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Class: Korean EFL 3rd Grade

50 min
ELPA 21: An ELL can
-analyze and critique the arguments of others orally and in writing.
-identify reasons an author or a speaker gives to support the main point.
MELP: Students can write simple notes, make brief journal entries, and write short
reports using basic vocabulary, and common language structures.
Topic: Reasons
Content: Students will be able to explain the reasons for particular
Language: Students will be able to form questions and statements about situations
using key vocabulary.
Key Vocabulary: Why, Because, So, *Since
Materials: Grade-appropriate story book, situation/reason handout,
blackboard/projector for class examples
Building background: Talk about the question why? and reasons/excuses. Talk
about key vocabulary. Have students repeat vocabulary words. Pass out
charts and have students write vocabulary at the top of the page. (2 min)
-Read through a story book one time aloud. (6 min)
-Read again, pausing after each line/each event to ask what happened?
why? and create a chart on the board while students fill out worksheet. (15
-Model using chart to form questions and answers: Why did A happen? A
happened because B. Well, B is like this so A happened. Continue through

the story having students take turns asking and answering questions for each
event. (4 min)
- As a class, talk about student facts/reasons. Ask prompting questions such
as Did you wear a jacket today? What time did you wake up today?
-Pass out a new chart or print double sided. Have students write facts about
themselves/their day. (2 min)
-Have students share their facts/reasons with each other in pairs. Talk to
pairs individually about reasons. (5 min)
-As a class, have volunteers share about their partners. It was cold outside
today, so Sarah wore a jacket. Jack woke up early today because he wanted
to eat a big breakfast etc. (5 min)
Review/Closing activity:
Construct a story backwards by playing the why game. Start with a
statement and ask why ? Come up with as many because chains as
possible until you get stuck, then retell the story bottom up.
Eddie was late to school today. Why? because his bike broke Why? because
the chain was rusty Why? it rained a lot lately Why? (stuck). Retell: It
rained a lot lately, so Eddies bike chain got rusty. His bike chain was rusty
so his bike broke. Eddies bike was broken so he was late to school .
If there is time, do a couple of rounds as a class, with alternate endings to the same
prompt or with several prompts.
Assign students to create their own flow chart and story with creative
reasons as practiced in closing activity.

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