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42016 ‘Abmet 8 Yyla, PRD, ~CVE Symposium eo0 conn ane COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM 1a Disrupt. Reimagine. Redefine. > <& y w~ ABOUT AGENDA NEWS _ REGISTER BIOGRAPHY Ahmet S. Yayla, Ph.D. is Professor and the Chair of Sociology Department at Harran University in south of Turkey by the Syrian border. He is also the Deputy Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE). Dr. Yayla served as Chief of ae Counter-terrorism and Operations Division at the Nar Turkish National Police. He has earned his masters and Dot recor Ph.D. degrees on the subject of terrorism and Tae ae radicalization in the United States. Dr. Yayla’s research foamy mainly focuses on terrorism, radicalization, countering hhipcvesymposium.comispeakerfahmet-s-yaylaptra! 1B 2016 Armet & Yayla, PRD, CVE Symposium Cee Cus violence extremism (CVE), dealing with terrorism Sa) without use of force, terrorist recruitment and (Icsve) propaganda. He has authored several articles and books on the subject of terrorism and violence. He has also been advisor to the United States Department of Homeland Security (December 2005 to April 2006) on issues of terrorism and interacting with Muslim Communities in the United States. Dr. Yayla also witnessed at the United States Congress and Senate, Homeland Security Committee and Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attacks (October 21st, 2006) on the subject of “Local Law Enforcement Preparedness for countering the threats of terrorism”. ALL SESSIONS BY AHMET S. YAYLA, PH.D. REINTEGRATION OF ory ee) fae) © 2:30 pm-3:15 pm 4 Hemisphere Suite A Pa Ra | Cone el eee cay anergy Goo hitpevesymposium.comispeakerlahmet-<-yayla-phal 28 an016 ArmetS.Yayla, Ph.D. ~CVE Symposium rar Peay Peed oer Pee re en Recs contact: ete tekcKeger Ns ema a a eS a) Daeg ee ne eae hiipevesymposium cemspeakerlahmet--yayla-phal 38

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