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shpendra Kumar Atri
Indian sub-continent is the home tract of world buffaloes. Buffalo is the only
potential animal that can boost meat industry in India. The demand for
buffalo meat has increased, primarily because consumers perceive it to have
less intramuscular fat (more lean meat) than beef and pork. Some also
believe that this means the meat is lower in cholesterol, though this has not
been proven. Some consumers prefer the taste of buffalo over the taste of
beef or pork. Other valuable by-products from buffalo include mounted
heads, skulls, and hides. A mounted buffalo head and robe is worth about
$600.Buffalo meat is well comparable to beef in many of the
physicochemical, nutritional, functional properties and palatability attributes.

India has largest livestock population in the world. It has about 98 million
buffaloes, which is 57% of total population in the world. They contribute to
1.48 million metric tonnes of meat, amounting 24.54% of the total meat
produced in the country (FAO, 2008). Buffalo is the only potential animal that
can boost meat industry in India. Buffalo meat is the major item of Indian
meat export generating huge revenue in animal products sector. Buffalo
meat is the healthiest meat among red meats known for human consumption
because it is low in calories and cholesterol. It has almost 2-3 folds cost
advantage over mutton and goat meat. In India, meat is consumed either in
curry form with high spices or as processed meat products. Only 2% of the
meat is processed in India (APEDA, 2008), the remaining meat is sold in fresh
or frozen form. Despite vast resource of population and contribution of
buffaloes to the total meat production in the country, their potential for
utility in the processed meat sector is not completely exploited

Composition of buffalo meat.

Particul Water Protein Fat (%) Ash (%) Cholest Energy

ars (%) (%) erol (mg (Kcal/10
%) 0g)

Buffalo 74 -78 20.2 0.9 -1.8 1.0 61 131

meat -24.1

► Contribution of buffalo in bringing about the White Revolution in India is

well known. India is now poised to achieve the Pink Revolution through
buffalo. If this could be done, India can also achieve the Number one position
in meat production. This could be achieved by reducing the mortality rate in
male Buffalo calves (80%), and rearing the animals scientifically for quality
meat production, For example, about ten million buffalo calves, which were
otherwise eliminated in their very infancy, would become available for
quality meat production. This will raise the standard of living of small and
marginal farmers in the long run. Meat production has been neglected, and
has not been given adequate attention

► In India, every year, about 10 million male calves are removed from the
buffalo production system due to intentional killing by the farmers to save
dam’s milk due to non-remunerative cost of raising male animals, thus
incurring a loss of about US $ 11 million per annum. These calves could be
salvaged for meat production, which will not only improve the economic
condition of the farmers but also would increase meat production for
domestic consumption and export market.

► In India intensive feeding of male buffalo calves has started for meat
production. The male calves at the age of 6 - 8 months purchased from the
farmers are quarantined for 15 days during which vaccination and de-
worming are provided. Thereafter, they are fed on high protein/high energy
diet to put on a weight of 120 kg in 4 months to produce quality meat. They
are never fed on antibiotics, hormones and growth promoters. They are
raised in organic farming. Meat from such animals is tender, lean and juicy
and goes to the wet market.
Export of buffalo meat (MT) from India to different

Countrie 1997 1998 1999 2000- 2001-

s 01 02
Malaysia 5344 4005 53,19 77,15 67,25
0 4 2 3 1
U.A.E. 4187 3764 41,55 41,51 19,98
5 8 7 6 8
Jordan 5381 6576 5,877 12,44 15,32
2 7
Yemen 2389 2864 2,760 3,733 3,938
Oman 3979 1296 3,690 - -
Kuwait 4562 4544 4,150 4,596 3,726
Mauritius 4012 3394 2,968 3,192 3,004
South 239 90 - 52 154
Bahrain 2318 1624 - 2217 2391

Philippine 3215 2638 27,64 47,44 50,35

s 1 8 0 7 6
Iran 1103 1352 8,022 12,57 10,74
5 4 6 1
Qatar 1007 811 564 617 852
Egypt 25 2457 2,457 48,71 17,80
6 8
Others 1,627 1,500 500
Total 1763 1539 1672 28802 24335
28 56 91 7 6

Source: APEDA-2002, New Delhi, India

Existing markets:
The good growth of the Indian Buffalo meat export industry from 1,67,291
MTS (FOB value Rs.797 crores) in 1999-2000 to 3,43,817 MTS (FOB value
Rs.1647 crores) in 2003-2004 has largely been achieved through nurturing
the traditional markets / countries with good quality, competitively priced,
frozen Buffalo meat. The traditional countries include, Malaysia, Philippines,
Mauritius, UAE and other GCC countries and Jordan.
New Markets :
Some of the countries which are major importers of bovine livestock / meat
and could be targeted for supply of frozen Buffalo meat from India are
shown, alongwith our best estimates of their equivalent bovine meat
imports. Some of them like Egypt and Iran have previously intermittently
sourced Buffalo meat from India.
Country Current imports of
potential markets
Egypt 100,000
Iran 30,000
Algeria 50,000
Syria 30,000
Indonesia 50,000
Thailand 30,000
Philippines (retail segment) 80,000
Russia 100,000
Ukraine 50,000
Kazakhastan 25,000
Krygystan 25,000
Tajkistan 25,000
Buffalo meat is very popular in most buffalo loving countries although it
comes from culled animals or surplus males. Of 242 630 374 tonnes total
world meat, 3 089 875 tonnes comes from buffalo (FAOSTAT 2003).

The buffaloes possess strong large feet, strong legs and powerful quarters,
which enable them to maintain balanced traction and overcome the
opposing forces of ploughing in hard soil, sticky mud or pulling heavy loads
in low land rice field. An average pair of buffalo bulls can haul 2-2 ½ tons of
load in a cart fitted with peren numatic tyres over a distance of about 20
miles working 6-8 hrs a day. The buffalo males are particularly useful for
steady work in Persian wheel, oil expellers, and threshing of harvested crops.

Other products of Buffalo


When the horns are properly handled and processed, they provide a variety
of practical and decorative articles including buttons, toggles, combs,
spoons, forks, knife handles, napkin rings, wall decoration, shoes, horns, etc.


The hide of water buffalo is an important item both for export and for local
industry. Pakistan is one of the world's largest producers of good quality
hides and skins, and about a million water buffaloes are slaughtered
annually. Leather is considered to be the most important raw material in the
country's economy.


Tremendously used as fuel and organic fertilizer by the rural people.


Buffalo hairs are twice as thick as those of the bovine breeds, which render
them suitable for brush production rather than felt.

Calf Management in india

Calves are the livestock industry of the future. Calf management plays an
important role in the development of the dairy sector of the country. The
success of the dairy industry depends on appropriate calf management. Calf
care is not only essential for sustainance of the dairy industry but is also
essential in the wake of preserving and maintaining our good quality germ
plasm. Important aspects in the calf rearing are the health management and
proper nutrition to the calves.

►Research studies have revealed the poor condition of calves in the village
dairies wherein the farmers are not much aware about the scientific calf
management practices. One emerging trend in the Indian dairying scenario
is the growing number of the commercial dairy farms in the urban and
periurban areas of the metros and big cities. These dairies mainly cater to
the needs of the urban consumers. Their average herd size ranges from
small (2-10 animals) to large dairies (up to 500 animals) and most of them
are milch animals. Keeping in view the growing importance of
commercializing the livestock sector to meet the challenges of globalization,
in terms of organized production and marketing.

►The managemental practices in the commercial dairy farms in the study

has revealed the poor and unscientific management of the farms . Majority of
the dairy farms had a very poor housing structure for these animals which is
not suitable as per the requirement of the different seasons i.e. summer,
winter and rainy season. Further there is overcrowding of animals in most of
the farms due to lack of space. The roof and floor of most of these farms
were found to be broken and in a shabby condition and in need of repair.
Most of farmers cleaned the farms two times a day but very few used
disinfectant like phenyl and calcium carbonate (Lime powder) occasionally.
► In fact the calf management in the commercial dairy farms is very poor
leading to high calf mortality.








Reason of High mortality rate of Male Buffalo Calf

Survival of neonatal calves is imperative for livestock propagation; however,
a large number of calves die during the first year of their life causing heavy
drain on the economics of livestock production. Mortality of neonatal calves
was attributed to conditions like diarrhea and pneumonia . However,
environmental and managemental factors hasten the occurrence of such
conditions . Calf mortality was associated with the type of housing, feeding,
managemental practices, weather conditions, external and internal parasitic
infestation and bacterial infections especially those causing septicaemia and
enteritis (Blood et al., 1994). There are several reasins of high mortality of
Male Buffalo Calf. Some of these are:

(1)farmers are not much aware about the scientific calf management

(2) killing by the farmers to save dam’s milk due to non-remunerative cost
of raising male animals. Traditionally farmers were doing little efforts
to stimulate milk letdown in buffaloes with the help of managemental
practices other than calf suckling. Some of the farmers used
intramuscular injection of Oxytocin for milk letdown.

(3)little attention was paid to calf management

(4)Poor hygienic conditions may expose young calves to pathogens like E.

Coli, Salmonella, Pasteurella and parasites, which are responsible for
neonatal mortality
Effect of number of buffaloes at the farm on calf mortality
increase in calf mortality with increase in no. of buffaloes on the farm.
Farmers were unable to give full attention to the buffalo.

Effect of age on buffalo calf mortality

Mortality in buffalo calves was higher during the first three months of age,
while it was lower at the age group of three months and above. Poor hygienic
conditions may expose young calves to pathogens like E. Coli, Salmonella,
Pasteurella and parasites, which are responsible for neonatal mortality.

Vorster et al., (1994) reported outbreaks of diarrhea in 3-28 days old calves
in South Africa. Various strains of E.Coli were isolated from small and large
intestine. In some outbreaks Rotavirus and Corona virus were also identified
in faeces of the affected calves.

Effect of total calves at the farm on calf mortality

High calf mortality in farms with less number of calves while it was lower
when the number of calves was increased. It indicated the increased interest
of the farmers in the calves with larger investment, providing better
management and extra care when the total calves at the farm were

Effect of season on buffalo calf mortality

Season had no effect on calf mortality
Advantage India
Excellent Veterinary Infrastructure
Vet Hospitals/Polyclinics 1,715
Vet Dispensaries 14,473
Vet aid centres 23,682
Veterinarians 50,000
Para vets 45,000
Exclusive Veterinary Universities 4
Veterinary colleges 65

One National and four regional disease diagnostic labs working as referral

► Large livestock population

►BSE and Scrapie never reported in India
► Availability of modern and integrated meat processing facilities
► Livestock reared naturally – free from growth promoters and harmones
►Lean meat and genuine “HALAL”
► Competitively priced
►India situated in good proximity to ASEAN and Middle eastern countries
India has 52% (93 million) of the world’s largest Buffalo population. Even as
per the latest census of 2003 there was a growth of 7.5% of Buffalo livestock
during the previous 5 years, which is a happy situation.

►Since the growth of Buffalo meat for domestic consumption is low (less
than 2%), the potential for export increases substantially. As mentioned, one
of the biggest virtues of Indian Buffalo meat is its competitive pricing; since
the meat industry in India is a by-product of the dairy industry wherein
livestock, which have completed its useful contribution are used for meat,
the cost is low and hence possible to be competitive.
►Male Buffalo usefulness primarily for draught power in agriculture is by and
large reducing, so is the male Buffalo population. Male calf therefore is
unfortunately not cared for and resultantly does not survive. A major
potential exists for male calf rearing for meat purposes. A practical and
uniform policy of male calf rearing needs to be enacted and implemented in
the 5 states with maximum potential of Buffalo meat exports. The issue of
extensive and intensive male calf rearing vis a vis economics and
practicality, including availability and supply of adequate quantity fodder at
a defined price needs to be addressed. It is expected that over a period a
new, niche market, with a premium price realization for Buffalo calf meat,
would emerge and in that case even intensive male calf rearing could be self


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