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Basic Lesson Plan Template

Name: Kelly Peters

Grade Level: 4th grade
Lesson # & Title: Making a Menu
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):

Subject(s): Reading

Introduce New Skill or Content

Practice & Review

Content Standards:
CC.4.R.I.6. Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the
Learning Objectives (Aligned to Standards & Assessment Plan):
SWBAT identify the difference between primary and secondary sources.

SWBAT classify given examples as primary and secondary sources.

Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives):

Primary resource firsthand, direct communication
Secondary resource - something out of a text book or off the internet

Assessment Plan (Aligned to Learning Objectives):

Formative Assessment:
o Ask students about the 4 sources given at the end of the PowerPoint and ask them to identify them as
primary or secondary using response cards.
o ASK- What type of source is a magazine article considered? (wait for Reponses)
o ASK- What is a Diary considered? (wait for responses)
o ASK- What is a personal interview considered? (wait for response).
o ASK- What is a text book considered?
Then randomly call on students and ask What is the 4th grade term for asking a friend for information on a
topic? (Interview), and what can we gain from an interview? (knowledge on a topic

Summative Assessment:
o Students will participate in the KahootIt quiz, and complete it with 8/10 questions answered
correctly. KahootIt is an online quiz with individualized response. When responses are sent in,
students receive points for correct answers and no points for incorrect answers. They submit their
answers using a smart phone, tablet, iPad/iPod, or laptop/computer.

Procedures - Lesson Introduction: (20mins).

Start with a game of telephone with the students.
Have all of the students join you on the carpet. Whisper something into the students ear and then they pass the
message on to the next student and so on and so forth until it reaches the last student.
EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016


Once the last student has heard the message have them say it out loud.
Then tell the students what your original phrase was. (Pink polka-dots).
Repeat the game another time, but instead have a student pick a word and start the game.
Once the second game is finished say to the students, What did we notice during the game? (let
them answer
Then say, Was their a chance that the beginning phrase could change as we passed the message
along?, let them answer.
Then ask, Have you guys ever done a report for school that required research?, (yes)
Where did you find your information?, answers can include, a book, a dictionary, the library, a
website, the library database, etc. List the answers on the board.
Ask students, Could you get answers by asking someone?, (yes),
What would we call the act of asking someone questions about a topic? (an interview, a
conversation, etc.)
Good job, this is a great list of places we can find information about topics. Now, do you guys think
there is a chance that the information we gather from the internet, or a book, could be changed like it
was during the game of telephone? allow students to give answers.
Today we are going to be learning about what a primary and secondary source is, and how to use them

Procedures - Lesson Body: (approx. 60-80 mins).

Presentation/Explicit Instruction (I do): (10-15mins).
o Open the link for the attached PowerPoint and then present the definitions of the terms.
o While the PowerPoint is loading, pass out the response cards and guided notes worksheet.
o After going through the definitions and examples slides. Complete the formative assessment included
in the PowerPoint.

Structured and Guided Practice (We do): (45-50mins)

o Ask students about the 4 sources given at the end of the PowerPoint and ask them to identify them as
primary or secondary using response cards.
o ASK- What type of source is a magazine article considered? (wait for responses)
o ASK- What is a Diary considered? (wait for responses)
o ASK- What is a personal interview considered? (wait for response).
o ASK- What is a text book considered?
o After you finish the formative assessment say, Now that we know the differences between a primary
and secondary source, can we identify what are given examples are? Go through the list on the board
and identify each example given. STOP when you get to the example that talks about personal
communication or asking a friend, or anything that would be the same as an interview and say, What
is the 4th grade term for asking a person questions about a topic?(wait for a response, if not achieving
desired term of Interview, ask a student to type the question into google on a classroom computer.
o Then when you get the desired term, write it on the board.
o Have a choral response so that everyone is saying the term together.
o Than randomly call on students and ask What is the 4th grade term for asking a friend for information
on a topic? (Interview), and what can we gain from an interview? (knowledge on a topic).
o After explain what an interview is to the children.
o An interview is when we ask a person questions that we have about a topic that we need information
on. Once we have the information, we can then use it to help us with a project.

EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

Give them the mock interview worksheet.

Have them get in groups of 2 or 3 and interview each other. (10 mins).
After they have conducted their mock interviews, have them go back to their seats.
ASK- Why are interviews important? Wait for response, if none say, What did we learn during our
game of telephone? Wait for responses. So why is it important for us to conduct interviews? (so we
can get correct information straight from the source. Is the desired answer).
o Explain to the students that the current project they are working on for the unit will require outside
information and research. Tell the students For your menu design portions of the project, you must
have 1 primary source and 2 secondary sources.
o Since you are required to have a primary source, you will be interviewing a local business owner
about their menu design and set-up.
o So, do you guys think we should come up with some questions as a class for you to ask during your
o The teacher is now the scribe. Write ideas on the board that the students have as questions to ask their
businesses. Questions may include, Why is your menu only one color? Why is it multiple colors? Why
is it one page, more than one page, why are appetizers first? Etc.
o Once the giant list is created, type up the responses for the children for the next day.
Independent Practice/Application (You do): (20 mins)
o Students will participate in the KahootIt quiz, and complete it with 8/10 questions answered correctly.
KahootIt is an online quiz with individualized response. When responses are sent in, students receive
points for correct answers and no points for incorrect answers. They submit their answers using a
smart phone, tablet, iPad/iPod, or laptop/computer.
o The site keeps track of the responses by individual but does not show them during the game. They are
for the teacher to look back upon to see if all the children understood the lesson.
o The KahootIt quiz will be 10 questions long, and the questions will be pictures of primary and
secondary sources. Choice A will be primary, choice B will be secondary.
o 5 questions will be secondary sources, and 5 questions will be primary.

Procedures - Lesson Closure: pick a student and ask, What is a secondary source? Another student, What is a
primary source? another student, Why are primary sources important?, another student, Why are we conducting
Great job today guys, tomorrow we will be working more with our interview sheets for the weekend.
For homework, you must interview a parent/guardian, a sibling, a neighbor, etc. It cannot be a pet, or a stranger. You
will ask them the questions on the homework sheet and record your answers.
Instructional Materials and Support:
Response cards primary/secondary
Guide notes
Mock interview questions
Homework sheet

Research and Theory Commentary:

EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

Dewey tells us that children learn from doing hands-on activities. By having the students draft their own questions for
the interview it will add individuality into their learning and their unit projects. The projects will all have different
aspects that make them unique.
Vygotsky tells us that children can learn from their more knowledgeable other. By having the students hold mock
interviews in class it helps them to talk through the questions with their friends. This can also support Banduras idea
of modeling. If one student is modeling very good posture and eye contact, they can help their peer to exhibit the same

Differentiation: The groups will provide help for students who are ELL because they will be able to pick up speech
patterns of other children.
KahootIt! Provides a small classroom competition that is anonymous. It does not show who submitted the wrong
answer in the immediate results. After the game, the teacher can go back in and see which students answered the
questions wrong, and then you can call students up to ask why they choose that answer.
The at home interview helps children to practice their interview skills with a trusted adult. This part was added because
the creator felt if the students first try interviewing an adult was the stranger who owns the business, it would present a
stressful situation to the child. Also it can help students who may have difficulty reading or speaking to have a safe
environment to work through the questions.

EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

Directions: student will fold cards down the middle like a tent. To answer the questions they will show the
appropriate side of the tent.

EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

Guide Notes
Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Primary source: __________________________________________________________________________


Secondary source: ________________________________________________________________________


Diary of Anne Frank

(circle one)





Magazine article

(circle one)

Personal Interview

(circle one)




(circle one)



EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

In-Class mock interview

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Who are you interviewing? _________________________________________________________________

Ask your partner these questions and record their answers. Your answers can be quick notes. Full sentences
are not required.
What is your favorite color and why? _________________________________________________________
Who is your role model and why? ___________________________________________________________
What is your favorite school subject? _________________________________________________________
What is one interesting thing I should know about you? __________________________________________
Anything else you would like to add? _________________________________________________________

EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

Interview Homework
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Name of person being interviewed (ex. Mom, dad, Jake my brother).
Directions: Ask the person the following questions and record your answers in the space provided.
Remember to make eye contact and speak clearly.
1. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid in the summer? _____________________________________
2. Do you still do the activity in the summer? Why or why not? ____________________________________
3. If you could travel back in time and meet one person, who would it be and why? ____________________
4. Who was your favorite teacher in Elementary School and why? _________________________________

EDU234 Interdisciplinary Planning for Diverse Learners & Families - Spring 2016

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