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Tree Protection Agency

Jarred Hudson
Alex Martinez
Richard Amponsah

Table of Contents
OUR POSTION...............................................................................................................................3
HISTORY OF DEFORESTATION.................................................................................................3
CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM..........................................................................................................5
CONSEQUENCE OF PROBLEM..................................................................................................6
Proposed Solutions..........................................................................................................................7

Tree protection agency (TPA) is a privately owned group that works in the field of
keeping the upstanding and protection of forests that are meant to be cut down for other various
reasons. Our problem is the constant act of deforestation and our people and members of the TPA
is against the act and has put the effort to take action against the planning of destroying any
habitations that includes trees as a main structure, which includes: woods, swamps, marsh lands,
forests and parks of sorts. Our
mission is to ensure the safety of


trees and the air we breathe, and

two reinstate and regrow forests
that have been tore down viscously


the gain of its natural resources.


The development of deforestation has mainly developed through increasing amount of

population over the years. Parties and organization that have helped are organizations like the
International Conservation Union (IUCN), The Forest Trust, the Rainforest Alliance,
Conservation International (CI), and the Wildlife Conservation Society have contributed in many
ways to stop the spread of deforestation. Deforestation might be a recent problem but history
says otherwise. Deforestation is a huge problem in the world we live in. Deforestation is the
clearance of trees where the land is and there after converted to a non-forest use. An example of

deforestation is the clearing of a forest in order to build a new building at Lithia. Deforestation is
a large issue that we are experiencing in the twentieth first century. Forests are being destroyed
every day. Its true that deforestation is a big problem today but deforestation has been taking
place thousands of years ago. An example of deforestation in the past is mystery of Easter Island.
Many scientists suggest that the reason for the habitants on Easter Island to disappear was though
deforestation. The people of Easter Island were using so many trees that they became scarce
along with other resources as well.
This also caused soil erosion.
Deforestation was even a huge
problem for the first settlers to arrive


America. Settlers would build houses and needed wood in order to survive and cut down trees to
gain access to wood. During the industrial era, steam boats in the Mississippi River would use
wood to power and fuel huge boats. Crew members and sailors would cut down trees along river
banks in order to fuel the boat. This caused rivers to flood and many cities along the rivers were
damaged and abandoned in Illinois and Mississippi. In earlier times, scientists believe that one
fifth of the worlds tropical rain forests have disappeared between 1960 and 1990. Trees are
essential to life for humans. We breathe oxygen which comes from trees. Less trees can cut down
important resources and can also lead to more carbon dioxide. The history of deforestation has
looked really bad. Deforestation will not look good for us humans in the long run.


Deforestation is caused by the cutting down of trees and bringing down of forests in a
rapid rate. The main purpose for deforestation is to obtain the natural resources that are there.

Other causes of deforestation are to make room for urbanization, use the wood to create paper
and furniture, and obtain ingredients that can be made out of harvesting trees. Deforestation is
either done by burning down the whole forests or clear cutting the whole land at once.
Deforestation occurs around the world mainly in tropical rainforests. Countries like Brazil,
Indonesia, Thailand, and Congo Basin regions of Africa have had tremendous amount of
deforestation occur to them.

occurs all around the world in various locations. Rainforests are main targets for deforestation
due to the large abundance of natural resources in the area. After a forest is cleared away it also
leaves an abundance of animals left behind without homes that depended on the trees as a form
of home. Some animals will then wonder their way into human civilizations and cause problems
and possible danger for nearby residents. A direct cause of deforestation is soil erosion. Due to
no trees there will be no roots in the ground to hold down the soil. With no roots the soil is free
to wash or get blown away by wind and water. The causes many vegetation problems and could
also recreate another dust bowl. Erosion of soil can also cause the dirt to blow over into streams
and rivers. This will damage and contaminate water supply to near population. After certain
studies, scientists concluded that deforestation is a cause of climate change. Deforestation has
caused vapor flows to decrease by 4% according to a study by the National Academy of
Sciences. Deforestation not only effects the present but can leave a lasting effect for the future.

Trees release carbon dioxide when cut down and the carbon will linger in the air. The buildup of
carbon throughout the coming years could be detrimental to the next generations health. A study
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that trees could rather help keeping
carbon and other greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere. Cutting them down will not be
beneficial in the long-run even though it helps out a present cause.

The people that go against the end of deforestation are companies that uses trees as a
main resources. They cut it down and use the woods to build and manufacture goods. Its good
for their economy, but it effects our air and the ecosystem. Companies that also build houses are
also in opposition of reforestation, since they use the land to build house around the land.

Proposed Solutions
At the Tree Protection Agency are plan to take down deforestation is to restore the forests
and stop or at least slow down the quickly evolving problem. We plan to start a reforestation
project. Re-growing trees on the land that is being cut down and buy the land as property to place
a stop on it being cut down.


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