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Lesson Plan Form


Lorene Irvin

Lesson #:
Lesson Title: Exploring the character relationships and Perspectives in
The Breadwinner

Day of Week:

Time (Class Period):

Central Focus
The characters of The Breadwinner, and the perspective the narrator takes in texts.
Instructional Focus
What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson? (when I have
Students have been reading the novel The Breadwinner, and they are about
half way through it.
Students are comprehending the story through the narrators perspective.
Students enjoy being able to choose what assignment they have to do
because they vary in interests.
How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lesson(s)?
Because students have been reading The Breadwinner, this lesson will help
build their own perspectives and understandings for the characters within the
This will be a during reading assignment.
Standards Addressed
Common Core/Georgia Performance Standards
ELAGSE7W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well -structured event sequences.
o a. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and
introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds
naturally and logically.
o b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop
experiences, events, and/or characters.
o c. Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and
signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another.
o d. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language
to capture the action and convey experiences and events.
ELAGSE7L3: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking,
reading, or listening.
o a. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and
eliminating wordiness and redundancy.*
Learning Objectives/Learning Targets
Students will be able to define characters, setting, narrator, and
Accessing prior knowledge;
discussion at the beginning
of class
Students will be able to describe characters and the relationships The Bellringer at the
between them.
beginning of class
Students will be able to relate different perspectives together.
Discussion at the end of the
Students will be able to create a text that represents their own
The Breadwinner RAFT
narration of an event or perspective.

Students will be able to connect expressed ideas from peers to

create understanding of the content
Students will be able to use language and conventions when
writing and speaking.

Discussion at the end

The Breadwinner RAFT
assignment; discussion at
the end of class

Academic Language/Language Function Objectives

Define, Describe, Relate, Create, Characters, Perspectives, Relationships, RAFT,
List of assessments
The Bellringer
The Breadwinner Character RAFT
Discussions throughout the entire period
Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)
Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks
Students will enter the classroom and begin
To have a time for
working on the Bellringer question which is
students to come in and
minute List 5 or more characters from The Breadwinner. begin thinking about the
Who are they? Describe their personalities and
characters in their novel
they are currently
reading. To activate
background knowledge
As a class, we will discuss the Bellringer and
To help facilitate ideas
minute The Breadwinner. Where is everyone so far?
about The Breadwinner,
Everyone should have at least finished chapter
and introduce the RAFT
8/9. What do you all think? What do you think of activity.
Parvana? The Taliban? Mrs. Weera?
Introduce RAFT assignment. Instruct students to
choose one of the assignments. (Students who
are working on the same assignment will go to
the same pods together, not to work as a group
though; each student will have a RAFT.)
Students will work through and complete one of To offer students choice
the RAFT assignments
in their assignment, and
minute Directions are on the Page handout.
to have students create
their own text in
A thank you letter
response to their own
ideas and perspectives
A letter
on the novel and its
events thus far.
The woman from Parvana
A series of tweets
To give students a time
the window
to find their own voice
Mrs. Weera
The Taliban
A protest
and to create
(2 posters and understanding
paragraph petition)
perspective in their
texts while also creating
a time of understanding
of how life is in
Jigsaw the finished work: Students will return to As an opportunity for
minute their on pods, and they will share with their
students to share their
peers what they have both written and created.
ideas and perspectives

Each group will share one assignment to the

entire class.


Answer questions, clean up, pack up, and

instruct students of homework assignments,
expectations, readings, etc. (Whatever is

to their peers. To allow

students to see what
their classmates created
and to build
understanding of how to
characters all relate in
To wrap up the period
and day with
conclusions and

Student Supports
List what you are using to support student learning/organization.
A differentiated activity (RAFT) based on interest.
Discussion before activity
Opportunity to present students work to peers to further understanding.
Materials and Resources
Handouts & PowerPoints
The Breadwinner Character RAFT
The Bellringer questions either projected or written on White Board
Materials needed in class
White Board/Projector
Small posters/computer paper
Markers, colored pencils, crayons
The Breadwinner
What worked and for whom? Why?
What didnt work and for whom? Why?
What are instructional next steps based on the data from this plan?




The Breadwinner Character RAFT

Directions: Choose one of the following rafts to complete. Specific expectations for each row are below as
well. Be ready to share your work at the end of class!
1. The story of Malalis bravery helps Parvana throughout the entire novel. Write a thank you letter
to Malali as Parvana. Be sure to include specific times she is referenced in the book so far.
(Minimum of 1 page)
2. Father has been taken from his home; his wife and family miss him terribly. Write a letter as
Parvanas father for his wife and children. Describe how his life has been in the Afghan prison
under Taliban rule. (Minimum of 1 page)
3. As the reader, we keep wondering who is this woman who keeps dropping things down to
Parvana? Explore this mysterious woman, and from her perspective, write 7-10 tweets to
Parvana. Include a picture for two of the tweets. (Tweets cannot be over 140 characters, includes
4. Mrs. Weera is a strong independent woman and a great figure for womens rights. Write a one to
paragraph petition for the Taliban, and create two protest posters with words and/or pictures.
Why should women have freedoms? How can they make a difference? What has the Taliban done
wrong? Give specific examples from the book where the Taliban has been hateful so far.







A thank you letter

Thank you for your




A letter

My Life in Prison

The woman
from the window


A series of tweets

Want to be friends?

Mrs. Weera

The Taliban

A protest

Womens rights





***All assignments are expected to be appropriate for the classroom, and will be graded based on effort,
creativity, and relation to the book.

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