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Abdulla Alfadhel

Technology good or bad
During the last century a huge shift has accrued that caused many of beliefs and behaviors to
change. Its technology that has become something more important and such an interesting field
for those who are looking to change the world. Technology is indeed something that considered
to be a human basic need nowadays. With its overwhelming types and uses it is taking away
many and many of the great things that people used to have such as socialization and selfexploration. Not Facebook socialization of course. But that is not the problem, at least not yet.
Technology have helped and shaped humanity in different made life seem way easier and
more comfortable but is that always good for humans? The issue clearly appear when we let
technology use us instead of us using it. Although it helped us building civilization and became a
part of our lives its dangerous side is growing very fast. Generation after generation people are
getting more attached to technology and things. It did takeover a part of our spiritual and
physical building. Nowadays every one seem to have everything but no one is happy.
The psychological impact on children is huge and could be really dangerous. This
influence isnt just affecting children on the surface of their thinking. Rather, because their brains
are still developing and malleable, frequent exposure by so-called digital natives to technology
is actually wiring the brain in ways very different than in previous generations (Jim, Taylor). Not

only has that It effected the children but the adults as well. Surly a lot of kids today spend more
time on video games and I pads than family friends or even playing outdoor. And its not limited
to that. These days kids have access to more information, almost everything adults have access to

this could be a very dangerous part in which kids brain are not meant to consume such
information in an early stage. Frequent exposure by so-called digital natives to technology is
actually wiring the brain in ways very different than in previous generations (Jim, Taylor).
Spending time in front of screen can also effect happiness in a bad way, arguably. In the
peer-reviewed study of the online habits of girls ages 8 to 12, is that those who say they spend
considerable amounts of time using multimedia describe themselves in ways that suggest they
are less happy and less socially comfortable than peers who say they spend less time on screens.
(Matt, Rachel). Also the effect of screen can surpass the early age. Children may Carrie the effect
until adulthood maybe farther in life. Nowadays it has become really challenging for parents to
limit their children usage of technology. It might be because its the norm nowadays for children
between 4 and 14 to have an IPad or a PlayStation or any kind of video games. The bad part is
that children tend not to read as much as the past generation. We can also solve this problem by
encouraging kids to read books and stories even through their phones or any video game console.
As long as we try to control the growing of technology and use it to our advantage we will
continue to improve as humans. A plan could drop bombs and kill people or could transfer food
to those who are hungry in far countries. Its up to humans how to use it. The responsibilities that
we should take as a society are to teach the next generation the benefits and the effects of todays
modern technology.
Chris was one of the people who challenged their era and decided to take a step over their
life and explore what humans life should be like. The technology that we use are preventing us
from self-exploration and mature interaction with others. Chris has decided to abandon these
things and went for a journey to explore himself and explore nature, the place that we as humans
should be living in instead of living in. the humans. For millions and millions of years humans

have lived as hunters. Our ancestors lived in a very harsh and tough environment yet they
survived. Now its unrealistic to ask people to leave everything that they accomplished in
civilization behind and start from the bottom just because thousands of years ago people had no
technology. But the lesson that I believe all of us should learn is that technology and things we
use dont mean happiness, in fact it might be the reason why depression level is rising.
I have always thought about going into the wild with just a tenant and a knife, and
experience how most humans lived like. I will probably not survive, because Im used to
everything other people have made. Im addicted to the devices and machines that I dont even
know how they were made. I keep eating and buying new things every day without even
considering how they came here or where will they go after Im done with them. I have forgotten
the responsibility towards my plant and I became a consumer for all the goods that the earth
provides without considering what would I do if we run out? I hope that at some points humans
will reconsider their behavior towards the plant and towards themselves. And try be more
objective to themselves and their planet. So what is going to happen if ewe run out of sources?
No one knows the answer.

Work cited
Arber, W. "The Impact of Science and Technology on the Civilization." Biotechnology
Advances. 27.6 (2009). Print
Bacard, Andre. "Putting The "Eco" Back Into Our Economy!." Humanist 53.6 (1993): 42-43.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.
Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. New York: Anchor Books, 1997. Print.
Richel, Matt. "Does Technology Affect Happiness?" Bits. The New York Times, 25 Jan. 2012.
Web. 25 Mar. 2015.
Taylor, Jim. "How Technology Is Changing the Way Children Think and Focus." Psychology
Today. Psychology Today, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.
Wisnioski, Matthew. "Are New Technologies an Existential Threat to Humans?" Washington
Post. The Washington Post, 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.

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