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Pickering, Roberta <

Mar 18
Dear Susan,
I wanted to share a huge positive with you! Matt* worked on a poster in English class
today with our French student, Jack*. It was amazing! They were high-fiving and
working really well together! They especially enjoyed looking up a motto for their hero.
At the end of the class my student teacher, Jordynn, asked the students to respond
about what their favorite part of the poster was. Jack* replied that his favorite part of his
poster was working on it with Matt*! We both just wanted to cry tears of happiness!
I am so proud of the strides Matt* is making and this was a positive experience for both
of the boys, and we could just tell that both of them were having fun creating their hero
together. Please ask Matt* about this today; he did an amazing job in class!
Roberta and Jordynn

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