world. Throughout this project, you will find many entries of different genres to
show the importance in moral rebellions, how to accept the consequences of your
actions if you do rebel, and how a moral rebellion or how moral rebellions have
changed history in the past and continue to change history.

Diary Entry:
Dear Diary,
Today I completely assembled Dumbledores Army. We have been
practicing almost every day for months now and everyone has grown stronger in
their power, which will be needed when Voldemort comes back. I hate that know
one believes us and Hermione was right when she said Fudge is going to get us all
killed (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) by telling people it isnt true,
but we will be prepared, no matter what is takes. What Umbridge said in class just
made me cringe with her lies; Let me make this quite plain. You have been told
that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This is a lie. (Harry Potter and
the Order of the Phoenix). Ill tell you what a lie is whatever policy she is working
under that is making her say that. Whatever. Even though I know we are doing this
to protect the rights and safety of our school, something is haunting me. I keep
having these weird dreams about being within the Department of Minister. I keep
going through all of these different doors and rooms and end up in this gigantic
room full of glass spheres. Each one is really dirty and dusty and look cloudy. I
have a feeling about a certain one but before I can find out which one it is, I wake

up. Then last night, I had a dream that I myself was a snake. I was hunting for prey
within Rons house and attacked Mr. Weasley. I think this means all of this could
be a mistake. I dont know what to do. I talked to Professor McGonagall and she
took me straight to Dumbledore
Now not only does the Order want to protect me, but Mr. Weasly and his family
too. I appreciate all that the Order is doing, I just wish they didnt need protection,
especially from me. Since Professor McGonagall has told Dumbledore about my
dream, he wants me to practice this thing called Occlumency with Snape (out of
all people right now) and I am horrible at them. It is about not letting Voldemort
into my heads and in my thoughts, but who the hell knows how to control your
own thoughts when they are already shared with someone else. All I can think
about is Voldemort coming back and me having to prepare for it. Snape kept
telling me to discipline your mind, discipline your mind, Discipline Your
Mind!! (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix); how the hell am I supposed
to do that with everything going on right now. Me going through my thoughts is
not going to stop Voldemort, or even slow down one of his toes. All this
Occlumency does is give me a bloody headache and make my scar burn worse than
sticking your hand in a fire. This isnt helping anything.
Now Umbridge. She caught our group and I have a gut feeling that Malfoy has
something to do with it. And before I could even confess that I created it,

Dumbledore took all the blame and resigned. No one even knows where he is and
its all my fault. Now I dont have Dumbledores Army, the Order, Dumbledore, or
even Sirius because I have no idea where he is either. I think to fix all of this I have
to figure out what the hell my dream means. I have to go to the Department of
Mysteries and go to the cloudy spheres, thats the only lead I even have. Hermione
keeps telling me that just a way for Voldemort to trap me, but I honestly dont care
right now. I have to fix everything.
And I will.

Diary Entry:
French Student
Dear Diary,
I recently joined this rebellion and been in it for about a week now but I
have mixed feelings about it. Currently it is a classroom size of students fighting
for multiple different rights since the war is over now. Some involve girls getting
to where pants or gay people going to jail for being gay. I am only in 10th grade so
I dont understand everything, but I know personally these things are I guess,
immoral. I mean I do understand that a lot of it has to do with the government
because they took my favorite tv show off and fired my dad from the factory for no
reason. (Poggiogli, par. 8). He was such a good employee too because he said his
boss always complimented him, he doesnt even understand what he did to get
fired. I almost blame myself because maybe this rebellion is making the
government mad so they are trying to get back at us. I guess that would make since
if we pissed them off. I mean we do have about 20,000 students involved now and
they got angry the other day or something because (I wasnt there) I heard that they
were flipping cars over because they were defending themselves from the police!!
(Steinfels, par. 4). And now the church is getting involved and more people are
joining, and they arent even students. Well the church did get a little upset when
students surrounded it and made so much noise but I dont blame the minister for

telling them that the streets have to be clear for traffic, it was 2:15 in the morning
for goodness sake! (Steinfels, par. 5). They are people like my mom and dad. Ive
been told to just stop watching tv completely and to carry signs about skirts for
men and pants for women, but why do women in America get to wear pants and
women here in France cant anyways? It doesnt make sense, its not like its easy
access or anything, pants are actually more difficult to get on and off than a skirt is,
and if a dress comes off then you got no coverage at all! At least with pants you
can still have a long shirt on or something. I dont know.
But anyways, surprisingly no one has actually been hurt in this, which you would
expect when you hear rebellion, but no one has been hurt. At least thats a good
thing is if anything more people just might lose their jobs or possibly go to jail, but
not have the fear of losing their lives over it.
If we get more people to join and keep going on longer, we might be able to
change this. I mean it is probably just going to get worse if I dont do anything
about it so I might as well keep going. I could be the one to push it over the edge.
I have to do something about this.
And I will.

Diary Explanation

The diary entries from both Harry Potter and a French student involve two
students that are contributing in a rebellion that revolves around the most important
aspects of their life. As Harry and the French student continue to contribute to a
rebellion in their community/society, they both consciously face some moral
blocks that they create themselves and that were created for them. As for Harry, he
feels at fault for having Dumbledore take the blame for him and that is punishment
enough for himself. For the French student, the rebellion was effecting her family
as her dad got fired from his job and felt that if she didnt do anything, these type
of actions taken on by the government would get worse before they got better.
Each character realizes the effects of a rebellion and the consequences for them,
but neither are afraid to still continue and fight for what they believe in. Both of
these entries show the importance of rebelling for what you believe in because it
could make a difference. They also both show how mentally and emotionally a
rebellion can effect a person. These entries can show the reader that it does not
matter if you are a leader or a supporter, both are equally as important and face
equal amount of consequences. The most important thing is to realize its
importance and to not have fear in facing either of them.

Dear Harry Potter,

My name is Krisan Welch. I have recently just been enrolled into Hogwarts
school of magic. I know of your history from when you were at Hogwarts and
admire your bravery in everything you have done for your school, family, and
friends. Since you have already graduated and started your career has a professor, I
wanted to ask you some questions.
As a new witch, I am very intimidated by the other students. I know I am a
wise and intelligent person, but I also know that there are people wiser and
intelligent than me. So how did you have the confidence as a wizard? What made
you aware that even failure was okay sometimes? Because honestly that is one of
my biggest fears, not just failing, but failing in front of a classroom for everyone to
see. I am also very into sports, especially quidditch! How did you make time for
school and sports and even friends as well? My dream is to be a seeker just like
Those are the only questions I had about actual school stuff, now lets talk
about the more interesting things. Now I know I will never have such a strong
rivalry as you and Lord Voldemort did, but how did you go on every day in your
life knowing that the Dark Lord was hunting you down? And not only that, but that

no one else believed you? I cant imagine the bravery you had to have to sneak
around and break rules just so you could defend yourself and the students and
friends you had within the school. Did you ever really think about the
consequences you could have had while leading a rebellion or did you just face
them when they came? I am sorry if these are personal questions, but no one has
ever really heard your side of the story, its always just reports on the events. I
guess I am just very curious because you have inspired me in so many ways...
The way you have so much bravery, even if you are forced into it; the way you are
not afraid to do what is right, even if it comes with consequences; the way you can
hold so much weight on your shoulders and still carry on the weight of your friends
and family.
There is so many more ways you inspire me and many others but I would be
writing a book then (or maybe seven books)!
As an admirer, I will always support anything that you do. So if someday the
media, your family, and even your best friends cannot see why you act upon what
you do, remember that there are people like me that understand. Dont ever doubt
yourself or change, because we will always be on your side.
Krisan Welch

Letter Explanation
In my letter to Harry Potter, I explain how Harry has inspired me through his
moral rebellious actions while he was a student at Hogwarts. This entry shows that
a rebellion can spread and influence people of any age and situation. People can
relate to a moral rebellion on a standard point as in how Harry maintained his life
and school at the same time, or on a deeper level trying to connect with, as Harry,
the bravery that had to be obtained to even attempt to fight for what someone
believed in. This shows that a rebellion does not just effect the people who are
against something and the other side fighting against the rebellion, but people on
the outside who are just watching, reading, and listening about what is happening.
Though Harrys actions were mainly in the Wizard World, some carried on into the
Muggle World and effected his family that were not wizards and who couldnt
defend themselves. This is admiring and inspirational and could be to many
This letter to Harry can also inspire readers that still cant have the complete
confidence to participate in a rebellion, but to see that you can still reach out and
provide support. Many rebellion leaders question themselves, but to know that
someone is a supporter and encourage them to continue on and create worlds of
difference in a confidence. So if you cant fight, then support!

Magazine Article

The Daily Prophet

By Rita Skeeter and Her Quill
As if any more drama can come from the

spells in secret within the school! This

well-known Harry Potter, we have discovered

information was given anonymously to

some of his juicy moves under Hogwarts and

editors of the Daily Prophet and has been

the ministries nose! For starters, the Ministry

greatly appreciated. Know people are aware

of Magic has recently put Mrs. Dolores

of Harry and his secret groups actions.

Umbridge as the inspector of all teachers

Their rebellion has caused Hogwarts

and faculty at Hogwarts school of magic.

punishment percentage rise above the level

With her evaluations and the wise words

of normal. This teenage rebellion against

from the Minister himself, Mrs. Umbridge is

safety rules has spread into problems within

now the new Defense Against the Dark Arts

the ministry. Harrys carelessness has gotten

teacher in place of the original teacher, Mr.

him to reveal the actual cause of his secret

Snape. With her new position, Mrs.

army. Apparently there is an organization

Umbridge has made some clever changes

dedicated to preparing to fight against who

within the rules of the school in order the

shall not be named outside of the ministries

keep the students of Hogwarts safe including

knowledge, and promptly protesting against

a new curfew, school activity limitations, and

the Ministry of Magic. Within these

no more learning on how to perform defense

situations, Mrs. Umbridge has raised the bar

spells but simply learning about their origin

in setting new rules and punishment for the

and effects of each spell. For the greater

safety of the students! She believes that

good... I want to do what must be done:

naughty children deserve to be punished

Wisely said by Dolores herself. For of course

and will not stop until the safety of the

if the new rules are brought about, so must

students is secure. As for now, Harry and his

new punishments if they were to be broken.

manipulative group continue to practice

Though with these new rules and

underage magic and perform unauthorized

punishments, multiple students have lead a

defense spells until the amazing work of

rebellion against Mrs. Umbridges position.

Mrs. Umbridge reaches to the ego of Harry

Of course this group of disobedient


teenagers are led by no other than Harry

Potter himself! This corrupted teen has not
only tricked almost an entire class count of
students into believing in the rumor that
who should not be named is actually
returning, and practicing underage magic,
but into unauthorized practicing defense

As we all wait to see if the rumor becomes

true I, Rita Skeeter, emphasize the
importance of keeping each of Hogwarts
loved students safe and follow Umbridges
wise decision of new rules and new

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