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Weekly Journals:

21/2/2016 it was the first day I visit al Assar privet school. It is totally different from
the government school that what I observed form the design, school, classroom
environment, organization and teacher style for teaching. In Al Anssae School the
staff wear different color of uniform for a different level of the worker for example
(teacher, assistant, cleaners and officials). The school is very big but divided into
buildings I only visit kindergarten department that include 20 classrooms for Kg1
and 18 classrooms for this school depend to the curriculum in a large
percent, they have books for each subject (Arabic, Relation, Reading, Art, Math,
and English) every day they use it. Now I will talk about the classroom, first of all, I
like the classroom design it is colorful and include many things (pictures, colors,
shapes, schedule, rules, tables) but the classroom is very small they dont have
space for circle time and they dont have area to play and materials to use it,
because the classroom is very narrow. The corridor is very colorful and they
creating by themselves (art teacher) and things hanging from the ceiling like dolls,
cards and pictures that relate with each them.

First week:
I was in (Kg2 A), the classroom includes many ideas of activity or design in the
class to be successful environment for the student that help them to learn through
pictures in the classroom environment and attract them such as (numbers,
shapes, words, theme, pictures, objects, colander, student picture, reword
system, schedule, different colors of tables ,white board, smart board). I like it
very much and I take idea from this classroom to use it in future.

Students were in (My favorite clothes them) so they learn different types of the
clothes (chose, T-shirt, pants, socks, jacket, skirt, hat, short.) and in which
season they wear it in (summer, winter, spring and autumn) by doing many
activities like matching, touch the picture that relate with word and students
singing season song and acting. The teacher put some design in her classroom
that relates to my favorite clothes theme and she make a table that includes plan
for this week for the different subject. For example includes (theme, concept, and
color, and lesson, objective).

- In this day in English class, the teacher gave the student (Sh) word (fish, ship,
shop, splash, dish, shut,) student read these words and know the spelling for it.
Student recognizes when (sh) located in the words, if it in beginning the word or
in the medal or in the end. Student did many activities for sh lesson:

Completing the story by using (sh) words in correct place and using
picture that presents the word. The student felt happy to do this activity
and they participate with the teacher to guessing the story.
Circle the (sh ) in the words, its individual activity.

The student in this day learns new vocab for this week (beach, sunny, hat,
shirt, and umbrella) by reading the words and using flash cards and posted
on the white board.

In the science:

They have project (Road safety), a short lecture for the student about road
safety that include (Meanings of the paintings of traffic, how to deal with
the road, the meanings of the traffic signal (red= stop/ cars are stopping
and people can walk in pedestrian road) (green=go/ cars are going and
people cannot walk in pedestrian road) (orange =ready/ cars ready to move
while the people start to dont move or walk). science teacher us a smart
board to show them information and did it in the small room so each time
they bring one class to (taught, learn and show them).

I think it is great idea for student to know the how to deal themselves in the road
and that help them to understand the world.

In math they take (Addition) and counting from 1 to 30.

Teacher gives them activity for addition by drawing in the board different
item and let children to count it and adding to get the result. Students are
very smart they can solve the hypotheses verbally and directly. Student
identify (Brown color) around the class and point it to show the teacher and
give example for real life.

In math subject teacher use same strategies and activity so it is routine for
student they know how the activity work. Sometime student feel board because
they do it every time but different vocabulary words.

In science lesson, teacher show the student flash cards that (include
pictures that present the specific season). She ask them, what is the
season is? So Students make action for that. And what we wear in this
season. What we eat?

Student answering: Autumn the leaves in falling, wear sandals/Winter

feel could, wear jacket, socks, umbrella./Summer is very hot, wear Tshirt, short, sunglass

In science subject student feel happy and interest because each time the teacher
bring and surprise them by new activity that attract them to learn and focused
with teacher.
English classroom:

Teacher start the day by using puppet to welcome the students then she
shoes one student to do the colander (our day is Wednesday /our month in
February /our date is 24/ a weather is could/ our theme is my favorite
clothes, our color is brown, our concept in short and long ). Finally they
finish the welcoming part by find brown color around the class, start
singing theme song (season) together with acting and make some
movement like Close your ear can hear me? /close your eye can you see
my? Run to the left /go to the write / student show the teacher how they are

I like this technique because that motivates the student to start the lesson with
feeling happy.

Then teacher draw the same activity in student book in the whiteboard to
do it together with student ,after that the student apply it in the book.

I believe that when teacher use same activity in the book that take more time to
draw it while the student wait for the teacher to finish it so my suggestion teacher
can use PowerPoint or big picture that show the story or activity is butter then
lose time . However teacher can explain another exercise but it is similar to the
activity in the student book and does it together, while teacher can observe and
assess them in the book.
Second week:

In English lesson, student read these sentences for the exam and teacher
try to teach and help them to read it:
(A hen in a bed /Sit on the mat/ Dig, Ed Dig /A map in a cap)
By lets each student come to read the sentence and rest of the class
repeated after him.

That help teacher to know their understanding and level of reading skills. That
make student feel confident and supporting by teacher and give them chance to
by little teacher for rest of class.

Student review vowel (u), student match the pictures with word to make

That lets student to recognize between the words that includes letter u even it is in
(beginning the word or medal or last).

Student do this activity in the group, teacher motivate them by each group
will have star if they finish first and all the answer was correct. (There are 4
groups in the class, (green, and blue, yellow and red).

I think that help student to work together, share knowledge and build
relationship with student in the same group so that will develop social
emotional skills.

Teacher let student to read the number in the number table, she point in
specific number by stick and student read it.

I like the way that teacher use this technique to make sure the student recognize
between the numbers and she assess each student with her or his capabilities for
example: low level student, teacher let them to read from 1 to 15/ medium student
from 1 to 25/ high level from 1 to above.

In the science subject:

Teacher revision the lesson (5 senses) by showing the student the

pitcher and put it in the board (hand =touch/feel) (Nose for smell)
example smells the flower (Mouth for tasting) eat ices cream (Ear for
hearing) hear sound (Eye for see) I see the teacher.

All students participate with teacher to do the activity because she starts
the activity by discussion with student and using the real life example so
that make them interest and active with teacher.

Student classifies the flash cards that include pictures with correct
senses in the table (Flower, chair, TV, feather, phone, ice, car, head

I think this activity help teacher to make sure all students understand the
lesson , she gives chance also for SN student to enjoy the activity to feel

they are in one society; same level, feel comfortable and SN student take
their right in the class with regular student.

Students complete the puzzle to identify the picture of the season in

the board. Then teacher reviews with student by complete the
sentence (with eye I can see), (with ear I can), (with nose I

In the math:

Students complete missing number from (1-30) by count the

numbers and writing the missing number with teacher in the board.
Teacher give them activity how many 10 in number (20, 30).
Counting and writing activity, teacher draw in the board items (birds
and ices cream) so the students first guess how many they are?
Then count and write the answer. Finally the students start to do the
worksheet in the book.

In this day student did many different activities even in science or math
subjects so it is good point for them to be able to learn in different way by
using different technique.

In circle time, in English subject:

Teacher gives the student story (big waves and small waves) teacher
start to ask question and discus with the student what can you see
and do in the beach?? Students start to participate with teacher by
acting some movement (jump) and learn new vocab.

Teacher lets student to guess the characters, ask question and acting so
that develop their social, imagination, cognitive, physical skills and feel
In second pried:

Teacher writ sentence and student complete the sentence by using

the works in the box. They used this words {Sandal-summerumbrella- swimsuit} to complete the sentence (Its ------ I am wearing

a . (She draws the swimsuit) . (Draw umbrella) and.

(Draw sandal)) They do the activity on the whiteboard.
This activity was nice that help student to identify the pictures with words
in the box to complete the sentences, the students enjoys and participate
and interact with the activity. On the other hand some hyper active
students make noise in the lesson and confuse other student in the class
and fitting, teacher use great method that work with him by writing the
name of student whos going to Kg 1, motivate and give gift for good
behavior student and lets all student remind the classroom rules together.
Fruit and


Science subject student have (fruit and vegetable) lesson.



Teacher makes plan and lets each group give example for fruit and
vegetable that relate with color of their table. For example (yellow
group they answered {banana, pineapple}, red group they answered
{tomato, red apple, watermelon, strawberry}, green group answered
{cucumber, lemon, green apple}) for blue group student feel difficult
so teacher let them to choose any color and give example.

These games give student chance to thinking, use imagination and work
together in groups.

Describing fruit or vegetable game, teacher descried the food. For

example {it is fruit very small, red color, its yummy (cherry)} and
student who answered they get one point for their group.

It is enthusiastic game, student love the activity and participate with

teacher, and they were very active, student using and develop cognitive
skill and it is challenge between groups which groups get more pointe.
Math subject:
-I teach them math subject. I start with routine: greeting the student chose
little teacher or helper to the calendar and our rules. After the routine, we
moved to do some movement by singing and acting with numbers song.
Firstly, make challenge game between three student who order the
numbers from one to ten firstly by using (magnates number and put it in


the board. Secondly, story :( simple story for student that include many
things such as (counting, adding, colors and guessing). Thirdly,
differentiations activity the activity for 3 different level it is same idea but
there is a sight different depending on the student capabilities: Low level,
flash cards include many adding question. For example (5+4=) so student
use cube to help them to abstract the number by using the cubes then
write the answer in the cards. Medium level, student in this stage or level
they also have flash cards that include adding question but they add (10
+..=) by using board that include model of the hand that help them to
count by using the finger in the hands. In this level is difficult from the low
stage because they always adding 10.High level, in this stage student can
do sticks game, they adding 20.However Hyper active student can do same
activity with regular student. While Noor student shes intellectual
disability, I make for her physical activity especially fine motor skills for
adding and counting the balls ( two cups pasted in the paper ,she can put
balls in first cup and count then she put also and second cup ,finally she
count all balls that she put in both cups to know the result.
Third week:

In first class student do the practice for (I remember Allah) song, and
teacher explain and show them the active and movement. The principle
comes to watch them and give the teacher her opinion about the song and
how student work. while the science teacher make exam for student each
time she shoes one student and ask question for health ,seasons and
sense topic and assess them.

I observe that all teacher in this school are collaborators and helpful. For example
when teacher sick or late other teacher come and complete the lesson and
metaphor the materials for the lesson with each other.
In the second period:

Teacher review for the student math and English exam, she review them
vocabulary that they make dictation (cat, big, sun, pan, six, bed, pot, hen,
dog). In math they practices addition (10 +1=11, 10+2=12.. to (10+10= 20)
and reading the story for reading exam.

Something attract me in this lesson or especially in this day, teacher ask the
student if they do practice at the home for the dictation or not, student how do not
do it they feel said and raise their hand so the teacher give them paper that
include the words for diction and student start to copied. I was very proud for my
teacher and assistant because they help and care about the student.

Because they are busy and reviewer day, I take picture for special need student
and take some information from the teacher for our assessment.

-In this day I was ready to teach my class in first time to teach them science
subject. Because they review all lesson in this week to be ready for next
week exam, I chose senses lesson. I prepare my materials (flash cards,
PowerPoint, sticks, real object (perfume, ball, and mirror) and lesson plan
before. So I start with greeting. After that I start with asking question (what
we use to see? / What we use to hear? /what we use to smell? / What we
use to feel? / What we use to taste? This activity was worm up activity that
helps them to know the lesson about senses. Then I make mind map in the
board that include question in the medal how many senses we have?
The student can answer the chose the picture that present their
senses and stick it in the map. After I finish this activity ,I start
with (sticks activity) each student take one stick from the basket
and passed for other student, in this activity I paring real object
like perfume ,mirror , ball ,pictures of (ice-cream , bell, car,
sun ,garbage) so the student when see the picture or object they
raise their stick if it relate it with object. For example I show them (perfume)
some student raise their (nose =smell) and some other raise (hand =touch
&feel) both of them right. Student like and participate with this activity that
encourage and make them curious to know the next object or picture. Then
we leave to PowerPoint to play (true & false game) in this game student
recognize if the information is right or wrong by choose the correct a sign.
Then start with differentiation activity, all activity students do in group and
work together:

First activity I stick the flash cards in the board

(smell flower, read book, lemon, perfume and carry books) so
make two line and fist
student in the line they have sticks to point. I
ask them show me which picture show (smell /see / hear /touch /
and taste) senses each student pointed first the will be winner.
Second activity it is for high level I but for them in floor flash cards
that include photo of (chocolate, car, musical instruments, flower,
sun) so student jump in correct place (when I ask show my hear
For low level, students classify the card that includes different
pictures of senses so they but each cards in correct senses.



For special need I ask (Noor) for sense by ask and show them pitcher of
(eye, mouth, nose, hand, ear) she answer after that I show her picture of
ball (I ask her we use whish sense for ball / we use our mouth or hand) I
give her choice for the answer to be easy for her to participate in the class
and in the lesson
Student were happy with activity so I rotation the activity, that mean all
student do all activity. My Mst help me to manage student and she like the
activity she said it is very creative and easy for student to understand.

-In this day, my teacher came to observe me at 9:10 am and my class starts at the
same time so I prepared my materials that I needed (puppet and computer for
PowerPoint. I felt a little bit comfortable because I know student capabilities,
levels and my MST and assistant they help me to manage the student. First I start
with welcoming the student and chose a little teacher to do colander and another
student to read our theme, concept, and color. Then remember the classroom
rules, let all students tell the rules together. After that start to sing the theme song
for the season with acting each season, students were happy and interest when
they doing the movement (how the leaves fall, feeling in the summer and winter).
Then start to review the vowels by asking the question (how many vowels we
learn and what are they?) students participate in answering and while I making
map mind on the board and let them discover the lesson by show them pictures in
the PowerPoint that includes letter u with red color. Then I use puppet (horsey)
greeting the student and chose one student to help them to review how many
vowel they learn and what they are? By chose Noor, it is a student shes mental
delayed disability to help him to count and repeat after the horsey the vowels. We
complete the mind map by asking them a question (can you tell me how many
words family u vowel have?) students answering while I drawing the seven circle
for seven family words and chose students to come and write and fill the
high and medium student can answer and participate while low level after student
finish writing the went to groups, in each group I gave them flash cards that
include pictures I shoes low-level student to come and put the picture to the
words that relate to it or present it .




Mug- Jug










- yum

Rug -hug

After they finish mind map, we start with simple story about (broken egg). The
goal for this activity is student read the word then matched with specific picture
that relate with words.

Finally, the student did differentiation activity:

Low level (they did puzzle activity) students identify words and picture
that relate with u vowel by organizing the puzzle.

High-level makes ice cream for (U) and (A-E-O-I)vowels by classifying the
picture that includes letter u in (u) ice cream while other in (A-E-O-I) ice
Medium level they did a challenge activity by putting 6 pictures on the
boards and make 2 line and give the first student in each line stick to point
the picture that teacher describe it.
Spicail need student do the bascket activiyt to recognize between to letter
u and o, so she put balls in right basket.

Medium level

High level

Low level

I exchanged the activity when they student finished the basic activity. Finally, let
student give me the example for u words. At the end, the class I gave the student
who participates with me smile face sticker.

-This is the second time I taught the student science subject. Because they
are reviewing the entire lesson they take before, I chose vegetable and fruit
lesson for them to review it. I start with them by asking what they eat in the
breakfast? .After I listen to the student answer, I did activity for happy teeth
and sad teeth by sticking it on the whiteboard and student come to classify
the pictures of food if it is health and make our teeth strong or it is
unhealthy and damage our teeth. In addition, all students have a chance to
participate also the special need student. Then we moved to groups to do
hiding activity, the student discovers the picture by ordering the pic of
papers that cut it lengthways so the student complete order the number 1
to 10 to know the picture then talk about it if it healthy or unhealthy and the
color of the food.

Then we moved to using PowerPoint that includes 3 different idea of the


Firstly student identifies each food (it is fruit or vegetable? By point

the basket that relate to food) for example, student saw the apple
pictures then they think if the apple is fruit or vegetable they point
the basket that present fruit after that show it if the student answer is
right or wrong by making animation for matching and put picture that
showing clapping hand that mean the answer was right.
Secondly, the student gives an example of fruit or vegetable that
linked with colors (red, yellow, orange and green) each group I gave
them color and student guessing and thinking for fruit or vegetable
that relate to their color.
Thirdly student matches the vegetable or fruit with a specific color
that relates to it for example (matching orange with orange color,
apple with red color).

Finally, we did art and make food activity:

(Art activity) using gloves, big white papers, painting (red, green and
orange), natural fruit and vegetable to print the shape of it (orange,
apple, and banana). Students choose the colors, Pour it in dishes,
each color should separate in a separate dish, choose the vegetable
and fruit, Then hold it carefully and dip it into the dish, Press very
hard, print it on the paper and let it dry.
(Food activity), the student makes own sandwich that includes
healthy food (olives, tomato, cucumbers, carrot, slice cheese and
slice bread) to make a healthy sandwich face.

Student feels happy about the activity because I used different style of
activities for one lesson. Overall I feel comfortable even I cannot manage
the student in some activity that include movement and groups activity.
Student interacts with lesson, they participate with all activities so that
make me to think that student like and interest with it. Whoever my Mst
help me will student did art activity.

Fourth week

First lesson after spring holiday was starting with new theme (jobs).

Student taught several different community helpers that help us, by

teacher shows the student pictures of (engineer, nurse, dentist,

police officer, doctor, fire fighter) lets them guess the job and how its
help us.
This activity gives chance for student to take and discuss about different
jobs from real life. For example about police officer, ask them some
question like (where we can see the police? /how he helps us?) That help
teacher to know student knowledge and back ground information for each

Read sentence from the book together with teacher.

Learn new (LL) digraph and learn some words that include LL (smell,
bell, fill, doll, shell, hill) by using real material bell and lets student
come to spill each words.

In this activity a positive point is when teacher use real material for word
that include LL digraph that make easer for student to know and
understand the meaning for each words.

Make review for all lesson that student take it before verbally
(seasons, counting , vowel u , season song)
Shows the student the way to add (10+10=20 / 20+10=30/ 30+10=40
until 90+10=100 by using the board to show them mathematical


At 8:25 the science class start with new lesson is about neighborhood.

Teacher makes schedule in white board and shes make two sections
relevant and irrelevant. She starts to ask student what is
neighborhood and give me example of neighborhood near about
your house and student to answer and teacher fill the table.

This technique help student to discover the meaning of the neighborhood

and use their imagination and memory to answer about near neighborhood
like name of supermarket or hospital

Teacher shows the student flash cards that include many different
places and lets them to answer of some question that relate with
specific places.

This game I named (discussion part) discussion with student about the
neighborhood. For example restaurant, teacher lets them to answer what
they saw, what we can do in restaurant, whose neighborhood is restaurant,

did you go to restaurant?? And more question that make conversation in

classroom. In addition teacher gave all student chance to answer more
than one time to make them feel comfortable and participate as they can.

Matching activity, match right persons with correct place for example
matching nurse with hospital /police man with police officer.

That help student to recognize and compare each person and where he or
she work and using cognitive and physical skills to answer.

Describing material or tools for each job by using picture and lets
student to answer and give right answer then color the picture.

In this activity student learn different tools that different worker use it. For
example she shows them picture of (taxi car) and ask them whos used
Taxi?? So the students answer Taxi Driver.
- At 11:25 in English lesson:
I teach them Ck digraph words. I started with routine and start the lesson
with lets the student to discover the lesson by put for them video that
include different picture and sound for the word. Then I stick different
pictures of (stick, snack, black, clock, duck, socks, neck, truck, chick, lock)
in white board so the student came and make circle for ck digraph in each
picture. Group activity (Ck egg) by complete the other half of egg to identify
each ck words with pictures that relate with it. Finally, make review in
circle time about the digraphs the learn (sh, ii ,ck) and give example for
each of them.

In this day, student practice for graduate song in English and math lesson.
Whoever in this day they dont have science subject.
We have problem we didnt find room to sit and complete our work. Some
time we sit in waiting room but in this week they have register their
children so they use this room to make quiz for student who went to enjoy
the school, also in reception we cannot sit their because parents are there
.we didnt have place we sit in floor in corridor. Because the weather is very hot
we cannot sit outside.

In science lesson that starts at 10:45 am after the break.

Teacher review with student about community helpers and people

who help us. She makes mind map in whiteboard that show them the
neighborhood near our home and the name of the person.

Supermarket & Shops




Nurse and Doctor


It is nice way or technique teacher was used because that helps easy for
student to relate and linked each place with special person and tools using.

Describing activity for example teacher says (I am a man ,I am a

community helper I make for you cake ,bared ,cupcake and donate =
baker / I have someone how help Ahmed to cut his hair =barber /
when student answering the teacher show them picture to know if
the answer is right or wrong.

This activity develops the student imagination and cognitive skills to


In English lesson

In role paly student wear different clothes for different community

helper with tools such as teacher, doctor, firefighter.etc. and they
describe it. For example I am a teacher and I will teach you English
and do it same in others work

That make them act each work and follow what the teacher or doctor do
and what tools he use.

Activity, teacher makes 2 lines and give sticks for some student that
include name of the partner. They write the words that include LL in
the whiteboard while the partner find and past the flashcard that
present their words, each time group of student do it.

I like the activity but it is difficult for student to understand the way they do
it in first time, teacher was shouting and frustrate because they didnt do it
well and she motivate the girls because they finish the activity faster than
the boy, she said boys are bad, lazy and she said I didnt do any activity for
you. I think she most make example for them first to make sure they
understand, and motivate them even they didnt do it well. I observe that
others group do it well because they know the right way to do it. In addition
teacher ignore the hyperactive student, she said for them you are very
much problem in the class, the student only sit in the chair with all student
enjoy the activity.

Fifth and last week


At 7:40 is time for first lesson it is English subject.

Teacher start the lesson with some movement that include jumping
,acting the direction, find purple color around the class and finally
meaning of rich and poor words by lets them to think and give

Its good idea to make some active and movement beginning the day or the

Make mind map for ii graph by writing the words and past the picture
to present each words.

This activity is reviewing ii words, each time teacher do same activity to

make sure they understand the word and correct spilling when they write.

Hailing activity, teacher past 6 community helper and writing the

name of them in whiteboard. So firstly student guessing which
community helper in the picture. Secondly, turn it to see it. Finally,
circle the word that present the picture.

This activity lets student to think and guess which community help it can
be on the picture. Student identifies the words (name of community helper)
with picture that present it.

8:25 am is lesson for the science subject.

Teacher make plane for sea animals and lets student to give example
for sea animals.
Describe the animals with the shapes and colors and some of them it
is dangerous.

10:45am is English lesson.

Teacher start with delay routine greeting, movement, singing,

colander and meaning of rise and poor words by lets them to give

Review the 2 words (rice and poor) in the begging of the lesson to know if
they remember the meaning and understand or not.

Review the ii and ck digraphs by make plane in the whiteboard and

lets student to write the word in each digraph by two groups girls
and boys.

This activity helps student to recognize between two digraphs and identify
each word in ii and ck with pictures.

Teacher explains for student who participates to do simple story in

role play tomorrow about (I can be Doctor) by give each student role
in the role play.

It is good activity to show the student how the doctor care about the
people, what he does and how we help our self during we play with friends.
In math lesson

Teacher review with student how many 10 make 100, 90, 80, 70 and
how many 10 we remove from 100 to make 70, 60.
Teacher stick flash cards for different number (10, 20, 30, 40.100)
in white board and put it in to groups boys and girls so they circle
the small number only.

This activity makes challenge between 2 groups to circle the small


-Finally it was sixth lesson I teach the student in this Tp so in this day I
teach the student math. I start with daily routine, then I put for them video

that include many movement to make them active begin of the lesson. Then
move to simple story about farmer by PowerPoint, student can do many
activity mathematical calculations such as how many orange did the farmer
picks so they counting. After that it is time for differentiation activity for
different levels:

Low level: did water drops activity.

Medium level: they use play dough.
High level: popcorn activity by using different color of small pic of
papers to complete mathematical calculations.

She like my activity and she said send it for my by email./ the activity its very
nice and creatinve and its depent for children caplities and its relate to the
lesson student using cognitive and physical skill. Your present was develop
and you feel confident even the computer not work you have second plan. You
have some mistake in crammer. In power point you include the lesson consept
and its very nice.
She said first I think local teacher doesnt heve ability to teach but I chance my
mind know you are very good.

S-ar putea să vă placă și