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SMART Goal Final Portfolio & Reflection:

Throughout the course,

I worked toward
creating a final portfolio
and meeting my goal.

Little Accomplishment

Partial Accomplishment


Full Accomplishment

A portfolio is attempted.
Some effort toward goal is
Fragments of portfolio (e.g.,
only updates included) but
little or no progress
documented. Evidence of not
working toward the goal
throughout the course.

A portfolio is submitted, but

there is lack of evidence of
working toward the goal
throughout the course OR
there is a lack of evidence of
addressing feedback from
updates and other

Portfolio demonstrates
substantial work throughout
the course. Evidence of using
readings, classwork,
assignments, and feedback to
create a final portfolio.
Could work to full
accomplishment of portfolio
with minimal feedback.

Portfolio includes evidence of

thoughtful, thorough work
throughout the course.
Evidence of using readings,
classwork, assignments, and
feedback to create a final
portfolio. Evidence of
addressing previous
feedback from updates and
other assignments.

My reflection explains
my plan, process, and
product and how it
demonstrates my efforts
to meet my goal. My
reflection includes what
I learned.

A reflection is attempted.
Some effort toward an
explanation is made.
Brief, sketchy comments
about the contents of the
portfolio and connections to
personal goals and course

Reflection explains the plan,

A reflection is submitted, but
process, and product and
there is a lack of detail in the
Reflection explains in detail
how these demonstrate
explanation of the plan,
plan, process, and product
efforts to meet personal goals
process, and product and in
and how these demonstrate
and course goals.
how these demonstrate
efforts to meet the personal
What was learned overall
efforts to meet personal goals
goals and course goals.
about the goal is addressed.
and course goals.
What was learned overall
Some details are missing but
What was learned overall
about the goal is thoughtfully
could work to full
about the goal is not
and thoroughly addressed.
accomplishment with
minimal feedback.

I evaluated my own
portfolio based on my
plan, process, and

An evaluation tool and self-

evaluation is attempted.
Brief, sketchy self-evaluation
comments about the plan,
process, and product are
made OR there is a lack of
evidence of understanding
what and how to evaluate or
evidence of not

Self-evaluation addresses
plan, process, and product.
Evaluation tool reflects
personal goals AND goals of
Some details are missing but
could work to full
accomplishment with
minimal feedback.

Total Points _____ out of 50

An evaluation tool and self-

evaluation are submitted.
Evaluation tool reflects
personal goals OR goals of
course but not both.

Self-evaluation thoughtfully
and thoroughly addresses
plan, process, and product.
Evaluation tool reflects
personal goals AND goals of

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