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Teacher Candidate:

Paige Gergely & Jessica Warner

Group Size: 15 Students

Grade Level 2nd Grade

Allotted Time 45 mins.

Subject or Topic: Exercising

Section: Tuesday & Thursday 12- 1:20

Identify and use personal health practices/ habits
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. The students will be able to identify the different types of exercises and how
they affect the body, by cutting out pictures from magazines and identifying
what part of the body it is helping.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Magazines
B. Paper for magazine activity (see attached)
C. Paper for inquiry (see attached)
D. Move Your Body! My Exercise Tips by Gina Bellisario
F. Student Assessment (See attached)
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Exercise- the activity of exerting muscles in different ways to
stay healthy and fit.
2. Muscles- parts of the body that expand and contracts to allow

3. Aerobic exercise (Cardio)- Exercise that involves or improves

the intake of oxygen by the body. (helps improve lung and
heart fitness) (ex: Walking, running, hiking)
4. Frequency- How often a person does an activity
5. Duration- how long a person does the activity for
6. Intensity: How hard a person works to do a certain activity.
7. Balance and stretching- enhances physical stability and
flexibility and helps reduce risk of injury. (ex: yoga, any form
of stretching)
8. Muscle strengthening- Helps build and maintain bones and
muscles by working them against gravity. (ex: lifting weights,
playing on playground equipment)
C. Big Idea
1. The importance of exercise and how it helps the body.
D. Content
1. The students will learn the 3 main types of exercises
2. The proper amount of time to exercise
3. The importance of hydrating the body.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Begin by playing video (
v=NbEeaBULvys ) (end at 1:30)
2. Everyone loves going outside to play right? What if I told you
that is a form of exercise. Today we are going to be learning
about the different types of exercises, and how they help our
body grow stronger and healthier!
B. Development
1. First start off by writing on the board the three types of
exercises: Cardio, Balance and stretching, and Muscle
2. Explain what each category is and see if the students can name
examples for exercise.
a. Cardio- Help improve oxygen intake. Performed at a
moderate level of intensity for extended periods of
time. (make sure they understand the difference
between running a long distance at a moderate pace and
sprinting a short distance.)
b. Balance and stretching- Enhances physical stability and
flexibility. Helps you reduce the rick for injuries.
c. Muscle Strengthening- Helps build and maintain bones
and muscles by working them against gravity.
3. Next give the students the printout (see attached) and have
them go through the magazines to find examples of the
different types of exercises.

4. As the Students are cutting out pictures go around and the

room with the Student Assessments (see attached) and
complete on for each student.
5. After 5 minutes have the students go over what they have with
a partner.
6. Next have the kids stand up and spread out throughout the
classroom so they have enough room.
a. Begin by having the kids sit on the floor see if they can
slowly touch their toes with their fingers.
b. Tell them to remember how far they could reach.
c. Have them stand up and put their right foot behind them
as they stretch down to the ground.
d. Switch so that the left foot is not behind them as they
stretch down to the ground again.
e. Have them sit back down on the ground and see if they
can stretch farther now than they did before.
7. This will teach them how stretching can help flexibility and
8. Next have the students jump up and down slowly for one
minute as you time them for 60 seconds.
a. Write down how they feel after jumping slowly for one
minute on the board
b. Now have them jump really fast for one minute.
c. Write down how they feel after jumping faster.
9. This shows them how cardio affects the body and makes their
hearts and lungs work harder.
10. Next hand out the exercise worksheet for the week (see
a. Explain what each workout is and how to do it properly
b. Push-up: make sure they make a 90 degree angle with
their arms then come back up that counts as one
c. Sit-ups: lay down on your back with your feet on the
ground as someone holds their feet. Have them come all
the way up and back down that counts as one.
d. Jumping Jacks: have them start with their feet together.
When they jump their legs separate and their hands go
above their heads. Then they bring the legs back
together and that counts as one jumping jack.
e. Hoping: when they are jumping in the air have them
bend their legs then back down counts as one hop.
11. After explaining the exercises have them take the worksheet
home and every day, they will record how many they did in 60
12. When the week is up, go over their worksheets to see if they
were able to do more as the week goes on.

13. Finish up by having the kids come to the carpet and read Move
your Body! My exercise tips.

C. Closure
1. Wow we learned a lot of new and exciting new exercises. Now
dont just stop there go out and learn more exercises so that
way your bodies can be healthy and strong.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. Jebediah has a physical disability that makes it hard for him to
grip small objects. We decided if it works better for him,
instead of cutting out the pictures he can rip them out. Or he
can draw them on the paper instead.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative:
a. This will be the workout worksheet inquiry.
2. Summative
a. There is no summative for this lesson

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective
answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
VI. Resources (in APA format)
B. Bellisario, G. (2014). Move your body! My exercise tips. Lerner.
Its almost field day and these children realize they aren't quite in the best
of shape. Then their teacher suggests stretching and aerobic exercises.

These students just might be ready for field day after all this working out.
This is a great book to show children the importance of stretching and
moving your body to stay healthy.

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