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Alkathim 1

The Effect of the Internet on Education

I am interested in learning more about how the internet affects education. The internet is used in
almost everything in our life these days, especially for education, business, media, and work. Learning
is an endless journey for everybody, education is the base for almost all of what people do. So, all of us
need education in order to move forward in life. Many universities and colleges now depend on the
internet to teach students. Therefore, I have been interested in learning the effects of the internet on our
future education. Last month, I was with two friends who were arguing how old face-to-face education
is much better than learning through the internet. So the question of whether than internet better or
worse for education. Therefore, when I started working on my research about this topic, I focused on the
positive and negative effects of the tools used in the internet on education.
The internet helps education advance by making it faster, cheaper, and more convenient. For
example, when students work on their research and need scientific resources, they use the internet tools
to get all the information they need like e-library databases, social media, Google Scholar (like what I
used in this paper), and more. Also, when students complete research articles, they usually publish them
online, so people all around the world can view them. The easiest and fastest way to publish such work
is on the internet. According to Dr. Benjamin Hill, a professor at the University of Birmingham,
Interacting with media (in whatever from), especially using the internet, allows your research to reach
thousands or even millions of people more than when it is through TV, press, blogs, and old media
channels. This confirms what I stated earlier about the advantage of quick and broad delivery of
education when using the internet.

Figure 1How the Students connect with Professors

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How does the internet help develop education? The internet

has been developing the

education system in many different ways. For instance, the internet

made distant learning possible and effective by helping
busy people complete their degrees, especially for the
employees and parents. My mother couldnt finish
school because she was married early and then was
busy raising her kids. She was not able to go to school every day, but
she was able to finish high school, using distant learning and her
grades were excellent. Many of my relatives said the degree was


strong because she did not go to physical schools, but what is important to her is that she was successful
and made her dream become a true fact. According to New Jersey Virtual University website, The
schedules for distance learning are more open and allow for students, parents and professionals to take
the classes whenever it fits into their schedule. This is beneficial over classroom education that requires
students to schedule work and childcare around the class time. So, my mother is a great example of
how the internet makes education easier and more convenient to students. Moreover, there is another
kind of class that internet creates, it is hybrid class. Which means students have to go to class in person
once a week. According to Mr. Austin D. Pevler, Digital Services Librarian in Sinclair Community
College said, hybrid class is very helpful for students who do not feel comfortable in class, or how is
always travel, which is bonus (P.I). On the other hand, many people think the internet affects education
in negative ways, encouraging students to become lazy and delay their work all the time, and then get
low grades. That could be right, but it depends on the students psychology and how they use the

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Figure 2 graph positive or negative impact

One aspect that I am interested in learning more about is how people

feel comfortable publishing their papers and sharing their ideas on the
internet where others can copy their work without the knowledge of the
publishers. It is interesting to me that there are serious punishments for
plagiarism and copyright violations. Some of the punishments for college
students is either dismissal from college or get zero in class, which can affect
their education and employment in the future. Also, the law can punish
companies that violate copyrights and let them pay big fines. Thus, I think
publishing on the internet is protected and safe.

The internet can also affect education by helping teachers develop their teaching skills by

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learning from other online courses, and learning from other scholars and experts. Also, using internet
during class time is useful, especially by showing educational videos from YouTube, online pictures, or
articles related to the class. Through online media, distance education is conducted with online
educational classes where the student and the teacher can learn and teach respectively through internet
facilities from any part of the world "(B2B Market for Lates B2B Information). I got this information
from Effect of Electronic Media on Education. I found this information on a website called B2B
Market for Lates B3B Information. This quote leads me to think deeper about the topic of distance
education, when, where, and how it started, and the main effects of it on education.
I started digging deeper into how social media affects education, and I found that social media is
now a base for successful and effective classes. According to a study by Young Ju, Joo (2016) in a 4year university in South Korea, where students collaboratively worked as a small group (7 to 8 per
group) through the semester while the instructor encouraged them to use social media they prefer, such
as Facebook or Twitter. The results of the study confirmed that there was sense of community between
classmates, and that social media positively influenced positive learning and flow of experience, which
also mediates satisfaction among students. So, the study confirmed what I said about the positive sides
of using internet in education.
According to Dr. Pankaj Kumar Paul, who is an instructor in Badla High school in India:
E-learning has an important role to play in improving academic performance of students. It
helps to broaden educational opportunity and help students develop their skills and their
countries need to thrive in the 21st century. E-learning also provides such a learning
environment where teachers receive professional development and curriculum support and each
teacher and student has a personal learning device, internet access and digitized education
services which helps to improve leaning methods and to promote better academic achievement of

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According to Dr. Main Baqer, There are several advantages to using the internet for education
like as: Flexibility and variety in mode and appearance, Ease and low cost of access for learners
worldwide, Ease of putting student information online, Ease of updating course information, Increasing
ubiquity and indispensability. Access to interactive and dynamic material. Dr. Baqer summarizes many
uses and advantages of the internet, which I think are very valuable and beneficial to our education and
modes of learning. But I dont really understand and not sure about until now is how education will look
like in 20 to 30 years from now. Will our education all be through the internet? Will all our classes be
online? What will happen to university and college campuses if this happens? Current research can
answer some parts of these questions, but not all. Therefore, future research can be very helpful to
answering the questions and developing knowledge on this topic.

Works Cited
Alf-img. n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2016

Effects of Electronic Media On Education. B2B Market for Latest B2B Information (2012): Web. 28 March 2016.
Hill, Benjamin Enhancing Impact: Tips for Working with The Media." ASAP, 17 July 2012:
Web. 26 March 2016
Internet- Meaning of Dream. Digital image. Interpretation of a Dream in Which You Saw

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<<Internet>>., 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.
Paul, Pankaj K. Impact Of E-Learning In School Education." RIJEB, Nov. 2012: Web. 28
March 2016.
Pevler, Austin D. The Effect of Internet on Education. Personal Interview. Mae 15.2016.
Qureshi, Mian Baqar Hussain, Et Al. "The Advantages and Barriers of Using Internet in
Teaching and Learning." Language in India 2012: 394. Literature Resource Center. Web.
4 Apr. 2016.
"Top 10 Advantages and Benefits of Distance Learning NJVU." Top 10
Advantages and Benefits of Distance Learning NJVU. NJVU, 7 Sept.
2011. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
Young Ju, Joo, Et Al. "What Does Contribute To Successful Integration Of Social Media In
Higher Education?" Proceedings of International Academic Conferences, 2015: Repec.
Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

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