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Student Teaching

Jenna Sargent, BSE

Lakeview Elementary

Whitewater High
Freshman Senior

Unified School

Early childhood Kindergarten

Variety of deficits

Variety of deficits

Taught skills to help students be

successful in their postsecondary goals

Worked in the early childhood


Used real life situations to apply

students goals, when possible

Collaborated weekly with

occupational therapist

Collaborated with general

education teachers

Communication is essential for students to be

successful in school.


Each and every student can be taught to communicate

functionally within the schools and their everyday life.
Each student may need intervention provided to them
in different ways according to their strengths and
challenges in order to be successful.

Goal 1:
I will collaborate with
classroom teachers by using
materials (e.g., vocabulary,
reading passages, and books)
that coincide with grade level
work that students are
currently working on in their
general education classrooms .
(InTASC 10-Leadership &
Collaboration, ASHA V-B)

Goal 2:
I will use different measures of
assessment (e.g., data
collection, informal
observations, and
standardized tests) to develop
goals based on the students
challenges to add to the IEP.
(InTASC 6-Assessment, ASHA V-B)

Goal 3:
I will select materials for each
students intervention
session according to how
they learn, their
developmental level, and
their strengths and
challenges, as well as
continuously modify
intervention plans, strategies,
and materials as needed to
meet the students needs.
(InTASC 1-Learner Development, 2Learning Differences, 7-Planning for
Instruction, 8-Instructional
Strategies, ASHA V-B)

The Learner and Learning

InTASC Standard 3:
Learning Environments
Supports students and
the way they learn
Used activities that
involve movement or
provide students with
options of sitting on the
floor or at the table

Content Knowledge
InTASC Standard 4: Content
Modified the
representation of material
to students (e.g, usage

InTASC Standard 5:
Application of Content
Used materials from the
students curriculum that
related to current issues to
aid in understanding

Professional Responsibility
InTASC Standard 9:
Professional Learning and
Ethical Practice
Researching evidence
based practice for
intervention and
collaborating with my
E.g., cleft palate
evidence based
technique to target

I will collaborate with other professionals (e.g., classroom teachers,

special education teachers, OT, PT, etc.) and parents/caregivers on a
weekly basis through a variety of correspondences (e.g., google
document, email, letters) to meet the needs of the student across a
variety of settings.
(InTASC 3 & 10, ASHA V-B: Intervention A, Interaction and Personal Qualities B)

Updated Goals

At the high school level, I will establish and develop goals to teach
students skills in order to be successful based on their post-secondary
transition plan.
(InTASC 6 & 7, ASHA V-B: Evaluation C, E, F Intervention A)

When appropriate, I will provide intervention that incorporates multiple

modalities (e.g., auditory, written, visual, tactile) for learning that will aid
in student success.
(InTASC 7 & 8, ASHA V-B: Intervention C, F)

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