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Tuesday, 4/19/16

4.3 The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of electricity. Key concepts
b) basic circuits;
Objective: The student will be able to investigate ways to make a light bulb light when given a
wire, bulb, and battery.
Assessment: During Day 2, students will show how to make a closed (working) circuit, which
they will have figured out during their experimentation with the materials given.
Open and Closed Circuit Diagrams worksheet
1 box per student
1 light bulb per box
1 battery per box
2 wire per box
1. Electricity rules - VERY stern. Im a very happy person that loves to laugh but I am very
serious about this.
1. Do not stick wires in electrical sockets!
2. Electricity can actually kill you. One second youre here, next youre dead.
3. Dont even sit near an electrical socket.
4. Dont even joke about sticking something into a socket.
1. If I overhear it, youre done for the unit.
2. There are plenty of books that you can read about the subject but you
wont touch any of the materials.
b. Glass rules
After every day that we use these, you must hand them back.
1. Why do you think we cant keep the bulbs in the boxes? Theyll break!
Do not sweep up broken glass yourself! Come find a teacher.
1. Accidents happen but we will be able to tell.
b. Build electricity kits - Names should be on the top!
they dont get to keep this stuff.
b. 5 E lesson - inquiry lesson - 2 days (5 minutes clean up at least each day) - just do the
1st 3 Es
Its not possible to work alone on this so do not ask!
This is a diagram for science, not like an art project.
On the front sheet, you are just drawing today. So there should only be writing in
the Draw your Circuit section. You must draw four different ways that you think
you could get the light bulb to light. You must be very specific in where everything
is touching, dont just draw it touching wherever.
b. 5 minutes for cleanup.

Wednesday, 4/20/16
4.3 The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of electricity. Key concepts
b) basic circuits;
Objective: The student will be able to investigate ways to make a light bulb light when given a
wire, bulb, and battery.
Assessment: During Day 2, students will show how to make a working circuit, which they will
have figured out during their experimentation with the materials given.
Open and Closed Circuit Diagrams worksheet
1 box per student
o 1 light bulb per box
o 1 battery per box
o 2 wire per box
1. Review what we did yesterday - beginning of the investigation. Today we will test!
1. Remind students that sometimes, scientists are trying to prove something wrong
because it is much shorter than proving something correct.
b. Ask what students think we would need to light a bulb.
c. Draw and label materials on board.
d. Finish drawing on front if necessary
1. Get out boxes
b. Test each picture the EXACT way it was drawn.
c. Draw on back after testing. What do you think could actually work?
o Could you touch the wire somewhere else?
o Was there a certain place that the battery needed to be touch? What about the
light bulb?

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