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30 31 32 33 10 \tterent times, A ROUND 1s a type of music in which players start the piece at creating interesting harmonies and accompaniments. Zo J every four measures. Th Jayers or groups stortevery _ ani does not need to show the meter. @ SWEETLY SINGS THE DONKEY (round) —Play this round by havins continues on the next sta FERMATAS 'R US—Your teacher will indicate how long to hold each fermata. au) As a ae o DREYDL, DREYDL—Here isa holiday song that uses all the notes you have learned. Traditional Hanukkah Song =] A TIE is a curved line that connects Preparation. Focus on producing a beautiful sound, Many bands play chorales as part of their warm-up. { v | two ormore notes ofthe came | pitch The ted noes are played as a Sj | one longer note with the combined ‘2 ete +2 boats = 4 beat ‘tbeat+ tbest = 8 boule | value of both notes. | A WARMUP is an important part of your daily A CHORALE is a harmonized melody played slowly. WARM-UP CHORALE Play with o becutfu sustained tne. Listen for the harmony! 2p eo D Complete the SOUND CHECK near the end of your book,

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