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Rebullar 1

Kristina Rebullar
Profesor Hanvey
15 October 2015
New Life, Same Old Me
My educational career started at a very small private school. My first day, I was already
running late; I was not aware of the time I was supposed to wake up. I would believe to say that
at that moment, I didnt think my educational career really started. Nothing had stood out for me.
All I remember I did was be a whining child. It was not until, I migrated to a new country that
everything changed. My whole mind-set about school has changed. Before moving, I knew to
myself that I can accept failure and is willing to do challenges that comes in my way. All of that
perspective has changed. My mind-set went from fixed to both fixed and growth mindset.
Although, as time passes, that mindset gradually starting to just be growth.
I came in California with not a total disadvantage because I knew how to speak english
already. I wasnt aware of what specifically my life will be here in California. My mom came
here to the U.S for a week seminar, yet never decided to go back to the Philippines. My second
week here in Los Angeles as I recalled that my family entered a school office. Out of the blue
just said This is your new school. I had no choice but to accept, it was either that or Ill be split
up with my family. My third grade was not that difficult. I felt as though I hadnt learned much
so different from back home. My fourth grade year, was the year that stood out for me. My
teacher was Ms. Annabelle-Ramirez Perez. In my head it sounded scary and intimidating. As the
school year gradually moved I unintentionally found my weakness. Language and writing was
never my best

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subjects; I never thought I was horrible. There was a moment in class that our topic was
communication. Ms. Perez , What is communication?. I remember I raised my hand and
answered her question. I dont recall my answer, but I do remember being wrong. At that
moment I felt very low and unintelligent. The rest of the students looked at me differently. I felt
that they were making fun of me and I just wanted to cry at that moment; I didnt. I had to be
strong and let it go. I didnt tell anyone how I felt and how things changed. I kept everything to
myself. The keeping it to myself stayed until middle school. The middle but school transition
was my new hope. However, it wasnt easy.
The transition wasnt as nerve wracking as compared to the time of I moved here to the
U.S. and living here. I thought to myself this shouldnt be as difficult. I met my new friends at
Burbank Middle School. Friends that I relied on. Throughout the year, I had learned new things. I
couldnt help but think of my best friend back home in the Philippines. There was times I called
her during the year. However, with my new living here it was difficult to keep in touch. I didnt
know anything about social media and what was going on. In the 8th grade my friend had helped
me create a facebook account. Couple months later, I decided to research my best-friend on
facebook. All I found was a R.I.P page. I clicked on it, and the photos had a face of a girl that
looked very similar to my best-friend. I was trying to do homework at the same time, but I
couldnt. I researched more and more; the results came all the same. I did a long distance call to
my cousin to confirm all the information that I have found online about Lisha. I was shattered
and bursted into tears on my kitchen floor while my mom hugged me tightly. This situation of
mine relates to the diary #6. As my best-friend has gone to rest it felt like It was SHE had never
existed (Gurwell15). It was difficult for me to focus on my studies for quite some time after
hearing the news. However, I made that news as an inspiration; an inspiration to push myself to

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do better and fulfill Lishas and my dreams together. Our last talk we planned on seeing together
here in the U.S. . Since it is no longer possible, I did those dreams for her.When, culmination
came I was part of the high honor roll. I got the best grades that I could and moved on with my
As my educational career progresses, my mindset becomes more open and less complex.
As a student, I know I will always have both growth and fixed mind set. My high-school years
has taught me to have more of growth mindset. My AP psychology class specifically did that for
me. I learned of how the mind works and why it works the way it does. I also learned about
many things in behavior. Psychology, overall taught me that my past experience does not
necessarily mean the same for the future. It just taught me of life experience and that growth
mindset give mine experiences in life. Even though I started as a fixed mindset I will end up as a
growth mindset.
Many students are in college for many different reasons. For me, I am here for myself, for
the better of my future, Yes, my parent might have influenced me but, at the end it was still my
decision. As my college years start to begin, I hope for my new experiences and gain new
knowledge. Knowledge that will help me determine what kind of career I really want.
The next steps that I will have will be determine by the end of my PCC years. At this
time, I still have no idea what will be my next steps to reach my final goals.

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