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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN
Bulent DOGAN
Name: Omer DOGAN

Date: 02/28/2016
Instructional Project 3


What is discovery learning?
Discovery learning is learning how to analyze and interpret information to
understand what is being learned rather than just giving the correct answer from
rote memorization.(Castronova, J. A. (2002).
How does this form of teaching compare to traditional, teacher-centered
Discovery method is a perfect method which inspires and motivates
students easily. This method helps students to learn more and discover the other
things relative the subject that the students are learning. The students can learn
the subjects easily and also will give them power to remember that they learned
easily too. With the teacher-centered method the students will look at everything
from the teachers perspective. However when the students use the discovery
method they can see the other students perspective and learn the subject very

What educational theories support the discovery learning model?

John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky are the theorists that used
discovery method to get support for their theories. These people mentioned that
discovery method is a very active learning method for all educational purposes.

What is the most important thing you discovered about discovery learning?
I think this method is the most efficient method to learn and remember
educational goals and subjects. The students can learn how to learn with
discovery learning model and they can be encouraged. When they try to learn
something they can discover the other things too. When they start learning, it will
be so fun to explore new things. The students with special needs will find their
way to learn too.

How can you apply this method to your future classroom?

When I start using this discovery learning model in my classes, my students
will discover their power to learn and they will see that they have skills inside
them. I will try my best when I ask them very high quality questions to open their
mind and to let them walk around the subject without fear. They will learn to learn
with questions. After a while they will learn to be organized. And also I will teach
them what kind of questions they need to ask when they learn somethings. In my
discussions ,I will choose some basic questions. For example: What do you want
to expect to learn ? What is the meaning of learning this subject? Where can we
use this info in the real life?


Chapter 3- Managing Classroom Environment

1. Discipline approaches. Analyze the three approaches to classroom

management. Which approach, if any, do you prefer? Can you put together parts
of the different approaches and come up with an eclectic approach that you think
would work for you? Can you identify some basic concepts that appear to be true
of all three approaches?

SELF DISCIPLINE APPROACH: As teachers we are educators. There are a lot

of difficulties in education life. We can think 3 things to be done in an educators
life. These are before class (preparation) ,during the class (applying) and after
class (closure). The first and the last one are kind of easy to apply. We can use
the technology, books, our last years experience and also the other teachers
experiences to prepare our lessons. We can get feedback easily from the other
teachers and admins. The biggest advantages of the preparation part of the
lesson are that having all the time of world. After the class we can give feedbacks
to ourselves. The biggest issues that the teachers will face will be in the class.
We are educators and dealing with humans. People are the hardest organisms to
treat for a special purpose. At this time, classroom management will be very
important. As educators, teachers will be facilitator, manager and more.
According to Kenneth D. (Dean) Moore ,2014 The self-discipline approach is
built on the premise that students can be trusted to evaluate and change their
actions so that their behaviors are beneficial and appropriate to themselves and
to the class as a whole. The approach views classroom management as a
function of the teachers ability to build and establish working teacher student

relationships. It will be a lot of different cases in the classroom. Even an

experienced teacher will have some cases that put him or her in trouble easily.
Not all methods will work on the cases.

INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH: This method teaches us how to manage the

classroom easily and handle the issues that we have with students. I have been
teaching more than 15 years and I saw that when the students are not interested
in the subject or dont understand the subject will be cause the problem. We can
make our lessons more interesting and more understandable with instructional
method. According to Moore , The premise that forms the basis for the
instructional approach to classroom management is that well-planned and well
implemented instruction will prevent most classroom problems. Basically, the
assumption is that students will not engage in disruptive behavior when lessons
are geared to meet their interests, needs, and abilities. So we can decrease the
most problems by using instructional method.

THE DESIST APPROACH: According to this method teacher is the most

important person who is responsible from the discipline in the classroom. In the
self-discipline approach, students are going to find the solution for any kind of
issues that have during the class time. However, this method is almost opposite
of the self-discipline approach. Teacher is the center of teaching and discipline in
the classroom.

I think the best method from these three approaches is the instructional
method to me. The teacher can be ready for any kind of issues in the class with
the instructional method.

2. Causes of misbehavior. Think back over the classes you have attended in
which there have been disciplinary incidents. List the possible causes for any
such misbehavior. How might knowledge of the causes of these incidents
influence a teachers actions? Some behavior problems are teacher created and
some are student centered. Can you think of examples?

There are a lot of reasons to interrupt and disturbed the class and to cause
discipline issues in the class. A lot of educators made different surveys to learn
the problem and reasons and also many of researches are made to explain it and
to solve it for educators. According to Hummel and Deitz Children behave
violently at one time or another. Generally misbehavior is described as an action
of the child which interferes with his or her learning of either academic material or
appropriate social behavior. So most of the children misbehave because of
social and academicals issues. These are the reasons behind misbehaviors.
a- Educational background of family
b- Economical background of family
c- The lack of future goals
d- Transition periods of children
e- Try to take attention of the other students
f- Try to proof themselves
g- Try to take revenges from teachers
h- Dont understand the subject

i- To love talking
j- Cannot stop talking
k- Try to be cool among his or her friends
And also there are some reasons because of teachers. The same
students can behave very well in teacher A class and they can act up in teacher
B class. It means the cause is the teacher here not students.
a- The class instructions may be boring
b- Teachers may be too though
c- Teacher may not know the time management
d- Teachers knowledge may not be enough for the students lavel.

So we can see that reasons are not one sided. Teachers, students, class
area, materials of the subject and the other things may be effective on the
classroom management and discipline issues. A good experienced teacher can
handle the most complicated issues easily. They may not solve the issue
completely but that may decrease the bad results of the issues. According to
Rachel C. F. Sun There are several strengths in this study. First, it adopted the
ecological approach to examine the teachers and students causal explanations
for classroom misbehavior. Second, it used a qualitative approach in which data
was collected via in depth semi-structured interviews.

1-Kenneth D. (Dean) Moore, Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to
Practice, 2016
2-Hummel & Deitz, 1978: p.8
3-World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology .Rachel C. F. Sun ,
Vol:8, No:2, 2014
4- 1.

Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century

5- Dr. M. Hameed-ur-Rehman, Study on the Causes of Misbehavior among

South-East Asian Children

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