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Top 25 cele mai bune replici de film din toate timpurile /exclusiv_web/articol/top-25-cele-mai-bune-replici-film-toate-timpurile

Fraza "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" (Sincer, draga mea, nu dau doi bani pe asta), rostit de personajul
Rhett Butler, interpretat de Clark Gable, n pelicula "Pe aripile vntului" (1939), a fost desemnat cea mai bun
replic din toate timpurile dintr-un film.
Potrivit unui sondaj realizat de compania Yoostar 2, la care au participat peste 5.000 de persoane, pe locul al
doilea s-a clasat celebra fraz "I'll be back" (M voi ntoarce) rostit de Arnold Schwarzenegger n filmul "The
Terminator" (1984).
Pe poziia a treia s-a clasat fraza "My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what
you're gonna get" (Mama spunea mereu c viaa este ca o cutie cu bomboane de ciocolat. Niciodat nu tii ce
urmeaz s primeti), spus de personajul interpretat de Tom Hanks n "Forrest Gump" (1994).
Replica "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" (Nimeni nu o d la o parte pe Baby), rostit de Patrick Swayze n filmul
"Dirty Dancing" (1987), ocup poziia a patra, iar fraza "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off" (Se
presupunea c trebuia doar s arunci n aer uile astea blestemate), rostit de Michael Caine n filmul "Jaf n stil
italian/ The Italian Job" (1969), ocup poziia a cincea.
Prezentm mai jos top 25 cele mai bune replici din film din toate timpurile:
1. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" (Sincer, draga mea, nu dau doi bani pe asta) - "Pe aripile vntului/ Gone
with the Wind".
2. "I'll be back" (M voi ntoarce) - "The Terminator"
3. "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get" (Mama spunea


mereu c viaa e ca o cutie cu bomboane de ciocolat. Niciodat nu tii ce urmeaz s primeti) - "Forrest Gump"
4. "Nobody puts baby in the corner" (Nimeni nu o d la o parte pe Baby) - "Dirty Dancing"
5. "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off" (Se presupunea c trebuia doar s arunci n aer uile
astea blestemate) - "Jaf n stil italian/ The Italian Job"
6. "Houston, we have a problem" (Houston, avem o problem) - "Apollo 13"
7. "To infinity and beyond" (Spre infinit i dincolo de el) - "Toy Story"
8. "Here's Johnny" (Iat-l pe Johnny) - "Strlucirea/ The Shining"
9. "ET, phone home" (ET, sun acas) - "E.T. Extraterestrul/ ET"
10. "There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your
enemies closer" (Sunt multe lucruri pe care tatl meu m-a nvat aici, n aceast camer. M-a nvat s-mi in
prietenii aproape, iar pe dumani i mai aproape) - "Naul II/ The Godfather Part 2"
11. "Bond, James Bond" (M numesc Bond. James Bond) - "Dr. No"
12. "You talkin' to me?" (Cu mine vorbeti?) - "oferul de taxi/ Taxi Driver"
13. "May the force be with you" (Fora fie cu tine) - "ntoarcerea lui Jedi/ Star Wars Episode VI"
14. "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse" (i voi face o propunere pe care nu va putea s o refuze) "Naul / The Godfather"
15. "You've got to ask yourself one questions: Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" (Trebuie s-i pui o singur
ntrebare: Te simi norocos? Ei bine, te simi norocos, ticlosule?) - "Comisarul Harry/ Dirty Harry)
16. "And don't call me Shirley" (i nu-mi mai spune Shirley) - "Avionul bucluca/ Airplane!"
17. "I see dead people" (Vd oameni mori) - "Al aselea sim/ The Sixth Sense"
18. "My precious" (Nepreuitul meu) - "Stpnul inelelor: Cele dou turnuri/ Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
19. "You're gonna need a bigger boat" (Vei avea nevoie de o barc mai mare) - "Flci/ Jaws"
20. "Here's looking at you, kid" (n sntatea ta, fetio) - "Casablanca"
21. "Show me the money!" (Arat-mi banii!) - "Jerry Maguire"
22. "I feel the need, the need for speed!" (Simt nevoia, simt nevoia de vitez!) - "Top Gun"
23. "The first rule of Fight Club is: do not talk about Fight Club" (Prima regul a Fight Club este: s nu vorbeti
despre Fight Club) - "Fight Club - Sala de lupte/ Fight Club"
24. "Better out than in, I always say" (Mai bine afar dect nuntru, mereu spun asta) - "Shrek"
25. "You can't handle the truth!" (Tu nu poi s faci fa adevrului!)- "Oameni de onoare/ A Few Good Men"


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